PornHub just blocked Mississippi and Virginia. Texas will be blocked on September 1, and Montana in January.

  •  meggied90   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Sauce? I’m in Texas and I just tried to access it hoping to collect a screenshot of the blocked message to share with you all, but instead I now need eye bleach.

    Edit: OP your comment is misinformed. PornHub just blocked Mississippi and Virginia. Texas will be blocked on September 1, and Montana in January, but they are not blocked right now. Hopefully this info saves others from surprise penis.

  • Hey! That’s my home state. Growing up in rural Virginia of course there was the book bans for witch craft, harry potter but in my school district all fantasy oriented clubs were banned for being satanic. This included chess clubs.

    The state may be purple because of northern Virginia but it’s roots are deep red. Fun fact, the rodeo scene in borat was in southern Virginia.

  •  sfera   ( ) 
    81 year ago

    Relevant quote:

    […] it’s important to understand that these laws are less about protecting minors, and more about restricting the open Internet. State-level regulations that primarily target adult sites are tremendously ineffective at keeping minors from accessing adult content.

    I’m not sure, besides pornography, what qualifies as adult content. Could things like Lemmy be affected by such laws?

    • States don’t have any standing to enforce a Lemmy instance unless it primarily does business in their state. Since PH does take money from residents of those states then they could theoretically be punished somehow.

      As long as your content isn’t hosted in that state and you don’t take payments from that state then there’s no mechanism for them to do anything to a random website.

      What are they going to do, try to enforce a state law on some instance owner that lives in the eu? Come over and try bitch!

  •  trekz   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    This is crazy but Pornhub’s response to this is pretty funny. They don’t like the new law. But instead of taking it out on lawmakers they take it out on their users. And throw other porn sites (who are in the same business to help advocate) under the bus too. This can’t be a smart move.

    • Well, there isn’t much Pornhub can do to lawmakers. All they can do is block users in areas that elect those lawmakers, and hope those users take it out on those lawmakers. Possibly by electing different ones in the future who will change that law.

      It’s sort of the same logic as striking or protesting; you can’t affect the people responsible directly, so you do something that inconveniences regular people who will then hopefully take it out on the people responsible in one way or another.

  • According to the FSC’s age verification law tracker, laws in three more states are scheduled to take effect in the near future. Arkansas will be next, with its law taking effect on July 31, Texas on September 1, and Montana on January 1, 2024.