Tomorrow is a big event at my university. I’d like to make a fun thing where the people of the Board Game society I am in can try to find me for a riddle, kind of a Where is Waldo in a place where there is a crap tone of people to find the NPC that’ll give them a Riddle (Maybe something to win? No idea how I could do that detail)
Dukeofdummies ( ) 12•2 years agoWhat is the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?
E, it’s a really mean one when delivered verbally
Now that’s a spicy one!
Time Flies like an Arrow
Fruit Flies like Banana
But there is not like an Answer to find in that
OurTragicUniverse ( ) 10•2 years agoAn ancient device for looking through walls?
gezepi ( ) 8•2 years agoIt doesn’t lead to a destination, and maybe isn’t even a riddle, but a sentence I like is:
Is your answer to this question the same as if I had asked you to give me a dollar?
CeruleanRuin ( ) English4•2 years agoThis is a fun one that can be adapted to all sorts of questions where you want a yes answer.
Jordan_U ( ) 3•2 years agoFor me, unless I’m missing something, that’s an easy “Yes”.
If someone randomly asks me for a single dollar they probably need it more urgently than I do. And if it’s some kind of weird scam? I’m still only out $1.
(No, I will not be sending $1 to people that reply to this, but I pre-acknowlege that you’re very clever for thinking of that)
stepanzak ( ) 1•2 years agoYou can use this question with $100 for example.
BaumGeist ( ) 2•2 years agoUndecidable
gezepi ( ) 1•2 years agoExactly. The correct way to answer is to not “yes” or “no”.
TheButtonJustSpins ( ) English8•2 years agoWhat runs faster uphill than down?
tfw_no_toiletpaper ( ) 8•2 years agoWhat can run but never walks,
Has a mouth but never talks,
Has a bed but never sleeps,
Has a head but never weeps?
A river
_TK ( ) English6•2 years agoOkay, so if I build a bridge from X to Y, it’s a great bridge.
If I build a bridge from A to B it’s a terrible bridge.
Do you want to build a bridge?
(If the person says Okay as a part of their bridge proposal, it is good. If not, then the bridge is bad)
This is a great way to make everyone at a gathering hate you.
ediculous ( ) 5•2 years agoI don’t get it. What’s happening here?
_TK ( ) English4•2 years agoIt’s a prank riddle. Basically you make two statements about building bridges. They can be from anywhere and to anywhere else. My nose to your forehead, Baltimore to Seattle, it makes no difference. In one sentence, you use the word “okay” and in the other you don’t. The sentence with “okay” in it produces a good bridge. The sentence that doesn’t, doesn’t.
When you ask a person to build their own bridge, if they say “okay” in the sentence, it’s a good bridge. If they don’t, it’s a bad bridge and it falls down. This setup is built to make people frustrated because “okay” is one of those filler words that people don’t really pay attention to in sentences.
I’ve also heard of a similar setup where a person hands an object to another person (again, the object doesn’t matter) and says “This is a bean, okay?” And if the recipient says “okay” then they have done the task correctly and can pass it along to another person, declaring the object is something else. If the receiver doesn’t say “okay,” then something went wrong and one of the people who is in on the joke interrupts and starts the process again. with a new object.
RagnarokOnline ( ) 1•2 years agoGreat explanation
Okay, so the correctness of the bridge is there because there is okay at the beginning of the sentence am I right?
stepanzak ( ) 2•2 years agoMy sister drives me crazy with these kind of “riddles”!
stepanzak ( ) 6•2 years agoYou are in a room with two doors. Each door has one guard. One door leads to heaven and the other leads to hell. You have to choose one door and once you choose it, you have to go there. Before you choose, you can ask one of the guards one question. One of them always lie and the other always tell the truth. You don’t know which guard is the liar/truth teller and you don’t know which door leads to hell/heaven. What’s the question you ask the guard?
Dammit, I was actually rethinking about this one a few days ago. The Video that made me rethink about it
If I’m not wrong the answer is something a bit twisted lie “If I where to ask you if you are guarding the right door, would you say you are?” Which because it’s a double lie, there is a way where they cross each other
stepanzak ( ) 5•2 years agoYou answer is right. I heard the solution as follows: Would the other guard say that you are guarding the right door? And then you revert it. Yours solution is better. The XKCD and the video made me laugh, thanks.
