I haven’t personally played The Realm Online, but I know someone who had. What a scummy move from Norseman Games.

  • Well, shit. While the game could mostly be seen as a living museum and hardly attractive to new people, it’s a sad thing to have so many updates and free access axed because “fuck you”. I bet they’ll completely shut it down 4 months after going subscription only, because “it’s not profitable” (no shit!)

  • In it you should loose the copyright after 2 years, 5 for very important stuff like Kernels and 10 for special made Software (for MRI Maschines or Factory software)

    And it should be required to maintain it for that time at least, as long as there is still a few users.

  • i played again last year a whole bunch!!! it was really nice and fun. but i stopped after a major figure who helped newer players get into the game (myself and my dad included) was basically harassed off the game by people being trolls, and the devs did nothing, so i guess i’m not surprised that talks fell through