In an attempt to broaden my horizons I will be listening to an album I have never heard before every day for the next 100 days. I thought it would be fun to post some information about the album alongside my personal thoughts on it. Maybe you can use these threads to discover new music, too. Or if you’re familiar with a day’s album, maybe you can share your thoughts and recommendations.

[2016] Harmless Melodies by Yellow Days

Artist Info:

Album Info:

Track List

  • Intro
  • Your Hand Holding Mine
  • A Little While
  • Interlude (It’s Alright)
  • Gap In The Clouds
  • People
  • Outro (Baked In Sunshine)

Run Time - ≈ 25 minutes 45 seconds.

Cover Photo

Fun Facts

Yellow Days produced this EP completely independently showcasing his interdisciplinary skills. This was his deubut EP, it was well recieved by critics and helped him establish his personal sound.

Personal Thoughts

I have a somewhat busy day so I selected a short EP for today. Yellow Days was recently recommended to me by a friend, so I thought Harmless Melodies would be perfect for a day like this. From the ethereal lyrics to the sweet reverberation I thoroughly enjoyed this EP top to bottom and would strongly recommend it. My favorite track was Your Hand Holding Mine.

If you have heard this EP before, or check it out now, I’d love to hear what you thought, because personally I can’t wait to check out more Yellow Days.

  • Gap in the Clouds has always been my favorite song of his. The breakdown at the end of it was unexpected and does something for me.

    I remember being shocked by how young he was. I usually don’t pay much attention to what artists look like, but one day I watched one of his videos and was like “who is this kid here?” Lol.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying his work.