• I really wish I could use those roads for transport using a bicycle. I just don’t feel like being passed by a truck moving at 80km/h just a few centimeters away in a curve with bad visibility, potentially even with fog in the morning.

    You can make multiple extra lanes for cars, but not a single lane for bicycles?

    • TBH, where I live, those 80km/h roads aren’t as bad as you would think. Cars slow down before bends because they anticipate that a bicycle, hiker, tractor or whatever slow moving vehicle and usually pass them with decent space.

      But that is only true for less frequented roads, if there is heavy oncoming traffic and save overtaking is not possible, people will still try to squeeze through and there separated bike lanes are really important.

  • You’re making the right point, BUT pretty much every train service provider would add more parallel tracks if they increase the number of trains to a certain point, because they start getting in the way of each other

  • Remember when Robert Moses intentionally made the parkways hostile to buses and trains? There’s a bit in The Power Broker about how his engineers wanted to put trains in, or at least build the roads so it would be easy to do later. Moses said no.

      • i always “enjoy” stopping for a moment and counting the number of cars on a stretch of road and comparing it to the number of people i see outside of a vehicle.

        Most of the time they’re about equal, and yet the roads are so full from that piddly amount that people have to stop at give-way intersections and wait for up to a minute at a time, while the worst the multi-use paths ever get is people having to step to the side a bit.