If it blocks your IP, wouldn’t everyone who came to your house get banned as long as they’re using your Wi-Fi?

  •  m-p{3}   ( @mp3@lemmy.ca ) 
    1 year ago

    Correct, and they could technically be at risk of getting their account banned if they consider those as possible alt-accounts for ban evasion too.

  • Yes. I was IP banned from Reddit and my wife’s account got banned as well on her devices (I never once used her devices to log into my account).

    This can be circumvented with a vpn, but why bother. Reddit is a toxic site that is meant to show you ads and get you enraged so you engage.

      • For me I found that it was full of people who desperately wanted to be right about everything.

        I was banned from the 3Dprinting sub after posting a print in front of a 3D printer that was not the subreddit’s recommended printer and after I was called out for having “the wrong printer” I accused the multiple users of acting like they were in a cult. That resulted in a ban. Even my hobby subs were filled with unnecessary negativity.

        There is much less content here but I fill it with as much interesting content I can because it’s friendlier here.

          • I’m suspect of their claim as I was in the 3D printing subreddit as well and never witnessed anyone suggesting the Ender printers were the printer to buy. They’re just dirt cheap so many people buy them as a first printer, but even die hard Ender users will tell you they’re not great to own without tons of mods.

            I’ve definitely witnessed this phenomenon in other subreddits though (HomeNetworking > Ubiquiti, Headphones > AudioTechnica).

  • It’s complicated.

    Reddit doesn’t seem to ban an IP specifically, but they have ways of figuring out if accounts are associated. For instance, I was permanently banned for suggesting arson as a way of dealing with nazis moving in down the street. (I guess Reddit thinks that this is “encouraging violence”, as if Nazis were human?). I always use a VPN. When I changed my location and logged in to an alternate account, that account got banned also. I made an account from a different computer a few days later, also with a VPN, and that account was banned as well; I had previously logged into my 1st account from that computer.

    So I think that there’s some kind of digital fingerprinting going on. I should have fingerprinting blocked on my computer, but it’s still happening, somehow; there must be some kind of hardware configuration information that it’s able to scrape that gives it a high enough degree of certainty that I’m me… The only solution that I was able to come up with–I have not actually tried this–was replacing my computer entirely, and then creating a new account.

    EDIT: I’m curious to see what would happen if I tried to log into my banned account from my wife’s laptop. She has a reddit account; would they see me using her laptop as proof that her real account is one of my alternate accounts? IDK.

    • One does not simply “block fingerprinting”. Fingerprinting is incredibly complicated and very hard to avoid. You need VPN, Browser with no extentions and fixed windowsize (tor or mullvad), frequent cookie deletion, even the installed fonts/language packs can give them identifiers…

      EFF has a good test which tests your browser

      • I just checked their tool. With a brand-new private browsing window open, connected through a VPN, and a fair amount of blocking shit layered into my browser, it’s showing that I’m blocking ads and trackers, but that I still have a unique fingerprint. Even tools like canvas blocker aren’t preventing it. Running it through Tor, I have a non-unique fingerprint, but Reddit doesn’t play nicely with the Tor browser. Attempting to use different clean installs of browsers (Vivaldi, Brave, Edge, Chrome (incognito mode), etc.) all have me as unique. Fonts could def. do it; I have to have a ton installed on my workstation.

  • Normally yes, but they may only do it for the “evil people using a hardened Browser” as they will recognize everyone of those Chrome, Edge or Safari users perfectly. Along with Opera, Vivaldi, Samsung Internet etc