• Hey guys! It’s ya boi Walter Wiggles comin at you with a brand new constitution. Don’t forget to like comment and subscribe. We’re doin a new constitution every week, so leave a comment and tell us what freedoms YOU want to see!

  • Every citizen has a right to food, water and adequate shelter.

    Anything that makes you a captive market cannot be private or has to have a free public alternative.

    Things like healthcare, transport, housing, water, energy, internet etc.

    Equal rights.

    • Anything that makes you a captive market cannot be private or has to have a free public alternative.

      If there is a private non-free alternative, it is inevitable that eventually a politician will be corrupted and opt for less public funding hoping to artificially make the private one much better, and then get their share of the profits.

  • 🤔🤔🤔

    Okay, so I have put a LOT of thought into this question, and after reading everyone else’s opinions on the matter, I thought I’d share mine. You guys have a lot of good ideas, some of which I didn’t think about before. I hope my ideas can inspire similar contemplation.

    Okay, here goes:

    IN THE NAME OF liberty, truth, justice, cupcakes, porn, and all that is good in this life, We The People of The Motherfucking Galactic Republic hereby establish and ordain this new Constitution, with blackjack and hookers.

    Based on the millennia of suffering of ourselves and our ancestors, We The People hereby establish and remind the reader that ALL PEOPLE HAVE BASIC NATURAL RIGHTS that either the government or any organization of people cannot violate, or must enable and adhere to, respectively. We lay out this Constitution to provide a Framework from which the government, organizations and the people can sort out what and how that should be done, and what ways most benefit the people.

    We also hereby establish in the name of harmony, justice, truth and goodness that along with RESPECTING AND ENABLING NATURAL RIGHTS, government, organizations and the people must also adhere to certain responsibilities to ensure the best and most positive outcome for the people and to protect the natural rights of everyone involved.


    We the People hereby establish this list of Natural Rights we recognize from the start.

    We first stress that this list is not exhaustive, and that Natural Rights are not limited to only the contents of the list. As the future plays out, the people will experience situations new to humanity and therefore the Natural Rights of which the people expect the government and organizations to enforce and protect will, by its nature, expand. New amendments to this list shall be done in accordance with the instructions of this here Constitution.


    The most basic of all Natural Rights is the right to have one’s physical needs met by the government and organizations. These rights include, but not limited to:

    • The right to steady and fair access to nutritious and delicious food, and clean, safe, drinkable water.

    • The right to a safe, clean, pestilence-free, and sturdy domicile that will comfortably meet a person’s need for shelter, food, water, electricity and homeostasis.

    • The right to access to electricity, including but not limited to power generation for their shelter.

    • The right to access and use all publicly available or published information that has ever been created up to this point and in the future.

    • The right to access and use communications platforms, including but not limited to mail and any electronic communications systems developed before or since, especially Internet and interplanetary/interstellar communications systems.

    • The right to clean, suitably fitting clothing that will meet the wearer’s need for protection from the external world and homeostasis.

    • The right to clean, safe, fast and efficient transportation, on all scopes as described later in this Constitution.

    No organization and no government can receive or require payment for the fulfillment of any of these aspects of the right to have one’s needs met.


    We The People assert that we live in an objective reality with a natural world filled not only with wonders, but with many dangers, and therefore the government and organizations are mandated to protect, enforce and safeguard the very real need the people have to maintain and protect themselves, each other, their communities, nation and species.

    These rights include, but not limited to:

    • The inalienable right to use lethal or non-lethal force in self-defense and defense of other people in life-threatening situations, whether those situations be immediate, or long-term such as domestic abuse, stalking or harassment.

    • The right of all individuals to own weapons.

    • The right to access and receive combat training, including in the use of weapons.

    • The collective right to own ordnance for all communities.

    • The collective right to form militias and militaries, and to give combat training access to all individuals in a community.

