•  spauldo   ( @spauldo@lemmy.ml ) 
    2510 months ago

    Nobody, and I won’t work somewhere that puts up with that shit.

    I’ve had bad bosses and coworkers before. When I was young and easily replaceable I put up with it until I realized that the jobs were just as replaceable as I was. “Oh hey, I can make the same money almost anywhere, so why deal with these assholes?”

    Now I’m specialized in a high demand field. Corporate plays stupid games among the executives but they know better than to mess with us - you can find an MBA under any rock but people with my skill set are the core of the business and we’re hard to find. My team is professional and helps each other out. Any of us could quit and likely get better pay elsewhere, so we make sure to weed out the troublemakers.

  •  Cyrus Draegur   ( @Draegur@lemm.ee ) 
    10 months ago

    lol he fuckin died

    He was the ONE person I though would give my best friend a hard time there (because she’s trans) and he kicked the bucket a WEEK before she started. I don’t believe in signs but if I did that would’ve been one.

    All his decades of drinking, snorting coke, dropping acid, and shooting up while simultaneously trying to get others fired through framing them for substance abuse caught up to him terminally. Triple whammy of throat, stomach, and intestinal cancer. It’s not Karma, but holy fucking shit does it FEEL like Karma.


  • I’ve never really been bullied, neither in school, university or work. When I realized that I thought that perhaps I was the bully if nobody bullied me. But I can’t think of having bullied anyone either, at least not intentionally.

  • »I« am probably bullying myself at work the most. I feel like a walking lie. Just … fake, like, that person that you see there, it’s not even really »me«. I cannot stop the pretend 🤦 conditioned to feel that the mean attitude of people from my past and their opinions on me is my identity …

    I’ll try to accept that maybe for the others the feelings I experience is not how they think about me and, perhaps, grow a little bit further out of my internalized shame. Hmm…

  • The last time I was bullied, was by my own boss, back in 2007-2009. Truth is I didn’t deal with it, and eventually they fired me. Next job basically taught me that it was possible to enjoy your boss & coworkers.

    If you’re going through it now, best advice is to find people to talk to. Partner at home, work friends, anyone you trust. If it’s to the point of harassment, you tell management. If they blow you off, look for employment elsewhere.

  • Eh, to be honest, I flipped and became the bully to the guy who was bullying me over a work Foosball tournament.

    He didn’t like that I was his randomly assigned teammate for the tournament, and threw a fit over it. Tried to show up to the game and say I refused to play so that he could just play himself. Then, when I was alerted to play, he just stopped playing halfway through and stood there. When I asked him if he was serious, he gave me this smirk/smile, and refused to continue playing.

    Anyway, it’s been like 3 weeks now, and he spent a couple weeks at his desk not socializing, but now he’s back to it and hasn’t apologized for his behavior to anyone, including me. Everyone seems keen to just let him back into the fold, but fuck that, I’m not letting him off the hook. I at the very least want an apology before he’s okay in my book again.

    Other than that, we don’t have a bully issue at work, everyone but this Manchin is chill af.

  • Not sure if I’d call it bullying but my boss is giving me a hard time about the fact that I’m leaving. She REALLY wants to know why I want to leave so she can try to fix it but I can’t give her the reason that started it all because it was over a year ago and there’s been a lot of little and not so little bullshit things that have happened since then. Turnover in general is definitely higher than it should be and I get that they want to address that…but I just want to slide out the back door and move on with my life.

    How am I dealing with it? I’m standing on my resignation and I have two weeks left until I’m gone. Setting boundaries and working on sitting with my feelings whenever possible.