we’re so back. anyways as you can tell by the other pinned post, we’ve been a little busy with a lot of stuff on the backend and that’s probably going to continue into the foreseeable future

  •  Wild Bill   ( @clark@midwest.social ) 
    1610 months ago

    Lol, can I answer this even though I don’t have a Beehaw account anymore?

    It’s ok. But it’s been hot weather, like summer. I want winter and the cold to come already. I have gotten started with a programming course in C#, some tasks are difficult but it’s fun problem-solving. School is ok, my classmates are nice but unfortunately I don’t seem to have much in common with most/any of them.

    All in all, things are going alright. I remade all of my Spotify playlists which has been therapeutic. Now I’m just chilling, school is draining sometimes. But life is ok. 👍

  •  Elise   ( @xilliah@beehaw.org ) 
    1410 months ago

    Had an exposition over the weekend and it was amazing to see all the different perspectives, and made new contacts. I’m currently secretly living in my atelier so I really need contacts to find a better living situation, so that was a relief. Also my aunt and uncle were there and they were the last people I hadn’t come out to yet, because I love them but they can be very conservative at times. But well, it was kinda hard to hide considering that my new name was written on the flyers and that I was wearing my makeup. I can’t express how happy and relieved I am that they are completely supportive!

    • That’s great news! Sometimes I think things are better without a ‘conversation’ if you know what I mean. They can see you’re happy as you are and you don’t necessarily have to put pressure on yourself to explain anything.

      •  Elise   ( @xilliah@beehaw.org ) 
        10 months ago

        Ya it was like that. I really hate it when people start asking about genitalia.

        In this case it was more emotionally validating from their side, and we agreed we can talk more about it in detail another time because it doesn’t matter so much.

        What’s funny is that I prepared really a lot to talk with them, an prepared materials and stuff. But then it went like this.

  •  Thelsim   ( @Thelsim@beehaw.org ) 
    109 months ago

    Yesterday was my birthday!
    It was a nice and easy going day spend with my family. Topped it off with going out for a nice dinner.
    I enjoyed it, nothing fancy but just the way I like it :)

  •  Pixel   ( @pixel@beehaw.org ) 
    99 months ago

    Honestly, pretty miserable. A “promotion” ended up docking my partner’s pay (the difference in what they were making got rolled into benefits) and now we went from being totally fine to things being tremendously tight basically overnight. It’s been hard finding work on my end and I’m just incredibly stressed. I’ll be alright though, I hope.

  • Starting off rough, honestly. Local citizens where I live are fucking with the public library and it’s infuriating and depressing and frustrating and I feel powerless to stop them because the majority of the people here are okay with it.

        •  Thelsim   ( @Thelsim@beehaw.org ) 
          39 months ago

          Oh no…
          Is this a situation where people with the loudest voices get their way, or is there some board pushing their views on the population?
          What kind of recourse do you have in such situations?
          Asking out of concern and interest, feel free to leave it at this if you don’t want to go into it.

          • A little of both, actually. Not sure what the recourse is, which is part of the distress.

            But…coincidentally I just found out the city is hosting a book drive for literacy awareness this week, so my book club is donating copies of all of the books that have been removed to the book drive. Not much but it’s honest work, I guess!

            I guess that means my week is improving!

            •  Thelsim   ( @Thelsim@beehaw.org ) 
              39 months ago

              Sorry to hear about your library, it’s awful when a place that’s supposed to have a positive influence on people gets treated like that.
              At least the book drive will make up for things, a little bit… It’s great that you manage to put a positive spin on things.
              I hope the drive will be a success, best of luck!

  • Mixed bag so far. It’s been hot over here and I’ve barely slept so feel like hell. Auditioned for a new choir this evening and got in which was nice, it’s a great choir but just annoying that it’s the opposite side of the city.

    Seriously considering getting an ebike now that they’ve ended one of the escooter trials here. Hard to know where to start though, not had a bike since I was a teenager.

  • Flying out to visit my parents and brother this evening, so that’s pretty good.

    What’s not very good is that my Mom got caught COVID for the first time last week. Then my brother says that he’s tested positive, though he’s not feeling anything. So yeah, I’m flying into the hot zone apparently. And as far as I know, I’ve never gotten COVID. That new booster that just got approved by the FDA can’t come soon enough.

    Either way, it’ll be good to have the whole family together for about a week.

  • My week just started cause I work Mon-Fri and I’m super nervous for tomorrow cause I have a project I have to do with someone I am not use to working with.

    I’m gonna go get an edible after work though and hopefully I run into my crush.

  • spent the last four days at a music festival, and my nose has been running all morning even though i was masking anytime i was indoors. 😷

    i’m house sitting for the next three nights, so at least i’ll be able to get plenty of rest.

  •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
    510 months ago

    Alright here & calmer than usual, which is nice.

    Might be the cooler, damper weather coming in - not that it gets hot here in the summer & we’ve been incredibly fortunate to avoid extreme weather so far this year, but just greatly prefer autumn & winter.

    Planning to start exercising later in the week, which will feel good as currently an uncomfortable mix of feeble as jello, gnarled up with stiffness.

    Excited to see how Beehaw develops next, in light of discussions initiated by recent admin posts.