    • The right to secure one’s domicile against all forms of attack, whether foreign or domestic

    Weapons are defined as:

    • any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, drone or cannon, that can be held and operated by a single individual. Explosive devices equal to or less in power than a stick of TNT are also included.

    Ordnance is defined as:

    • any vehicle designed for military or combat use, including but not limited to tanks, ships, airplanes, or spaceships; large weapons that require more than one individual to operate; explosive devices more powerful than one stick of TNT; bioweapons; nuclear, relativistic (such as asteroids or missiles deliberately launched toward another) or antimatter weapons. Note that individuals are explicitly ALLOWED to have vehicles NOT designed for combat use as defined here. No government or organization can declare a clearly not combat-designed vehicle as one.

    FOR THE safety, protection, provision, and betterment of the people of The Motherfucking Galactic Republic, the government is mandated to have and operate A SPACE PROGRAM, to be given no less than 10% of the federal government’s gross earnings (whether they be taxes, direct revenue, however the hypothetical government makes money).

    This space program must do, bare minimum:

    And that’s as far as I’ve got. The Motherfucking Galactic Republic is obviously just a filler name; I don’t know if any of these ideas would ever be implemented but they could be used for any new nation, so…

  • This is a non-exhaustive list.

    Healthy food, clean water, safety, clean air, top tier healthcare, communication, transportation, education, and housing are the basic rights which the state must ensure all of its people have.

    No law or regulation shall compromise an individual’s privacy, including their digital privacy rights. Personalised ads are illegal.

    Source code of software must be published no later than 3 years after the release of any software or system.

    Patents expire after 4 years at the latest with no evergreening allowed. Lifesaving drugs can’t be patented.

    Right to repair must be protected by the constitution. Schematics and replacement parts and board level components must be available for as long as the product is on the market + 10 years at BoM cost + logistics.

    Non-commercial transformative works are protected.

    The state must maintain, to the best of its ability, a top of the line rail network, with additional supplemental bus network as transitional period so that completely eliminates the need for personal automobiles in any town larger than 2000 residents.

    No road in residential areas should allow higher than 30km/h driving speed, and 70km/h between cities. (To further encourage usage of public transit and cycling).

    The state must maintain a top of the line high speed rail network that completely replaces the highway system, as well as completely replacing regional flights.

    All public transit will be free to use, 100% funded by tax money.

    Worker’s union, on top of the regular protections, has the ability to freeze assets and accounts of the company to force negotiations.

    Construction code must minimise the carbon footprint of the project by reducing emissions (not just relying on carbon buybacks).

    Any military action must be compliant with international laws, failure to comply will result in emergency re-elections.

    Any elected official is not allowed to own stocks or options in any company. Any elected official must retire before the age of 65. No elected official can stay in the same position for longer than 8 years.

    Healthcare is 100% funded by the state, no residents shall pay a single penny for their own medical treatment.

    Organ donation is opt out, not opt in.

    Maximum legal salary for corporate executives must never exceed 5x the lowest salary at that company, and no more than 5x of the median income of that country.

    If 1% of residents in any given jurisdiction sign a petition to fire any police officer from that jurisdiction, a referendum will decide.

    Any agent of the state who abuses their power for personal gain will be charged with abuse of power and possibly treason.

    Education from kindergarten to university is fully funded by the state. Trade schools will also be funded. Students with special needs must be accommodated by the state to the best of its ability.

    In order to declare a war, a referendum must be passed with a supermajority of the entire voting population. Children above the age of 15 should also be allowed to vote, since if you start a war, it is possible that it will lead to a draft that will force them into combat when they reach the age of adulthood.

    The death penalty is not allowed no matter the severity of the crime.

    For profit prisons are illegal, all incarceration centers are owned and operated by the state. inmates’ living conditions must be humane and allow them to maintain their safety, health, and dignity, with the primary goal is to rehabilitate convicts and reintegrate them back to society.

