I’m just curious for the new or existing people? Lemmy.ml has taken a hard turn to the right since the reddit exodus. There’s been a lot of pro-imperialist propaganda being posted on world news, and a lot less diversity of opinion. It feels more neoliberal and neo-con to me.

Does anyone want to share what their political leanings are?

I’ll start; I’m anti-imperialist pro-state regulated capitalism. I believe we should have usage based taxes (toll roads, carbon tax) and luxury taxes, and I disagree with wealth taxes for people with less than $250 million. The state should spend more money on consumer protection in all industries (environment, health, finance, etc.) I believe in multipolarity vs. US hegemony.

  • I have no idea what box I fit into.

    • I am generally anti-capitalism. The current system does not benefit human. We are constantly exploited in the name of profits
    • vital industries and services need to be nationalized. Capitalism is a race to the bottom when it comes to providing the bare minumum, cutting corners etc.
    • people should be free to do what they please as long as it doesn’t hurt other people. To this end, I am pro-inclusion of all walks of life, except for bigots.
    • we are rapidly running out of time to prevent an ecological apocalypse. Everything must be done to avoid it
    • we are rapidly running out of time to prevent an ecological apocalypse. Everything must be done to avoid it

      I think we more or less are either too late to stop it or are unable to stop it. I think we should instead be focused on planning mitigations for the future. I expect at some point in the next century or two there will be large migrations of people from the equator going to the north (places like Russia or Canada).

    • Depending on if you think Capitalism should be totally abolished or not, you could be a Social Democrat all the way to a Libertarian Socialist.

      Edit: gotta have a state to nationalize things. So could be Dem Soc/Market Socialist to as far left as ML. But MLs typically are a little less pro-individual liberties, so probably not ML.

    • I agree with this. I tend to be more of a “California hippy” as my far more conservative friends tell me.

      Necessities need to be taken away from people who profit from them. At the very least. Realistically, probably less things should fall under capitalism, but if we start with transportation, medical, housing, education, fuels, electricity, etc we would be doing much better.

      I agree that people should be able to do as they please, with a caveat. As long as it doesn’t affect other people. Guns are a pretty good example here (I’ll get back to this).

      The environment is screwed, and I truly don’t think we can stop the spiral, but agree we need to try.

      I’m waiting for all the angry replies to this one. Guns need to go away. Not completely, but we need to move to where they are only kept and used by highly licensed and highly insured people, or at highly regulated and insured clubs/establishments. Everyone having guns doesn’t work. Just look around.

      And while I’m at it get all money out of politics. Bye bye lobbying. Close loopholes for all government officials that use their insider info to benefit their bank account.

  • Social Democrat.

    Lots of anti monopoly pro consumer regulations. But freedom to have private enterprise. High income and corporate tax. Free healthcare & education. Even rare diseases and university. Corporations can only lease and never own land. Govt ownership of essential industries like electricity, water, gas.

  • Some of my friends think I’m an idealist but I’d argue that’s the point. I vote for whatever would allow us to get to the Star Trek: TNG version of earth. A Post Scarcity society where humans want to better themselves and their communities through each individuals pursuit of their interests unrestricted by any “system”. To get there, I care about improving the lives of the entirety of humanity equally while doing away with the disparity inequality we see. It is undoubtedly true capitalism did raise the average QOL of many many people of the entire world, however, others it put into modern slavery.

  • I’m a Marxist-Leninist, member of an organized group.

    I believe countries try to shape and weaponize citizens’ opinions about other countries, so I refuse to defend or criticize them unless I can argue that doing so is beneficial to my ideas (i.e., not based on feelings or ethics). Thus, I’m neutral towards most countries and defend multipolarity.

    I tend to doubt my ideas as much as I can.

  • I think every person should have food, water, and shelter at the very least. Nobody should need to do anything for these basic necessities of life.

    I always thought this was a common thought but no, this apparently is a far left radical ideology. People should starve on the street unless they provide value to a capitalist is actually the common thought.

  • I personally would say Liberal just to overly simplify things.

    In reality, growing up in the rural midwest makes it more complex than that. I have a ton of left and right ideologies that contradict them selves, with no compromise in sight.

    • This is one of the big pitfalls of the two party system in the US. If you fall in the middle, you don’t have an obvious choice of party, or you have a few issues where your party of choice doesn’t represent you.

      An example- in Oregon you’ll find many people who are generally very liberal, socially progressive and such, but who don’t support blanket gun restrictions due to the traditions of hunting, trapping and outdoorsy stuff that Northwesterners are into. In a parliamentary democracy, you may have been able to find the “smoke pot and have a hunting rifle” party, but in our model, you have to pick one or the other.

  • I’d like the GOP and right-wing media to be vaporized in its entirety, and I’d like the establishment/corporatist wing of the Democratic party to be smashed to pieces. Maybe then we can hurry up and get going on some stuff.

  • What happened on lemmy.ml? That place is moderated by tankies with their finger on the ban trigger, so I am skeptical if you mean “hard turn to the right” or “normal people calling out the propaganda that my echo chamber used to shield me from.”

    To answer the question, I’m a radical anarchist, no state, no money, no bosses, no landlords, no compromises.

    • As a Marxist-Leninist I am curious what your approach would be to military intervention as the US has done time and time again with leftist movements in the third-world. I think there are many valid critiques of the state but I see it as a necessary evil to protect a leftist movement.

      I am open to opinions and genuinely curious to hear your perspective.

      • For matters of defense against imperialism, the state is an orthogonal question. The state is just a monopoly on violence. A community can be just as prepared to defend themselves as a state (arguably more so, since every person can be their own guerilla, instead of a blessed few.)

        Speaking of which, there have been many Marxist revolutionaries that came into power with only guerilla/irregular/asymmetric warfare, which stands in contrast to the vanguard party approach. One requires a state and the other doesn’t.

  • Republicans seem to want to turn back the clock to the 1950’s and in one aspect I agree with them. The top tax rate back then was 90%. That should be returned for anyone making over $10 million.

    Unlike Republicans, though, I think people should be free to be who they are - whether they’re LGBTQ or straight/cisgender, black or white, Christian or Jewish or atheist, or any other group I didn’t list. (I didn’t list all groups only because I don’t want this comment to be novel length.) Basically, as long as your actions affect only yourself and consenting adults, I’m fine with them.

    I’m also fine with parents having some control over what their kids do. I’m a parent myself and know that as a parent you need to make judgement calls as to what’s best for your child. I wouldn’t want someone else questioning my parenting based on their beliefs. However, there are limits. If your child is LGBTQ and you try to force them to be straight/cisgender, you aren’t acting in your child’s best interests. If your 10 year old child is raped and their life is in danger, but you refuse to allow them to have an abortion because your religion doesn’t allow it, then you’re harming your child.

    Also, a person’s “parental rights” shouldn’t mean that they get to decide that certain books are banned from everyone reading them. My son actually just finished reading a book because it had been banned and we laughed over how innocuous the “ban triggering passage” was compared to some stuff in the Bible.

    Basically, I think I’d call myself a Pragmatic Progressive. I advocate for progressive causes, but I also realize that society can often be slower to adapt than we like. While we would love to be able to pass X and have it be widely adopted immediately, there’s often a series of slow moving battles to get X passed and another slow march to get wide acceptance. We can’t simply throw in the political towel at the first setback. Neither can we pass up 10% of our goal being within our grasp because we’re holding out for 100%. We need to get whatever advancements we can while continually pushing for more.