•  Hot Saucerman   ( @dingus@lemmy.ml ) 
      10 months ago

      Taking away your labor power from chucklefucks who use the sweat of your brow to continue to oppress you is good praxis.

      People talk about boycotting by not buying things from certain companies, but not enough people commit to not giving their labor to those companies in exchange for a paycheck. That’s a boycott, too. When you’re working for them, you’re literally helping them believe the dumbfuck shit they believe, and allowing them to use their financial largess to influence the media to promote their dumbfuck bullshit.

      Standing up for the people who no longer are “economically viable” means something. But go ahead, let your boss say your parents should just die when they’re too damaged to work. Laugh with them about it. Go ahead and be a callous asshole who won’t stand up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves.

      • How is this “standing up” for anything. They said the owner of the company was cool. Their boss will remain employed and making decisions and money for the company.

        This resulted in literally 0 consequences for them, other than probably hiring an employee that won’t push back on anything.

        •  Hot Saucerman   ( @dingus@lemmy.ml ) 
          10 months ago

          Hiring and training a new employee when the person you would expect to train a new employee just quit without notice isn’t as cost-effective as you might think.

          If you have a spate of employees leaving over such bad behavior a good owner might be asking questions about high turnover, where your standard owner could give a shit about turnover anyway. They’ll hire meth addled freaks as long as they’re dealing with people with zero self respect. It really doesn’t work out too great in the long run.

          • If you have a spate of employees leaving over such bad behavior

            Lol, only OP is leaving over that behavior. 99% of people would not leave a company because of that. Just look at the other comments in here. Getting a new job is stressful and not everyone has great job markets to look in. This incident would be basically nothing for the vast vast majority of workers and leaving over something like this would be way more stressful than just staying. Especially if the owner was as cool as OP stated.

        • …hiring an employee that won’t push back on anything.

          Thats the problem. For every worker who demands the respect and dignity they deserve there’s a thousand other workers that have already been beaten into submission. The hope is that those “beaten workers” remember they can “stand up for themselves” when they see others do it.

    •  AnonTwo   ( @AnonTwo@kbin.social ) 
      10 months ago

      Does it seem odd? Seems more odd to me to normalize a boss telling his employees that their parents deserved poverty

      Plus this sounds like an escalating argument the boss made no effort to de-escalate. If the boss didn’t get fired for it that says everything that needs to be said.

  • In 2023 we should be at a point where there is actual technique to management, and it’s not just a position where a department leader gets to harrass their crew and make the workplace toxic.

    A manager’s duty is to know their crew and what keeps their morale and productivity high, whether that’s letting them text with their kids all day or letting them keep tabs on the Ravens game. People like to be on a team that knocks out task bullet points and reaches goals. They don’t like to be on a team where they have to escape the notice of their managers while trying to complete tasks.

    The US has treated upper management and shareholders like aristocracy for so long that workplaces have gone toxic, that office and administration has to babysit bosses who behave like sex-starved pissed-off teenagers and don’t even have a coherent vision for their company. (Case in point, Elon Musk)

    You are not a good manager if your crew or HR or admin has to handle you like a drunken politician.