• I love reading the comments on Mac Rumour articles when it’s negative news for Apple’s platforms or services. To paraphrase: “Vulcan bad!” “Lazy Devs!” “But they support Linux?” and “What a dumb business decision!”

    Yes, Apple zealots, Valve is absolutely going to support your vendor-specific graphics API on a platform that they aren’t making much money from, and will continue to support and test that platform for years, operating as a charity because they love Apple so much 😂

    •  LiveLM   ( @LiveLM@lemmy.zip ) 
      1 year ago

      One of the comments said

      You can expect this to continue happening for as long as Apple pushes Metal and refuses to support Vulkan […] If macOS wants to get anywhere it has to be a case “why not support it” instead of “we need to make a Metal compatible version of our engine”.

      And I couldn’t have said it better myself

    • Blizzard used to support Mac very well. Diablo and WoW always supported Mac. Valve as well, most Valve first party titles released for Mac. Played lots of Portal 1/2, CS:GO. Also played Minecraft, Sims, KSP.

  • Mac locks so many people out of their ecosystem I have little to no sympathy. Apple has the money to bring this game to Mac if they really wanted.

  • uninstalled it today, it’s really a gameplay downgrade from cs:go and that wasn’t my fav cs by far.

    really shitty that they basically took cs:go away too. yeah, I dig the levels and lighting and crosshairs but otherwise the experience, both multiplayer and even bot practice gameplay was pretty meh.