    Whistleblower protection: anyone who comes to a possession of document, or any other evidence of wrong doing of the state, is allowed and encouraged to publish said evidence, and they will be constitutionally protected from any criminal charges, and against violence through a special agency.

    Vehicles are taxed based on weight and emissions rating.

    Any income higher than 500k per year (adjusted to inflation) gets a 95% tax (remember that this is a tax bracket, if you earn 600k, the first 500k will be taxed normally, and the extra 100k will be taxed at 95%). Deductable expenses for any item above $2000 must require more detailed documentation to include a description of how that item will be used.

    Religious organizations must be taxed like any other for-profit organization.

    All forests are protected and the state shall ensure its biodiversity is maintained and managed appropriately.

    Coal is completely banned for energy production. Natural gas is taxed so heavily that only industries that absolutely must use it will. (To force the use of green energy solutions like nuclear, solar, and others…)

    All publicly funded research publications must not have any paywall or DRM.

  • Okay, I’ll start with a basic one. Equal rights for everyone, regardless of beliefs, physical traits, emotional traits, sexuality or financial situation - will probably need amendments since it’s hard to come up with every possible circumstance.

      • They should still have the same rights as everyone else, and that shouldn’t be a controversial statement. But of course, as soon as they break the law, they should be punished. If they never break the law, they should have every right to be shitty people in public.

        The government choosing what is morally right and what is morally wrong and punishing people for holding morally “wrong” beliefs is exactly what led us to be in the situation we are in right now in the US and China. Not everyone will ever agree on what is right or wrong. Make laws based on actions, not beliefs, and if anyone commits those actions, punish them for that.

      • I mean I don’t cherish the idea of giving a Nazi anything, but I still think they deserve equal rights, but it probably also depend on what you mean by rights. My interpretation would be that this include every service provided by the government. Handling groups like Nazis I think would fall under hate speech if they use their opinions to antagonize or incite violence towards other people.

      • They exist in countries with coalition governments (e.g. Germany) and yes the Nazi parties are popular, but they do not hold a majority and likely never will, so their power is reined in (just as with other parties).

        If the party didn’t exist, then those fascists would just join other mainstream parties and sow division within them (see: UK and US politics). Fascist pigs should have a voice, and be represented, like anyone else. Their voice just shouldn’t drown out anyone else, and that is the case in a government that has proportional representation as one of its founding tenets.

  • All software that’s paid for by taxpayers must be open-source, or at least source-visible. I know some European countries are heading this direction (or may already enforce this) which is great.

    Actually, let’s do that for everything that’s funded by taxpayers. If I’m paying for something through taxes, I should be able to see more detailed information about where the money is going and the output of it.

  • Just the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple:

    I empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

    II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

    III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

    IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.

    V Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

    VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

    VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. Crest image by Luciana Nedelea.

      • They’re basically trolls who put pressure against blue laws. They’re genuinely great and are a large reason why things haven’t devolved into theocracy. Every time fundamentalists get a huge W passing an abusive law they come in to prove just how easy it is to turn it against them.

        “If you think it’s OK to merge the state with Christianity, then it is by your definition ok for us to build a satanic temple in the white house”

  • The entire body of the state, be it executive, legislative, or judiciary should have a youth quota.

    Like say at least 60% of members must be 40 or under.

    People over 50 are fundamentally incapable of comprehending the modern world and because they won’t have to live in the world they are building – They are more than willing to sacrifice us all to guarantee their own.

    Full disenfranchisement of the old would be reckless, but a quota? Yea.

    • Had shit to do. Had to stop short. Now that I’m back, a few additions:

      • Excessive Wealth and Political Activity are to be mutually exclusive – If your net worth surpasses XXX (number to be determined) times the wealth of the average citizen of the nation, you are barred from all political participation, be it holding office or voting. You can reacquire your political rights by willfully surrendering assets (be it to the government or to a charity) until that condition is no longer met. – If you are found using indirect methods to influence politics anyway your assets are to be seized and you tried as a criminal against national security. Vice-versa for politicians, if you become too wealthy while holding office, you forfeit your office or your wealth, you may not have both.