Suspicious ( ) 1•2 years agoWhat’s 2+2?
stepanzak ( ) 8•2 years agoThe guard replies either four or something else. You now know which of the guards is the liar and who is the truth teller. You used your one question and still have no clue which door leads to hell and which leads to heaven. You have to guess 😕.
bugsmith ( ) 3•2 years agoThat will deduce the liar and truth-teller, but won’t give you any information about which door leads where.
Seeing the Proposition from I’ve got a similar one I know in French that can be translated:
I am a king, taking presents from strangers to get into my kingdom. Propose me Gifts and I will tell you if you can enter my Kingdom
Bumblefumble ( ) 3•2 years agoDo you accept my balloon? ;)
I do accept your Balloon! Such a Wonderful Balloon wow!
RagnarokOnline ( ) 2•2 years agoOh great king! Will you accept my gift of a balloon?
Not at all! I do not care for it
I only have some creamy nougat chocolate. Are you interested?
I do accept Creamy Nougat Chocolate, if it is Creamy
Valkeerie ( ) 6•2 years agoWhen is a door not a door?
!when it’s ajar!<
RagnarokOnline ( ) 6•2 years agoHow easy should it be to solve?
My favorite longer puzzle is “there’s a naked man lying dead in a field with a stick in his hand. Asking me only yes/no questions, tell me why he is in the field and how did he die?”
I’m ok with having some hards! It’s a Board Game Society some of them can like a bit of challenge!
Hmmmm Did you have to fight sir?
RagnarokOnline ( ) 3•2 years agoNo :)
Are you waiting for something?
RagnarokOnline ( ) 2•2 years agoNo, I am dead. I can no longer wait :)
Say, dead sir, can you answer yes to a question?
RagnarokOnline ( ) 3•2 years agoYes!
Can you be somewhere else?
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙼𝚎𝚘𝚠 ( ) 3•2 years agoLighting strike?
RagnarokOnline ( ) 2•2 years agoGood guess! but no :)
RagnarokOnline ( ) 1•2 years agoShall I give a hint? ;)
*Edit 1: I did not enter the field by land.
*Edit 2: I fell into the field and this caused my death. Why did I fall, and from where?
stepanzak ( ) 5•2 years agoThis one is kinda hard to describe, so I’m including an image. Four people are standing in a row and all are looking to the right (EDIT: On the image, the fourthperson is looking left. That doesn’t matter, because nobody can see through the wall). First and third person have blue hat, second and fourth have red hat. There’s a wall between third and fourth person. Nobody knows what color is their hat. Everybody can only see hats of people on their right side (left/right sides are from the perspective of us, seeing them from the side). Nobody can see through the wall. For example first person can see the second and the third person. The second can only see the third person. They know that two of them have red hat and two of them have blue hat. They are told that if anybody says aloud the color of their hat, they are free to go. (They are captives or something). If anybody says the wrong color, they are all gonna be killed. They can’t obviously turn around, talk to each other or something like that. They can’t guess. Are any of them going to tell his hat’s color?
bugsmith ( ) 9•2 years agoLet’s number the dudes in your image form left to right: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Dudes 3 and 4 have no useful information. They stay silent.
Dude 1 can see one of each hat colour on the dudes in front, but cannot determine their own colour without knowing the hat colour of dude 4. They stay silent.
Dude 2 can see the hat colour of dude 3. They can determine that either they themself or the dude behind must have a different hat colour. The dude behind - dude 1 - can see both of the hat colours in front, but stays silent. This lets dude 2 know that they and dude 3 must be different colours (otherwise dude 1 would have known their own hat colour).
Therefore, dude 2 knows their own hat colour must be different to the dude in front and announces the colour of their own hat.
stepanzak ( ) 3•2 years agoThat’s correct!
atlasraven31 ( ) 1•2 years agoThey couldn’t do this in Rome
Today I’m working from Home