So at 4:30 in the morning, I was woken by an interdimensional alien monstrosity I can only imagine is one of the creatures David Grusch was alluding to in that Congressional hearing a few weeks ago, and after an hour of running away, suppressing my screams, and unsuccessful attempts at smashing the thing, I have captured it in a Mason jar, and now have no idea how to properly punish it.

And I emphasize punish as opposed to simply kill, for the indignities this not-so-little asshole put me through the past hour render it completely undeserving of any mercy, quarter, or protection under our legal system.




It dared to defy the authority of the top creature of the motherfucking pecking order on Earth, and for my humiliation it must be forced to suffer. An example must be made so none of its kind get any ideas. I don’t want them to invade Earth and destroy humanity.

Only this is my first time dealing with something like this and I don’t know how to make it suffer.

How do you maximize the pain of an evil alien entity from another dimension? How do we make it suffer as much as possible? Yes, this is a serious question.

Can these things even feel pain?

Did, did Lovecraft ever leave any of his instructions in his books? Anyone have a copy of the Necronomicon, perchance?

Proof that aliens exist, EAT YOUR HEART OUT GRUSCH:

No throwaways, we die like aliens dumb enough to crash land in the American heartland

    • Fuck that. I spent 10 minutes looking for it during one attempt only to find it crawling on my freaking bed. The only reason I am even up right now is because I am washing my sheets and blankets because of that vile fucking thing. It left like, this weird black dust.

      Oh God, it left weird black dust. 😰😰😰

      It’s, it’s not gonna infect me, is it?

      Those things don’t lay eggs in people, do they?

      Yes that actually is kind of a serious question. 😰😰😰😰😰😰

  • Unless it has given unmistakable evidence of possessing high intelligence, torture is pointless. It doesn’t understand its transgression, or how you feel, let alone they’ll ever be able to link the cause of their suffering as a consequence of such transgression.

    I would suggest you re evaluate the costs and benefits of making this alien suffer. It’s likely not that convenient for you anyway.

    And no, no aliens lay eggs on people. The dust is already unusual.

    • I don’t know; I think that thing plenty understood the terror it put me through when it tried to fly into my face.

      Okay, all joking aside, that thing does have to be killed regardless and it’s too strong to be smooshed, voice of experience. I just need to meditate and figure out how.

  • These things crave attention. It will be loving getting this social media clout. I heard the most tortuous thing you can do to these monsters is put it outside and forget about it. They HATE the silent treatment.

  • I think you’ve got it backwards. Most likely this is the creature’s ancestral homeland where thousands of generations found a niche with enough food and safety to reproduce to this day.

    That means YOU are the alien and invaded by parking your ship (house) here.

    Most likely it just wanted to escape, and get back to a place with food and a mate. It doesn’t understand why it’s trapped. Imagine if you were out in the forest and fell though the roof of a cave, then found yourself trapped with an angry bear. Kinda of like that.

    The bug didn’t set out to frighten you. So you’re already torturing it by keeping it confined. I would find the nearest nature park or reservation and let it go there.

    • Nah fam, evolution doesn’t work that way and humanity didn’t rise to the top by submitting to the will of evil hell monstrosities simply because they were there first. Elvis was there before Michael Jackson, did that stop MJ from beating most of his sales records, marrying his daughter and claiming the title of King of Pop? Nope.

      That thing could possibly spread diseases, too, and might wander its way back into my house, or someone else’s, and who would I be if I brought that kind of horror upon an unwitting neighbor? What if it bit somebody, or a house pet?

      Does human life hold such little value to you that you are willing to choose a literal evil entity over one of your fellow humans?

      That thing needs to die, and I shall kill it as soon as I think of an execution method I find suitable.

      • I’m not saying you have to welcome this thing anywhere near your house (I wouldn’t either). But I’m not sure you have the healthiest relationship with our fellow living beings. I recommend some David Attenborough documentaries as a bit of cleansing, might help you feel better.