      • Human bodies are sovereign territory, not to be controlled by anyone but the individual themselves. Such sovereignty begins at birth and lasts until death. No family member, community backlash, or state intervention shall be allowed to intervene in that. Even if the individual is harming themselves, that is their right as their body belongs to them.

      • Free communication and free culture being recognised as rights, any law regulating trademarks or commercial copying rights should respect a person’s fundamental right to sharing in human culture and human knowledge.

      • All laws, regulations and precedents must be reviewed every twenty years. In case they are no longer relevant and ought to be gone or need updating to match a changing world.

    • Too many too old politians. But how to slim the fat. Quota is a neat idea. How about senility test, based on current known conditions and the avg age they occur. The test needs to occur more frequently on people of older ages due to increase odds.

      I feel a quota alone would sometimes screen out perfectly fine older people, while keeping the ones who shouldn’t be there .

      Also 40…damn. I think 20 and 30 year olds can, but rarely have enough life experience for something like this. 35-65 is probably prime age for politicians IMO.

      • Also a pretty interesting idea, a sort of per-election test to see if they are both fully sane and up to date on current events.

        … Although the senility test might end up as a tool of disenfranchisement anyway. Just remember Literacy Tests in the American Slave States during Jim Crow.

      • Broadly because of gerontocracy and the idea that oldness = competency.

        It is also why the world is slowly dying and the people in charge don’t give two shits: They’ll be dead by the time it gets TRULY shitty so they don’t have any incentive to care.

        And as far as like, work is concerned, gerontocracy is fine.

        Not so for politics. Hence, youth quota.

        • Ehh. Blaming it on age and not the isolated actions of a single generation is really doing a disservice to all of humanity. Historically older people never hosed younger people as things have been happening now so it can’t be an age thing.

          Granted, there’s historical precedent for having a mandatory retirement age and age minimums for a lot of things, but banning 50-70 year olds is a really hard sell, especially since that’s around the age when people are the most influential and productive in their lives.

          • I didn’t say a ban. I said a quota of young people in bodies of government to ensure the ancients can’t piss all over the future just to get their own.

            And I maintain that the main reason people are at their “most influential and productice” at 50-70 is because of a culture of gerontocracy, and that should not be the case.

            • And the late bloomers who are unable to start their lives until their 50s, what about them? And that happens a lot; domestic abuse victims who are never able to escape and are turned into slaves for their narcissistic parents or spouses until they die is a pretty good example. It’s at best an unnecessary hurdle devoid of context.

              Quotas are just a slippery slope to bans, honestly. It’s how all people are, not the current generation of tyrants we’re trapped under.

              I’m not judging you for offering your opinion on the matter at hand or anything. I just thought it was worth a quick debate, is all.

              • “Quotas are a slippery slope to bans” to me smells the same as “affirmative action is racist”.

                Pretending that there is a slippery slope where there isn’t even a slope to begin with, and if there is, it’s sloping the other way.

                Enfranchising the disenfranchised is not the same as disenfranchising the enfranchised and never will be.

                And no, I don’t think the “current generation of tyrants” is in any way special or different. It just so happens that we are living right now, and the current sword of damocles of climate change is so transparent and all encompassing that their sacrificing of the young to maintain their spoiled lives is so damn obvious.

                But “old people in power make decision, and it is the young who pay for it” is in fact older than feudalism. Who declares the wars? The white-haired old heads in government. Who actually goes and dies in the wars? The young who are under their thrall. Who makes reckless economic decisions that lead to recessions? The old who already have property to lean back on. Who lives through those recessions and suffers without being able to afford a living? The young who had no choice. Etc. etc. etc.

                It is older than feudalism. The tyranny of the ancients is the most – Er – Ancient. Form of tyranny in humanity. Simply because having time already gives one an unfair advantage in consolidating power.

