• This is really exciting to see. Enshittification is generating increasing backlash against incumbent monopolies, and encouraging more movement toward sustainable open source software.

    See Blender, too.

  • I love how unity went from “we have a tech that can distinguish pirated copies with 100% accuracy, and also we exploit android and iOS sandboxing with 0-days to track reinstalls without fail, trust our numbers” to “we have no idea about the install numbers, you need to tell us”

    They can’t be trusted.

  • Honestly, one thing I’m seeing frequently in comments about this is a bit frustrating. That is, people saying that they vow never to buy any games in Unity ever again on principle.

    Vendor lock-in is a real thing, and part of the reason they actually tried this play. Many of these developers likely want to switch to a different engine, but don’t have the time or resources to do so. Honestly of all people hit by this situation, they probably need the help most.

    Incidentally, if you are one of those devs reading this and feel you don’t know anything other than Unity, go learn something else. Diversify your portfolio. Learning a new engine isn’t hard if you know the fundamentals.

    Also, can we get more love for Bevy. :P

    • Unity dev here. Will switch on our next game, but don’t have the choice for the current game that we’ve already invested 4 years into.
      Also, bevy looks nice code-wise but it desparately needs a proper editor and GUI to make it artist friendly

        • That looks like an interesting project, but it seems it hasn’t been updated in over a year, and is only compatible with bevy 0.6. The current version is 0.11 or something. I’ve had my ass kicked before by relying on projects that didn’t have a lot of support available, so I would stay out of this one.

    • That’s a valid point. Games released in the next 2-3 years should be probably be given a pass. My admittedly layman’s perspective is that any indie game deep enough into development that switching engines isn’t feasible most likely wouldn’t require another 4 years to ship.

  • 🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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    One of the big winners of the Unity debacle is the free and open source Godot Engine, which has seen its funding soar to a much more impressive level as Unity basically gave them free advertising.

    Certainly helps that Godot ended up launching their new funding platform on the same day Unity announced their hated Runtime Fee system.

    Initially when the Godot developers announced their new funding platform they only had around €25K per month from 438 members.

    A much better and more sustainable amount considering they’re building an entire game engine.

    Hopefully this is going to be a turning point, where developers look more to open source tools where feasible instead of locking themselves into proprietary game engines with predatory business practices.

    Unity has proven multiple times now they’re willing to break developer’s trust like their messing around with Terms of Services.

    Saved 29% of original text.