• We need regulations (laws) to make them viable for retirement.

        A forced match plus a 10% pay paid for by the employer.

        Most people just can’t save enough in a 401k to make it solid retirement program. You’re capped at little under 20k a year. I may mine every year.

        I wouldn’t even mind a national pension plan or something similar.

        The current system isn’t viable for many reasons.

        My mom is retired but she has two pensions and social equity plus some other income. She’s in a rare spot that she’s very comfortable in retirement.

        •  n0m4n   ( @n0m4n@lemmy.ml ) 
          1 year ago

          The amounts have changed. For 2023, the current 401K maximum is $22,500, and if you are 50 or older, $30,000.

          For 2023, the total contributions you make each year to all of your traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs can’t be more than: $6,500 ($7,500 if you’re age 50 or older), or. If less, your taxable compensation for the year.

          Cutting the budget to come up with an extra $28,000 is the hard part.

      • agreed. retirement and healthcare should not be tied to employment. Want a snazzier retirement. Fine that is 401k/ira material. Retirement plus health insurance should be enough to pay for a retirment home private room where you won’t be molested (i.e. - pays enough that folks don’t want to lose their job)

    • Yeah it’s like Republicans are not going to help you, other than enflaming culture wars and talking about woke. When they funnel all taxes and assets to the wealthy, and deregulate all industries, and make vaccines illegal, etc, all you’ll have left is a tattered red hat and a shopping cart full of your belongings.

  • Anyone here who comments about how they deserved this fate or how they got what was coming to them needs to grow the fuck up.

    There are very, very few people in this world who have done something bad enough to have this kind of condition even be remotely justified. They’re gonna either be on the streets or in basic Medicaid nursing homes for the rest of their lives. Many will get beaten and robbed. Many will probably just commit suicide to avoid the nightmarish conditions. And people here are celebrating this?!

    Newsflash, the baby boomer generation are also people who also deserve to have someone give a shit about them. You people are sick.

  • Ugh, I just knew what this gross comments section was gonna look like.

    Look, whatever perceived collective guilt an entire cohort of humanity has in your view, it’s really disgusting to celebrate and gloat over a report about the elderly becoming homeless.

    When subsequent generations decide they have the right to dance on our graves for whatever it is they decide we did, I hope your ghosts aren’t too whiny about it.

    • Bruh they were and still are brainwashed by so much anticommunist propaganda. They had to survive in those material conditions, and if they made it they had to buy into the lie of American Exceptionalism for their prosperity and not the Dollar becoming the worlds reserve currency and propping up European Social Democracy, Dictators, and Kings. They reaped benefits they were actively being kept in the dark about, if they are waking up cause piss is tricking down their face, i will still celebrate them waking up. We need all the people we can to wake up and realize how the elite have stolen from the working class and are only taking more and more as we continue to kill our planet to give them more wealth…

      • Cognitive dissonance is really strong if you have to question the way you were living your whole life when questioning the current situation. This makes those people far more likely to be easy prey for far-right propaganda than to be waking up, I’m afraid.