A huge amount of users use chrome instead of chromium, but what are the advantages of this? To me it just seems closed source chromium with trackers and a colorful logo Is there some pro in using chrome?

  • Most do not know or care about the evils of Chrome.

    Also, trying to install chromium on Android, iOS or Windows is something you really have to get out of your way to do.

    And finally, some features that people want like sync are not available on Chromium.

  • 90% of people, possibly more, don’t know shit about tech and are not interested in the slightest in learing how to use and understand the tools they get their hands on everyday.

    The vast majority of tech savy people don’t care about privacy and free software at all, and they’ll stick to chrome because it’s the “gold standard” in their opinion.

    That’s it, from my experience at least. People don’t know, and if they do, they don’t care.

  • Outside of Firefox, and very niche browsers, every other browser is built on Chromium. Edge, Opera, Chrome, etc. They all just add in their own customizations and things. You have to go look directly for Chromium, which the vast majority of the world doesn’t know exist. That’s the only reason why.

    •  rnd   ( @rnd@beehaw.org ) 
      71 year ago

      Haven’t used Chrome or Chromium in quite some time, but sounds interesting – especially since fully open-source forks of Firefox, such as Fennec, can use Mozilla’s sync service.

        • I have created a sync tool which can be used by Firefox and all Chromium derivatives. A bookmark added in Firefox is synced automatically to Chromium and visa versa. The Webextension can be downloaded from the standard Firefox AMO, the same applies for Microsoft Edge. For Chrome and other Chromium derivates you have to sideload the Extension, because I don’t want to upload it to the Chrome Web Store.

          As a backend, you need a selhosted PHP script with absolute minimum requirements. As an alternative you can use a Webdav share as backend. The backend is available at https://codeberg.org/Offerel/SyncMarks-Webapp. The extension in the mentioned extension stores or at https://codeberg.org/Offerel/SyncMarks-Extension

          I will upload my latest commits today, with some small fixes, there was no update since some time.

  • If I had to guess, it is all about branding.

    Chromium isn’t as well-known as Chrome. A person uses a computer, gets used to Chrome, and that’s that. Brand loyalty.

    At some point, the user becomes aware of the existence of Chromium. It does everything that Chrome does, even the sync stuff, but the name. Chromium sounds weaker than Chrome. And also, open source.

    While it may be hard to wrap our heads around, the question of trust plays a role. Some individuals would rather put their privacy in the hands of a big corporation than an open source project. Without even trying the alternative… You can see the same happen with Office software. Many people, on their personal computers, could probably get by with LibreOffice. But somehow people have this idea that open source is bad. Also, OpenOffice! Why are people still installing that? It is ruining the image of open source…

    Finally, they might see the website and be totally lost.

    Chromium landing page

    But Chrome’s page has that big button we are used to seeing.

  • I second the opinion people just don’t know, in fact, I didn’t know there was much of a difference between browsers. Because I don’t like Windows shoving Edge on my face, so it has to be another browser. So I guess Chrome is what everyone uses and why not? No reason really. Reading other comments, no, I don’t care about sync.

    One thing I am liking about Lemmy is the well informed, tech savy crowd. So feel free to explain in layman terms why am I sinning. What have I done wrong?

    • I guess the best explanation is this comic - made as a sort of mea culpa for the original Chrome comic that explained the benefits of going with Chrome: https://contrachrome.com/

      And let me take the opportunity to say: Try Firefox. It is definitely a better choice for many people - unless they depend heavily on PWAs. You can probably find your favorite extensions or alternatives to them. I have completely dropped Chromium-based browsers just to help maintain a healthy browser ecosystem, so if one browser fails catastrophically or is steered in the wrong direction (hello Google!), we have somewhere else to go. Chrome is essentially the new IE and that is reason enough for me to use something else. It is bad for the web and it is bad for users.