Larian’s RPG may have set a tricky precedent for future chats with Microsoft

  • Releasing what is essentially two different consoles at the same time was such a bad idea. I can’t imagine that anyone in the engineering team thought it was a good idea. It seems like the kind of decision that is made in a board meeting that gets handed to the engineers with the caveat, “you don’t have to agree with the idea; just make it work!”

  • Ultimately the game still had to release on Series S and Microsoft can simply say “no.” I think this is just bar talk speculation taken too far frankly. I’d be surprised if this radically changed their position.

  • All other game developers in the history of games have understood the concept of making the lowest-powered device you’re launching on the baseline for development. We’ve dealt with crippled titles on more powerful consoles for ages, I’m sure Larian’ll figure it out for their next game.

    • Why should they compromise because Microsoft demanded feature parity between their two consoles? They even had Microsoft engineers try and couldn’t get it to work with splitscreen on the S. If Microsoft wanted the S treated the same as the X they should have included more RAM. Games shouldn’t be held back because Microsoft released a console that’s between generations.

  • It’s a boat anchor, it’s time for Microsoft to cut it loose and release a digital only Series X.

    11/2020 to 11/2023, not a bad run, figure it’s 1/2 way through this generation. Time for it to go.