•  Grant_M   ( @Grant_M@lemmy.ca ) 
    409 months ago

    Next up, all of the CPC politicians who supplied coffee and donuts and took selfies with swastika flag waving Nazis during the Ottawa siege/occupation without even apologizing for it.

  • Just an aside, but has anyone had the misfortune to have a quick look at the comments over on r/canada or cbc.ca around these articles? The amount of dumb (i.e. simplistic, low information), seething hatred for basically everything, is overwhelming. I can’t tell if this is all bots, or if something weird is coming out of the woodwork, but it seems like we’ve passed some tipping point and I’m starting to feel alarmed at where we are headed. I get this is super embarrassing, but no serious person could think there was malicious intent in this Parliament incident. Fuck-ups and carelessness happen, the guy resigned, time to move on and focus on real issues.

  • I think that it’s possible for essentially random people to be honoured shows just how bad things are being run.

    Does nobody do even the slightest bit of checking out who is being honoured? The whole thing makes me think that people are just running on empty, doing whatever pops into their heads without the slightest bit of actual thought.

    Glorified Roombas, the lot of them, and that might be an insult to Roomba.

    • Not an enviable position. You know you have to put on a show for Zelenskyy, else the Canada public will lose their shit that the guest wasn’t properly entertained, but nobody there gives a rat’s ass about any of it – only done to keep with tradition on the social pressure to keep the tradition alive. Of course nobody is going to spend time researching something they couldn’t care less about. Which lead to the Canadian public losing their shit anyway.

      When did Canada become such a grumpy place?

  •  Pxtl   ( @Pxtl@lemmy.ca ) 
    59 months ago

    Trudeau should’ve made a statement that he was no longer welcome in the Liberal party before he resigned.

    He can’t fire the speaker, but he can kick him out of the Liberals. The Liberals have such a reputation for screw-ups that they need to be seen cleaning house.

      •  Pxtl   ( @Pxtl@lemmy.ca ) 
        29 months ago

        Why? The party has no obligation to let anybody run for them. The party is free to kick people out based on actions that occurred outside of their role as an MP or party-member in other cases, why not this one? The Speaker, who is an MP who was elected under the Liberal banner (even though he’s no longer part of the Liberal party) screwed up on a massive, geopolitical scale. Why shouldn’t the Liberal party be able to say “you are no longer entitled to that banner”?

        If anything, this should be a lesson for every prospective speaker: this is a No Fun Job. You do not take initiatives, you play it safe as hell, because out of everyone in Parliament you are the one who is working with the worst guard-rails. You don’t have access to party infrastructure to vet your mistakes for you. Which, honestly, is appropriate for the Speaker, which is canonically a role about being an elected politician who must be above politics.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Liberal MP Anthony Rota is stepping down as House of Commons Speaker after inviting a Ukrainian veteran who fought in a Nazi division to Parliament — a dramatic turn of events that will be welcomed by MPs on all sides who said the embarrassing incident was unforgivable.

    While House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota has so far resisted calls to resign his post over a tribute to a constituent who fought with a Nazi unit, he lost the support of some key Liberal cabinet ministers on Tuesday — a development that makes his position increasingly tenuous.

    On Friday, Rota invited 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka to sit in the parliamentary gallery for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to Parliament.

    Government House Leader Karina Gould said Rota’s lack of judgment in issuing the invitation requires that he step down from the position, which he’s held since 2019.

    Health Minister Mark Holland, who recently served as government House leader and worked closely with the Speaker in that role, said Rota is “a profoundly good man” and the last few days have been “incredibly difficult” for him and those who know him well.

    While the NDP and Bloc Québécois said Monday that Rota needed to go, Poilievre and Conservative MPs spent the day blaming Trudeau for Hunka’s presence in Parliament.

    The original article contains 798 words, the summary contains 211 words. Saved 74%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!