• I’m probably leaving regardless unfortunately. this place, whole far better than the rest of lemmy, is way too cynical for my tastes. at least on reddit I got to escape the negativity of the world, on here I’m just constantly being reminded of it in every single news/politics/tech/science thread.

    • I feel similarly, although I left reddit initially (this was before the API changes) because of its own brand of cynicism, which I found was almost inescapable, even in small subs or posts which shouldn’t have ridiculous arguments.

      The problem is that, while initially this instance didn’t have much of it, it’s reaching a similar point.

      I think that the people who will migrate with Beehaw are more likely to be the ones who want to get away from that shit, though. (I’ve also noticed that a lot, but definitely not all, of the more toxic comments seem to be from users on other instances.)

      Best we can do here is block communities (it’s been a lot more pleasant for me since I blocked the news communities here), but it doesn’t solve everything.

      I’m finding some old school forums on a couple of my private trackers to be a lot better at times, honestly. (Lol, one of them even completely removed their “Serious Discussion” subforum after Jan 6 and banned political discussion entirely because it resulted in too much toxic bullshit.)

      •  bermuda   ( @bermuda@beehaw.org ) 
        77 months ago

        Most of what I see are bad actors or just shit people posting from other instances onto beehaw. I think a lot don’t realize that this is beehaw and just see the community labeled “news” or “gaming” and assume it’s a regular old community.

        •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
          7 months ago

          I hear you, just don’t see it. Not sure whether I come to posts late, when they’ve already been dealt with, or have blocked the right bad actors and just not see them 🤨

    • I’m not on beehaw, but I ran into similar problem when I joined lemmy.

      My solution was to filter communities and users where I felt I was getting apammed with content at a frequency I didn’t enjoy.

      You might get some milage out if that approach.

  •  Sonori   ( @sonori@beehaw.org ) 
    177 months ago

    I’d much prefer to stay federated with lemmy, even if the backend changes. Lemmy communities are already niche enough as it is, and the content helps it from feeling dead.

  •  Baggins   ( @baggins@beehaw.org ) 
    167 months ago

    I’m sticking with Beehaw, thanks to some awfully crap communities (courtesy of Lemmy) showing up in the ‘all’ feed. I’m continually blocking them, but somehow they’ll be back a few days later.

    And before you scream at me to ‘stick to subscribed’, how else am I supposed to find interesting content?

    I know that I’m not going to want to see a lot of subs, I understand that.

    Just don’t want them back once I’ve (supposedly) blocked them.

    I know it’s an issue that possibly only affects me, but if Beehaw jumps ship from Lemmy, the crap will be a lot easier to manage.

    That’s my €2 anyway.


    •  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
      7 months ago

      And before you scream at me to ‘stick to subscribed’, how else am I supposed to find interesting content?

      There is a search function, just search for what you’re interested in and subscribe to the community.

      I keep using Beehaw between Subscribed and Local, not touching All with a ten foot pole. As far as concerned, federation is for people to come to Beehaw, or for me to go to a few hand picked external communities.

  • If Beehaw leaves Lemmy, then I leave Beehaw.

    I came here because it is a nice alternative to Reddit that I can access using a third-party app. On Reddit, I constantly got buried for speaking the truth people didn’t want to hear, but the real deal-killer for me was when they killed Apollo. If I can’t access the site using Voyager or converse with users on other servers, then what’s the point?

  •  millie   ( @millie@beehaw.org ) 
    117 months ago

    I like the fediverse, and for me Beehaw is the best version of it. I’d probably go wherever Beehaw goes at this point, but I do think federation is a huge boon. I’d spend much less time reading this site without it.

  • This is a bit disappointing to see since I just joined Beehaw. This is actually my first comment. However, I sympathize with the mods and completely understand where they are coming from. I’ll probably try to stick around because I like the idea of what this community is trying to be, but if it switches to a microblog instance, such as Mastodon, I probably won’t stay just because I don’t like that format of social media. Would be interested in knowing what other instances or communities would be white listed if they choose to go that route.

  • I still like the concept of Beehaw, but I’ve found myself spending less time here. The last month or so, the content seems to be all negative things, so I end up either skipping most of it, it’s not coming on this instance every day. I try sorting Local/Top and Local/New, but I’m just not finding much.

    I’m still mostly single-handedly trying to get !superbowl@lemmy.world to take off as an actual animal education spot and not a meme sub. I’ve been writing better and longer articles and showcasing rescues in each state. So there biggest chunk of effort I put into Lemmy is spent there, and I used to come over hear to actual browse content, but World and Beehaw seem to have reach equilibrium on the quality vs attitude, but World seems to have significantly more quantity.

    I feel bad you guys can’t see my posts because of the defederation, and I’m not sure how that’s progressing since I don’t much follow the tech of Lemmy itself. But it Beehaw keeps on it’s current path or goes non-Lemmy, in but going to do 2 things, and I’d just stick to trying to make Lemmy better.

    •  apis   ( @apis@beehaw.org ) 
      47 months ago

      Am certain I saw one of your superbowl posts earlier in the week. Can remember thinking it was a nice coincidence as I’d heard owl calls outside my place just a few hours before.

      • I reposted one of my posts to !environment@beehaw.org about British Columbia refusing emergency action to save the last wild Spotted Owl left in Canada, so it may have been that. I usually just post fun and educational things, but I thought that was an important bit of news a broader range of environmentalists should be aware of.

        I try to post one or 2 things a day on Superb Owl to give people something positive to look forward to each morning. I also try to find places you can actually go to visit owls and other raptors in person to get the full experience of these amazing creatures.

        As Lemmy evolves, I hope things get to the point we can refederate with more instances so we have finer control in cross promoting positive and inspiring communities.

        If you have an alt besides Beehaw though, come check it out. I wrote a long posts about owl feet with lots of pictures and info that got over 600 upvotes. I’m researching to write the next one about the different types of feathers and what they do.

  • I sympathize with the large flaws in Lemmy that cause huge problems for moderators. I’d personally prefer to stay with it and continue to push the devs / community for upstream bugfixes (through PRs, open issues, or bug bounties), but I do understand if that becomes unmaintainable.

    If the user experience on a new platform is similar I’d likely stay; if it does change significantly, I most likely would switch to actively use a different Lemmy instance.

  • As I said in the OG thread, I will stick with beehaw, but I’d also keep an eye on the fediverse with an alt. I would also support an eventual return to federation when/if some of the issues have been sorted.

    For those who support the proposed move, this isn’t about mere technical issues. It’s about safety - it’s very easy right now for a bad actor to cause a lot of damage the way things are set up. The reasons things are as good as they are here is the tireless work of the admins and mods and they if they say enough is enough I believe them.

    While I think something like the fediverse is where the internet is going, Lemmy on activity pub may or may not be the way. Well just have to see. I’m not gonna leave a positive community in favour of a certain tech, that’s backwards.