                • Many ancient kings who’d send people to war were themselves young or middle aged.

                  And we can see on Lemmy that tons of people explicitly want politicians of a certain age to be forcibly retired, be that age 80 or 75 or 65 or whatever. You’re swinging young even by our standards. So we can conclude it is a slippery slope because it is kind of what people want, and will incrementally allow people to make what they want socially acceptable enough to pass bans completely. Which is, of course, what a slippery slope is.

                  Everybody else did the same with smoking bans. We have eyes that can see and ears that can hear. Come on now.

                  I don’t even necessarily disagree with you. I just want you to think about what you’re asking for.

  • Note: I used Community of Earth in case we discover other species, but I’d suggest changing the name according to the interplanetary travel and expeditions

    I’m not an expert, but I propose the following:

    First and most important

    1. Every individual, from any background and in accordance of the Community of Earth, has the right to the following:
    • a) To Housing in good living conditions, according to the Fourth Right rights and obligations
    • b) To Food
    • c) To Water
    • d) To Access of all public knowledge and knowledge funded completely or partially funded by the Community of Earth
    • e) To a Well-cared-for environment
    • f) To Migrate or Immigrate to any place in or out-of- the Earth
    • g) To reliable, well-cared-for, efficient Public Transport and any transport, in the conditions mentioned below
    • h) To Demand their personal data be protected and used only in the conditions mentioned below
    • i) None of the rights and obligations declared above can be overruled, modified or eliminated without the consent of the 100% of the population of the Community of Earth.
    1. Every individual has the right to be recognized by any entity, organization, individual or any group of individuals that need to use their information
    2. Every individual’s identity and characteristics can’t be damaged, abolished or affected in any way that invalidates their right to be recognized as they wish
    • a) All individuals and groups of individuals have to follow consent obligations, which can’t be abolished nor modified unless they have the recognition of the entire Community of the Earth
    • b) There is no way, path, reform or modification that may affect the rights of the Community of Earth to vote
    1. All the individuals have the right to form organizations, which may be completely transparent in their financial background and members.
    • a) Organizations proclaiming an expert base to have a vote in knowledge or educational background have to adhere to the Second Right obligations and rights.
    • b) Organizations proclaiming an expert base to have a vote in the Community of Earth decisions have to follow the Third Right
    • c) Organizations can be overruled and stop being recognized according to the Community of Earth decisions

    Second. Right of decision making for the Community of Earth

    1. Expert entities are those that have an extensive, recognized and valid knowledge recognized by the Community of Earth, in the area they intend to be recognized as experts
    2. Any organization participating as an expert entity for the Community of Earth, included but not limited to: Rights, Economics, Knowledge, Spacial, Exploring, Architectural, Transport and other kinds of entities that may affect the Community of Earth as a whole have to adhere to the following rights and obligations:
    • a) Decisions have to be based on facts. Decisions can’t be influenced by religion, moral, personal or any other kind of influence that is not based on facts.
    • b) Decisions and propositions have to be completely open to the Community of Earth, if hidden, organizations are subject to the Sxith Right rights and obligations.
    1. Any organization, participating as an expert entity for the Community of Earth as stated above, can’t choose, propose nor influence individuals or groups of individuals without the knowledge of the Community of Earth. Otherwise, they may be subject to the obligations stated in the Sixth Right
    2. Any organization, participating as an expert entity for the Community of Earth has to use standardized, free and open source software and standards according to the Community of Earth.

