Stock in Japanese games giant Square Enix has dropped by 30 per cent since the launch of Final Fantasy 16. As reported by Bloomber g, around $2 billion has been shaved from the company’s share pri…

    • Its hard to hear it in circles because its a jrpg first (which on its own, is a niche) and only on PS5 at the moment, which not everyone has. Theres about 40m ps5 sold, and less than a tenth has bought the game.

      • @OttoVonNoob I’m an oldschool Final Fantasy fan and the new FF16 looks not very interesting to me. The fights aren’t what I want it to be and the players reported the game has a much higher playtime on watching cutscenes. I’m just not very hyped about the game, and disappointed in the direction the newer titles are going.

        But that does not mean it’s a bad thing. Game series change over time and not every game has to please me, such as going from FF6 to FF7 or to FF8, or the Zelda games several times. So don’t see my reply as bashing, just saying that a longtime fan of the series is not interested into it.

        • I mean FF6/7/8 all still followed the same basic formula, FF7 was just in 3D and had materia. FF8 was definitely a little weird with the draw system but other than that it was still your classic turn based final fantasy game.

          FF9 and FFX were classic final fantasys. 12 was definitely a departure with the MMO style world map and what not, and battles were definitely different with the licenses and gambits but you could still play it very much like a traditional Final Fantasy.

          The series started going south with 13 with its extremely linear “hallway” style maps (until very late in the game) and the paradigm battle system. But even that felt like the traditional turn based gameplay of final fantasy.

          They really jumped the shark with 15. I couldn’t play that game for more than a handful of hours. If I wanted to play a hack and slash game I’d go play a hack and slash game, that’s not what Final Fantasy is for IMO. I want to strategize about the combat.

          I understand turn based combat is old hat now and it doesn’t sell anymore or whatever (which I think is BS really because Dragon Quest still sells, Octopath sells, etc) but they could have at least made it more strategic than whatever FF15 was. Possibly closer to the gameplay style they did for the FF7 remake. And omg the stupid car… it just felt so weird and unlike a Final Fantasy game. I didn’t connect with the characters at all.

          And seeing 16 I just have no desire to play it. There is nothing about that game that appeals to my classic final fantasy taste. I’m coming to terms with the fact we’ll probably never get another Final Fantasy in that style and the series is basically dead and an entirely different series since 15. I’ll just go play Dragon Quest or Fire Emblem or something.

        • Ditto on the old school final fantasy, I joined semi late at 8. But I played them all by now. The solo mechanic doesn’t appeal to me I like. team who has interactions and build bonds through battle:C And yes it has to evolve but it has evolved into something generic IMHO.

        •  RxBrad   ( ) 
          110 months ago

          I like old school Final Fantasy. But I also like a good braindead story game. And that’s pretty much what 16 is (well, as braindead as it can get when the game has a built-in Pepe Silvia string map to explain what’s going on)

          Even on the “hard” not-story mode, if you happen to fail a boss fight, your second try is in ultra-easy mode. You get all of your potions back, and the boss is at half-health or something.

      • I’m a pretty hardcore FF fan who bought FF16 Day 1. I enjoyed it enough. Enough that I finished it, when I’ve only finished two other entries: FF6 and FF10. Neither here nor there, but I usually get pretty close to finishing the games…but then take a break, for like years. Yeah, I have a problem.

        Anyway, it’s not like 16 was my favorite FF ever. Nor the worst; just middle of the pack.

        I don’t play a lot of active battle games; I like FFs and other JRPGs for the traditional turn-based combat, which 16 did not have. But I also get that that’s a niche market these days and consumer tastes change. I actually like that SE has been experimenting with different combat systems over the years in FFs.

        Either way, the fighting system was easy enough for a bad like me to enjoy. But I will also say that the game still felt overly simplistic. A lot of big fights had “cutscene fights,” where you had QTEs; simple QTEs where you literally just have to mash X or something.

        The accessories/equipment system was super simplified down to weapon and 3 accessories. Of course you should upgrade your weapon, so there’s no customization there. And most of the accessories were worthless, IMO. There were only a few that really stood out so I used those for most of my run.

        Even learning the various summons and their powers was basic. Like it seemed like the system was in place to allow people to choose their own combat style, but that also largely meant that once you settled on a style, there was no reason change unless a stronger summon/power for that style came up. I never felt forced to learn and use a specific summon for a certain fights or anything.

        In a way, because SE tried to cater to both the JRPG crowd and the non-JRPG crowd, they ended up with a somewhat mediocre game, that disappointed both groups. Again, FF16’s not a bad game, but it’s not great. Like you said, it’s just “meh.”

        • Tangent: I LOVE Final Fantasy. Really liked XVI a lot, too. (A hell of a lot better than XV.)

          But it’s funny, for the longest time I was the same way with finishing them. I’d usually get anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 through and just set it down. I think it was some time between XIII and XV that I made an effort to actually finish them.

        • Am I the only one that feels like they really poorly marketed that game? I don’t recall seeing any sort of ads or promotions for it other than what they showed during the game shows/company presentations.

          It really felt like you wouldn’t have known about it unless you were looking for it.

  •  sub_o   ( ) 
    810 months ago

    Kinda expected, majority of Squeenix’s shareholders are big banks, they are expecting FF16 to sell a lot more than the current 3 mil copies.

    Squeenix also had a kind of disappointing year between 2022 to 2023, with Babylon’s Fall failing, and Forspoken not doing great. The only big thing in the near future that’s announced is FF7 Rebirth, so I could see why shareholders don’t have much confidence in the company.

    But I gotta admit, Square Enix of these past 2 years, have released tons of games that I want to play / enjoyed playing, albeit many of them are either remakes or smaller titles, e.g. Tactics Ogre Reborn, Chrono Cross Remastered, Octopath Traveler 2, Live a Live, Crisis Core, Paranormasight, FF Pixel Remaster, etc.

    I hope this is just a stumble, and they will regain their footing, instead of them ended up getting acquired by large corporations.