there’s an alternate universe version of this where musk’s attendant sycophants and bodyguard have to fish his electrocuted/suffocated/crushed body out from the crawlspace he wedged himself into with a pocket knife

  • Funniest detail to me is that this server lobotomy apparently fucked up Ron DeSanti’s stupid Twitter Spaces candidacy announcement. Of course RdS is never gonna be prez no matter how much techbros are fluffing him.

      • Trump kicking the bucket before the nomination would be the funniest thing ever. There’s no given successor. Every other candidate apart from Christie pays him fealty. There’s no Trump ideology, it’s all what he says at any given moment. Thus, there’s no candidate who can state “I will continue Trump’s legacy”, because it’s never been clearly stated what that legacy is. The GOP donors want someone who can continue to deliver tax cuts and gut welfare, but they’re probably not as interested in pursuing the culture wars. The base, OTOH, just want red meat. And the people promising them the meat are in general hugely unpopular among the general electorate. RdS is there. People simply find him unlikeable.

        Sadly Trump’s parents lived long, so there’s no chance he’ll die.

        • @gerikson His parents lived long but they probably didn’t live on a diet composed mostly of saturated fat and ketchup scraped off the walls. He doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol (and loves Diet Coke) but that in itself isn’t a ticket to longevity. Biden is a lot fitter than Trump (and also teetotal) and he isn’t the subject of multiple criminal proceedings (his son is, but he isn’t). Trump’s levels of stress and anger seem off the scale. If I had to bet on one of them keeling over it wouldn’t be a tough decision.

            • Yes and also 77 compared to some of the other living dead who govern the USA is reasonably young. So even if some incident were to happen he would get pretty good care. And there seems no problem pushing forward a people who are not all there mentally. They should just send the poor man home to take care of his drug addicted scandalous son who is doing weird things online. Biden should do the same ;).

        • We should just go back to normal, to Z̷̺̖̞̱̲͈͖̳̎̒á̶̛̬̳̝͓̌̄͝l̸̤̬͍͆͗̅̀̊̌̽̈́̏͘͝g̶̢͍͓̣̺̱̮̓̓̓̎͒͆̾̈́o̵̠̲͙͓̓̆̀̾̓́̄!̷̢͕͖͎͕̦͖̠͕̦̝͊́̉͌̐!

    •  Soyweiser   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Oddly (well not that oddly) it seems that not many people are jumping to Musks defense anymore. I see it a lot less at least. (blockin blues on twitter also helps so you get rid of the ‘I defend musk because he is great, and not just because im including the name of the cryptocurrency token I want to offload on fools in my posts’.

      Anyway ontopic, OSHA and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

      (And pretty basic shit about how to upgrade a datacenter making his head hurt confirms to me even more he isn’t that much of a technical guy (and with Mudge admitting (he is the twitter security whistleblower) that their security sucked this whole ‘transporting the servers unsupervised’ shit should leave everybody worried).

      E: looks like he has lost the new yorker As the kids these days say, it is so over.

  • We need more stories that disillusion us not just about Musk but in general about these kind of antics. Since I feel like a big icon of this kind of trope is Richard Feynman, I will henceforth in this comment refer to the protagonist of any such story as Richard Brainman.

    There are too many stories about how Brainman goes around ignoring rules and reasonable concerns and uses his nerd powers to prove a point. I’ll admit that sometimes these stories are fun capers but I think we’ve glorified them too much. Brainman only wins sometimes! Usually he gets crushed under the server racks, which is hard to make a movie about.

    •  self   ( ) OP
      101 year ago

      you’re right, most secure data centers are more paranoid about access than this, even if they had a server room to themselves. I’m assuming the part of the story we’re not getting is the intensifying sequence of billionaire manbaby meltdowns musk had every time he was told no, which you can kind of see by how the folks running the data center treated the damage he was doing to their infrastructure towards the end. very much “fuck it, I’m tired of getting yelled at, let him do it and we’ll bill or sue him later,” which is kind of a foolish approach when you know musk doesn’t pay

      • If they have a full room to themselves, a DC might let them fuck around without supervision. There’s no way I would let them into the structural/electrical bits without seeing his signature under the mother of all responsibility waivers, though.

        After that, if this was just a regular asshole I’d hope their fuckaround trip goes without a major incident both to save myself from a lot of trouble and out of common decency towards a fellow human. This particular asshole would really be testing the limits of the latter.

      • Yeah, the manbaby tantrums were my guess too

        Bluster and force and intimidation go a hell of a long way on people who don’t necessarily know what backing power they have (which a lot of people in gate/door control roles often fall into)

        I’m quite unsurprised they got that access

    • That was a bit surprising to me too, apparently no floor scale in the airlock leading to the server floor, or not even an airlock just a door. Also no security supervision, or at least one which was letting things slide.

    • It’s somewhat infuriating that all of my datacenter adventures have ended up with lacerations on my hands at a minimum, and yet he did not have a single object fall on him. It’s almost enough to make me believe in a hateful sadistic deity who protects billionaires.