    Third. The right of Knowledge

    1. Any organizations proclaiming educational and knowledge-access base have to be recognized by the Community of Earth
    2. Any school or educational organization may be funded by the Community of Earth, according to the following obligations:
    • a) All facts may be represented as facts, without any modifications and according to ages
    • b) All content may be reviewed by experts recognized by the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth
    • c) All knowledge, described by the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth, may be taught with enough evidence as the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth recognize
    • d) All individuals and groups of individuals, including those following a redemption path, have the right of education and knowledge
    • e) All software, hardware and equipment used with educational purposes has to be completely open to be reviewed by students and the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth
    1. All knowledge has to be based on facts, unless declared and approved by the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth as fictional content, included but not limited to: novels, sci-fi stories, movies, series, stories, myths, etc.
    • a) All knowledge declared and approved as fictional content can’t be presented as facts nor used to influence Community of Earth decisions

    Fourth. Housing and Living Conditions Rights

    1. Living conditions are decided by the Community of Earth
    2. Architectural and Urban design decisions are made by the several Architectural, Urban Design, Civil Engineer and housing and urban design organizations recognized by the Community of Earth
    3. Every individual may be provided housing with good living conditions, following their necessities

    Fifth. Worker’s Rights

    I mean, the basics and, you know, Marx propositions lol

    Sixth. Right of Punishment and Redemption

    i haven’t decided yet, but the Norwegian proposition sounds good and, with all basics needs met, it may not be necessary to be so strict. But there are still other things to be clear and I already spent too much time writing this

    Seventh. Right of Exploration and Transport

    1. Pedestrians and cyclists will always be the priority
    2. Any vehicle that may be sold, interchanged, modified, gifted or any other kind of exchange, designed for private transport, has to follow the following obligations:
    • a) The vehicle has to follow environmental regulations, which are assigned by the several environmental organizations recognized by the Community of Earth
    • b) The vehicle has to follow the security for vehicle passengers and pedestrians regulations assigned by the several urban, environmental and other organizations selected by the Community of Earth
    1. Public and massive transport vehicles can only be acquired after the revision, auditory and recognition of the several urban, environmental and other organizations selected by the Community of Earth.
    • a) All information about the models, contracts, routes and other related information of Public transport, vehicles, software, hardware and other specifications selected by the several urban, environmental and other organizations selected by the Community of Earth has to be completely open to the Community of Earth and provided in an standardized, accessible and free (as in freedom and price) way.

    And i don’t know, I’m a Free Software advocate so that too has to be considered. Any way, I have more ideas, but not the time

  • Political parties are outlawed. Every MP should represent their own view, not tow a party line dreamt up by a PR agency.

    Your vote affects others (like driving, owning a gun etc put others at risk). To vote you must pass a test; to pass the test we offer free education. To enable you to attend this education, we offer you a universal basic income. The test must not discriminate based on gender, age, sexual orientation, income etc etc.

  •  Susaga   ( @Susaga@ttrpg.network ) 
    1 year ago

    The wealthiest 10% of people must donate at least 5% of their yearly earnings to a general fund for public welfare, including free food, shelter and medical aid. Business assets domestic and international are included in this calculation. Anyone who attempts to hide assets to avoid donating, even within the confines of the law, can be tried for the manslaughter of everyone who died from poverty that fiscal year.

    Essentially, if you have the financial means to help people, you are legally required to.

      • You’re not wrong, but I’d want it separate from tax so it goes directly to welfare and not just government funds. It also sounds nicer to donate than pay taxes, and you never get a donation rebate.

          • Tax goes to a single government spending fund, but I want this to be separate so it can’t be channelled into buying guns or whatever. It’s only welfare, and nothing else.

            While donations are typically voluntary, there’s nothing stopping it from being enforced. Someone can put a gun to your head and force you to donate to charity, and that’s still a donation.

            The vainglorious rich jerks might be less hesitant to part with their cash if they can boast about how much they donated, even if it was required of them. Only a little less, but that’s still good.

            I have thought about it, and I am sticking with “donate” as the term.

            • Tax goes to a single government spending fund, but I want this to be separate

              Then it’s still a tax, just a tax going to a different fund.

              Someone can put a gun to your head and force you to donate to charity, and that’s still a donation.

              In that case, the person holding a gun to your head stole your money and then they effectively donated it to charity.