•  Fizz   ( @Fizz@lemmy.nz ) 
    610 months ago

    That majority of the opinions online are created and manipulated by special interest groups. All mainstream sites are astroturfed to steer discussion.

  • Mark Felton did a 6 episode series on YT on how the alleged burnt bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun found by the soviets, are actually plants.

    Not that Hitler survived the war or anything, they were just buried elsewhere nearby, probably in a civilian mass grave, to prevent the soviets from parading the real bodies around.

  • That Covid was made.

    I dont really think its true, but the richest get richer with every catastrophe, people actually believe “everything just gets more expensive” (which is absolute bullshit and rich people just use it to make more profits). Also, genetically modifying some viruses should be totally possible today.

      • I personally think it ain’t even that big but literally same. They were just studying viruses for all potential, bioweapons to vaccine research. Covid itself wasn’t made for any particular reason it was just the one that got leaked from the lab.

        China’s biggest fault was not realizing at some point on an infinite timeline there will absolutely be a leak, how do we respond? And they lied about the initial leak and infection.

        Other than that, playing with viruses what else did we expect? I don’t think any malice was attached to the leak, just as you said, stupidity and probably some arrogance.

        • Epidemics and plagues have been part of life forever. It’s not like we had never seen anything like this before that warrants exploring alternative explanations. We’ve never been more connected. This was predicted and it will happen again.

          Without a solid case supported by evidence we have to assume the simpler explanation.

  • That’s tricky, because “conspiracy theory” implies a level of deception that makes falsifiability of anything difficult. Like, if somebody starts chatting me up on the street and I wonder if I’m going to get scammed or jumped, that’s a theory about a conspiracy, but it’s not a conspiracy theory because it only involves a few people and I still can be sure what’s up and what’s down.

    Epstein being murdered gets called a conspiracy theory, but if a couple of guards, a warden and a single wealthy instigator were the only participants, and they were really sloppy covering it up, is that really so implausible?

  • The 9/11 was an inside job stuff, but only the part where part of the US government knew that something was going to happen and let it happen. That gave them the opportunity to set up stuff like the Patriot Act and gave them a (wonky) reason to invade the middle east.

    • Yeah, what was it? By the end of the day Rumpsfeld and Cheney had convinced Bush to go after Sadam Hussein and people who knew the ME were confused about that.

      I don’t buy for a second that “they let it happen” though. The conspiracy is that they didn’t waste a good crisis.

      • Yeah maybe it’s some sort of confirmation bias from me, it’s my take on the conspiracy. But given all the shady shit the US government has done, I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew and let it happen. As you said they absolutely took advantage of the crisis.

    •  4am   ( @4am@lemm.ee ) 
      010 months ago

      Yeah this is as far as I’ll take that one as well, except I’ll do one further. All that “controlled demolition” stuff is to distract rubes and make them sound like crackpots so no one takes the “hey we knew and did nothing” take seriously from anyone.

  • Living in emulation. I believe calling it simulation wouldn’t be correct, we’d be more like a video game. If there was somehow a computer powerful enough to actually emulate real world, we wouldn’t be able to tell if we’re in it. And we’d still be real regardless, just on a computer.

    • Without knowing the “higher” reality, I’d still call it a simulation. An emulator is capable of replacing the “real” system it’s emulating. Maybe that’s your view on the topic, but I find it more likely the higher reality is more complex than ours because it contains ours. Therefore our reality could not be an emulation. Lots of speculation though.

  • I’m not sure if this counts as a conspiracy, but I wholeheartedly believe that aliens are real, but that we have no way of ever contacting them or confirming their existence because they’re so damn far away

  •  pH3ra   ( @pH3ra@lemmy.ml ) 
    10 months ago

    My own personal conspiracy theory is that Flat Earthers, Anti-vaxxers and all the other “Facebook boomer” conspiracies are just a strategy to discredit other “more real” conspiracies: if you believe that 9/11 was an inside job you’re bundled with people that believe that Earth is a frisbee and smart people don’t want that so they keep themselves from exploring anything else.
    Also aliens fucked apes and that’s how we got here.

  • Just because conspiracies likely do happen on a regular basis doesn’t mean that any popular conspiracy theory has found one.

    Remember, the big conspiracies like Watergate or the NSA leaks where not uncovered by conspiracy theorists. They where not uncovered by cherry-picking factoids from public government statements and “doing ones own research” aka using Google. They were uncovered by whistleblowers speaking out and journalists double-checking and following up on information they were given.

    As a side note — the poor boy with this scumbag father who constantly lies to him.

    • None? Pretty sure if you look into them you may think one of them may have something to it…

      Searched for random ones that are know for a while:


      -Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
      -MKUltra: the CIA Mind-Control Project
      -The 1990 Testimony of Nayirah
      -Operation Snow White: The Church of Scientology Versus The U.S. Government
      -CIA Assassinations
      -The Business Plot: Fascism in America
      -Operation Mockingbird: The CIA Propaganda Machine
      -COINTELPRO: The FBI vs. 1960s Activists
      -Operation Paperclip: Nazi Scientists Find Employment in America
      -Operation Northwoods: How to Wage War on Cuba
      -Bohemian Grove: The Rich, the Powerful, and the Giant Stone Owl

      11 Unbelievable Conspiracy Theories That Were Actually True
