You may want to know that Ubisoft’s Rocksmith® 2014 Edition will be de-listed from Steam and other online stores after October 23rd, 2023 which is one week from this post date. This is a game that makes learning to play the guitar like Guitar Hero/Rockband, which can score you or let you slowly practice a part with scrolling fret indicators.

Now, it’s not on sale or anything (hasn’t been for a couple years), there might be W11 issues (I’m using Win 10 and Linux computers), and you’ll need a real guitar and either a mic or special USB cable to properly play the game. However, after this date you won’t be able to purchase this game anymore unless you buy from a key-seller or a retail CD copy.

Of course, Ubisoft is going to replace this 40 CAD game with a subscription service model called Rocksmith+ which is 20 CAD per month and not available on Steam. On the other hand, RS2014 works without the need of a Uplay account and can be played offline (Just press Esc twice at the signin screen).

Now there are 1555 DLCs available but they will eventually be delisted as well at some point in the future but you won’t be able to get them without the base game. The only DLC you will “need” is the Cherub Rock DLC because of…

Custom DLC is a community created mod that lets you play user-created and converted maps. By default it uses the DLC ID of Cherub Rock which is why you need it, but this is configurable if you really don’t want to spend 4 CAD. There are tens of thousands of Custom DLC songs available online so you will be hard pressed to run out of new ones to try.

  • I’m still not over how they ruined Rocksmith. The first two were amazing games, they improved my skills so much and I had so much fun playing them. And I kept waiting word for a Rocksmith 3, because the team behind it is amazing so I was really hopeful. But then one day without ever hearing of it being announced I stumbled upon Rocksmith+ and that’s when I realized this is where the license had gone to die, in a shitty closed Ubisoft online subscription, a shadow of its former shell. I hope one day we get a better spiritual successor that isn’t in the hands of such a trash company.

      •  Kichae   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        On the one hand, yes, this is both stupid and really dickish behaviour from Ubisoft. On the other hand…

        This should be illegal.

        No. Full stop. no. No one should be compelled to continue selling something they don’t want to sell anymore. If it has social value, it should be reproduced and superseded by something owned by society as a whole. The seller shouldn’t, under any circumstances, have the right to disable the things you bought outright from them, but that’s about it.

        We have channels we can use to access things that are no longer supported or sold by the developer (and selling something implies – and should imply – support from the developers). It’s absolutely messed up that those channels are themselves illegal, but believing that you should be able to compel someone else to do what you want, against their will, just because you want them to do it is just an authoritarian hissy fit.

        • They shouldn’t be required to keep selling it, but they should be required to strip it of any DRM when they do stop selling it.

          That way everyone wins. They can get out of the market at minimal effort and players can still enjoy their games.

        • I mean…they’re removing it from sale because they have a more egregious business model to sell you instead that no one wants. And that last qualifier you added about alternative channels being illegal is the problem, because we have no measures to preserve things like this.

        • Selling or licensing IP should be a hard requirement for maintaining ownership of it. That doesn’t require compelling anyone to do anything; it’s merely withdrawing privilege of IP ownership from someone not using it for its intended purpose, which is, to quote the US Constitution, “[t]o promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.”

  • I bought this recently and the installation and setup experience was so broken and painful on W11 that I uninstalled it out of frustration.

    Graphics were ganked (only showed the top left 25% of the screen on 4K, stretched to fill the screen),
    Required a UPlay account signup that sent me to dead servers,
    Wouldn’t use ASIO with my big boy audio gear,
    Wouldn’t calibrate using “mic” mode plugged into a DI port on my interface and on and on.

    It’s just a disaster and I wasn’t willing to put any effort into figuring out how to de-UPlay the thing and mod it.

    Do Not Recommend!

    • I use it with my focusrite scarlet (2i2 2nd gen) via asio on W11 and it works fine. Running it in windowed mode lets you set the resolution and put it anywhere on your screen you want.

      There are lots of walkthroughs online on how you can set up asio. Modding it consists of replacing a single DLL and then adding your settings to a text file.

      If you’ve got big boy audio gear, my assumption is that you’re not using RS for learning to play. It’s awesome for picking up new songs or just playing along with songs you love.

      Check out for user created content.

      • yeah, good tips. I got frustrated and table flipped on it. I found out about the ASIO mods after the fact. Still annoying that they were selling this product in this state and getting away with it.

        • It’s Ubisoft… of COURSE they were selling it in the worst possible state. XD

          The community content makes it absolutely worth it, and I highly recommend it. Fair warning, it IS community created content. I’ve had to re-chart and submit updates to some of the song charts on there, but I also feel like that’s helped me become a better musician as well. Knowing the song well enough that I can tell when it’s wrong and then I get to use (ToneLib-Jam, for me personally) another piece of the toolkit to fix it and resubmit.

    •  Rentlar   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      If anyone else runs into the Fullscreen Issue like I did initially, you have to go in the .ini file, set your screen width, height values to something less than your monitor specs and Fullscreen to 0.

      And the UPlay signin screen is bypassed by pressing escape twice, Ubisoft doesn’t make this obvious AT ALL.

  • A fun feature it has that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is a kind of jam mode where you set instruments, time signature and whatever else and it will try and play along with you.

    It isn’t perfect but it does a decent job of ramping up when you play harder or louder and is a pretty fun quick jam and practice tool along with the fun of playing along to songs.

    I’m sure there are better things by now that do the same thing, but it was probably the part I used most.