
  • I’ve noticed most answers are from men; I’m a woman, so perhaps if you are a hetero guy my perspective is useful.

    Your photo doesn’t matter more than your bio, it matters just as much, but it will go first in the order of judgement so make sure you have something presentable.

    Now for the bio, you are short on words. Pick a few things that really define your character and that you consider your match must be ok with. So if you like metal and rock just say that, don’t waste precious space on all your bands unless you are really, really really into these bands in particular. If you are a harcore fan of rick and Morty, sure include it, otherwise just say you like animation or sci fi.

    Same goes for books and movies. If there is an author you are an absolute fan, mention it, otherwise go for a couple genres you are into.

    I would start with saying you’re a (career here) student. Saying what you study is useful, it states interests and it’s an easy conversation starter.

    Then if you have a quirk or two mention them. They are good conversation starters too. I don’t know, maybe you are one of those people who have the soapy cilantro gene but they still like cilantro or maybe you are particularly skilled at something.

    Happy to give further feedback. Good luck out there

    • I’m a woman and I liked this advice.

      My tip: This might sound obvious but I’d have you wear a bright color, like red, in the first photo in your profile. It will catch the eye and stand out a bit. This is not my original thought - I got it from someone who was describing her experience on dating apps and what worked best for her. You want to catch someone’s eye while they are swiping quickly through pictures.

  • Listing your favorite media is generic and doesn’t actually tell much about your personality, everyone does it and makes you very skipable. Talk about that on the first date, but it won’t help you get a date.

    Jokes are good, but come up with something unique. Maybe make a silly acrostic out of your name? This type of creative writing is what high school English was actually for.

    Make sure your photos varied, not just you at different angles. Ideally show your face, your full body, a community or outside activity you did with friends and a hobby (something you made ideally, art or food is good). Only put a picture of a pet if you are also in it.

    Ask a question, since you said you like to read, give people a prompt to reply to like “What is your favorite memory from a book” or something. Make it easy for people to reply, give them something to go on besides just “Hi.”

    (and for the love of God don’t mention Rick and Morty, I love it, but omg does the fan base have a reputation. Women will think you immature and keep on swiping)

      • talk about your values, what you actually do, your personality traits

        “easy going cowboy with a tender heart. sees value in spending time wisely instead of chasing after a rush of blood to the head. you’ll likely find me at the bowling alley knocking back some of that good ole sarsaparilla.”

      • Why do you enjoy the show? Are you a fan of science fiction? Is your sense of humor rather dark and nihilistic? Does the way the show finds humor in sci fi concepts interest you? Is it about the social and mental health commentary?

        Or do you just enjoy potty humor?

        Understanding what you like about something is more useful data for a potential partner than even necessarily what you like.

        It can also impact which partners will feel safe and comfortable around you.

  • Your photos matter way, way more, but a reasonably good bio:

    I like reading (name a few books you like), music (mostly rock), and sci-fi.

    looking for (something, this could be a joke, idk)

    School 'yr (maybe also mention your major if you feel like it)

  • Those things are very generic. Everyone listens to music, plays games and reads.

    Give us more info, what are you studying, what is your personality like? What are your aspirations? What is your favorite band?

    • I got my wife through Tinder (I’m a man). I paid for it a few times because I did find it easier to get through the thousands of swipes it takes.

      But that’s not without literal years of trying and getting very few dates out of it. For men, it takes a long time to find someone that will actually give you a chance because women can be really discerning with how many men are on the app. And from what I’ve heard from women, there are lots of creeps on there.

      Keep trying and it’ll work eventually.

  • I think you have excellent taste in music. But my wife disagrees, so we just don’t listen to music together. Is music taste non-negotiable for you? What ate things you’d like to do with someone? Board games? Video games? Quiz games? Reading May or may not work. Other new hobbies or sports or activities you’d like to try? That at least suggests some social interaction and maybe get noticed by someone with similar interests.

  • Do you have roommates? Siblings? How do you get along with them? What kind of friend are you?

    Do you have any interesting talents or skills?

    What kind of person do you want to meet? Would you date a vegan? What about overweight or obese? Do you want to consume drugs/alcohol together? Do you want to play Portal 2 Co-Op? Do you want to move in and get a dog?

    What are you studying? What books and movies do you like most and why? Does Linkin Park help you with suicidal thoughts or make it worse?