•  self   ( @self@awful.systems ) 
    81 year ago

    oh wow this looks like garbage and I really want to learn it

    A French version is also available but might be out of sync with the latest language features.

    multilingual programming languages always work out great, especially when programs have different interpretations depending on which variant of the programming language you’re using

  • Honestly this could be an improvement compared to what is currently in use by the current french tax collection agency.

    The DGFiP uses an up until recently closed-source custom language called “M”, which does not have the friendliest/most readable syntax, and that the guys at INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, the same lab that seems to have spat out CatalaLang) had to reverse engineer a modern compiler when open sourcing the tax calculation software was newly mandated.

    Witness this horrid glory, sadly only in French: chap-1.m

    Could also be intended for other horrid COBOL output cases:

    For example, the compiler can generate Javascript for web applications, SAS for economic models and COBOL for legacy environments

    Trying to approach and make visible the relationship with the laws as written, so that it can potentially be reviewed by non domain-experts doesn’t appear to me to be the worst possible goal out there. (They seem to be trying interleaved markdown format), the bigger/broader claims in the about/readme sections might just be required bells and whistles for proper grant funding/thesis presentation.

    •  self   ( @self@awful.systems ) 
      51 year ago

      that makes a lot of sense, and INRIA (whose work I’ve used before, way back when I was a research assistant) has my sympathies for the situation they’re correcting for

      though the engineering bones in my body are still aching from how bad the new language seems from the outside

  • in the beginning:

    states are bad except my type of states are good, mmkay? code is law!

     -- balajis, probably

    not long thereafter:

    “hmm, maybe this solidity thing on something as shitty as JS isn’t the best idea? sorta has some gaps, weird. how did this ever happen?”

     -- anyone without an ounce of sense and awareness

    soon: “I know, let’s just make a whole new annotation specification, and then mark up laws ourselves!”

    like people haven’t already been fucking up API client implementations from reference specs in hand for decades

    it’ll go well, I’m sure

    • Concretely, you have to first gather all the laws, executive orders, previous cases, etc. that contain information about the socio-fiscal mechanism that you want to implement.

      watching this run into a number of countries is going to be amusing, at least

  • ya know, i researched and wrote a whole book chapter about why the whole idea of smart contracts is dumb as hell at every level

    i published it in 2017

    i foolishly had the notion this would knock the bad idea on the head