A few I like;

Lutalica: The part of your identity that doesnt fit into categories. Des Vu: The awareness that the current moment will become a memory. Pâro: The feeling that everything you do is wrong. Moment of tangency: A glimpse of what might’ve been.

Mostly discovered from: https://piped.video/channel/UCDetdM5XDZD1xrQHDPgEg5w

  • Missing. It’s fascinating for me to remember things I did with my grandma a bunch of years ago before she passed away.

    I lost one of my dogs family. She was so sweet and always wanted to jump and lick your face. She moved her little tail and it moved her entire body. Lately one of the other dogs has been doing the same and I can’t stop thinking about my other one. I miss her every day.

    I thank the universe for the little details that make me remember and miss people I love.

  • When you’re angry and on the verge of tears; sounds basic, maybe, but it feels so overwhelming when you’re both shaking with anger and at the same time trying to hold in your sadness. Makes you want to both yell at something and curl into a ball and disappear. It’s a double negative, which makes it more powerful. I’m not an angry or short-tempered person, so whenever this happens to me I feel so lost and confused with what to do.

  • Rather specific and I don’t know if it has a name, I’d just call it Dread:

    The feeling when imagining a reality that theoretically might have been possible, specifically one with an aspect that is in every way horrible. I’m not talking about a dystopian society like often found in media. Im talking about a next level of Dread in every aspect.

    The only real example for this is the Ordensstaat Burgrund from a Hearts of Iron 4 Modification called The New order. The so called Ordensstaat Burgrund is a “nation” that was established in the remains of France after the Nazis won. Every sentence written about it makes it a miserable place. The nation exists only to fuel the SS under the lead of Heinrich Himmler.

    In the game, there is a phrase along the lines of “The sun never sets over burgundy, it is too afraid.”. It is so bad, if the Nazis “win” against them, it might be considered a good ending.

    I cannot express with words what feeling this whole thing produces. It is a horrible masterpiece of unexpected quality.

    This random site explains some context if you’re interested.

    Also worth a note: their music’s team is amazing. The Burgundian Lullaby is probably the most atmospheric piece of Music I know.

    Disclaimer: National Socialism is bad, horrible, and an unspeakable act against humanity.

    • There’s an awful (complimentary) short story by Clive barker called Dread.

      I’m an incredibly squeamish and anxious person who’s especially sensitive *** I don’t know how spoilers work here, but they show up wrong when I do it through my app, so it’s at the end*** and I read that on what I did not realize was a sarcastic recommendation. It was a very bad call for me, but is super effective


      to the idea of eating animals (when I ate meat, I was okay with chicken nuggets, but could never eat a chicken wing, because it’s much more obviously an animal) or my food being contaminated by insects