• I was walking in flip-flops on asphalt when I sneezed. I opened my eyes after sneezing and my flip-flops were now behind me but facing forward and neatly arranged. What happened when I sneezed? Did I put my feet together, slide the backward to release the toes, jump up and then forward about 18”? All without noticing and in the span of one sneeze ?

  • I was once standing with my family in our breakfast nook, and a large ball of blue light floated in through the closed kitchen window. It was about the size of a basketball, very bright, kinda sparkly, and it was some sort of electricity, because it made all our hair stand straight up.

    It just hovered in the middle of the kitchen for a minute, while my family and I stood there with our mouths hanging open, then it slowly dissipated. We all looked at each other in disbelief, then continued setting the table like nothing had happened.

    I’m still not sure what it was. I call it ball lightning, but I really don’t know. It was a beautiful sunny day, not stormy at all.

    • It is called ball lightning, so you’re right!

      I’ve never been lucky enough to see it, but my mother had an eerily similar experience to yours. It was years before I was born, and she was feeding my older brother in his high chair in the kitchen when a ball of blue light the same size as yours came through the kitchen window, hovered a bit, and dissipated. She also said the air felt electric.

      Nobody believed her until many years later.

  • Once when I was younger I was seperated from my family on Halloween. I panicked a bit and walked up the street towards where I thought they had gone. Then, I turned left, and came onto yet another street packed with Halloween celebrators. However, nobody was talking. I mean it was silent enough for me to hear my own footsteps and brushing past people in the crowd. For comparison, the other nearby streets were too loud to talk without shouting. I finally found the other members of my group after walking for a solid 5 minutes, and they all seemed to think I had never left.

  • I had’ a dream a few years back that death (a dark cloud with skeleton head and a black hood) came down from a hill that I had to drive over to get to work. On my drive the next day I narrowly evaded a dude overtaking and driving on the wrong (my) lane at the top of the hill…

  • Once, back in high school, I had a printer cable coiled up and laying on my computer desk. I put my keys in the center of the coil, and for some reason a piece of paper over the top. (Random desk clutter.) When I went to grab them the next day, I lifted the paper, and they were gone. This was the inside of a coiled cable, a circular area maybe 4 inches in diameter, so it’s not like I could just overlook them somehow. I figured that I must have moved them and forgotten about it, but when I searched again a few hours later, they were inside the coiled printer cable, under that sheet of paper. My family swore that they hadn’t moved my keys, and really, how would they even have found them in such an odd spot in my room?

    • I grew up in a house where a lot of weird things happened, and this reminds me of the time my wallet and a few other important articles of mine went missing. My mom had laid them carefully on my bed at the time. She was the only one home. When I got home later, I wasn’t able to find them. She helped me look everywhere, but they were just inexplicably gone. She was convinced I had moved them.

      Weeks later, I had lifted my mattress for whatever reason (bed was in the corner against the wall) and they were wayyyy in the back corner, lying between the box spring and the mattress, as carefully arranged as she had laid them out on my bed.

    •  LillyPip   ( @LillyPip@lemmy.ca ) 
      11 months ago

      Physical reality seems to glitch sometimes.

      I have a wooden hand mirror that’s made with a thick circle of wood that surrounds two mirrors (regular and magnifying on either side).

      After several months in the humidity next to my shower, the seam in the wood came apart, leaving about a 2cm gap in the frame. I tried to fix it using a belt vice grip thing, but couldn’t get both mirrors to seat into their grooves so I could cinch the gap closed. No matter what I did, one mirror would unseat and be in the way. Cheap mirror, I gave up trying, and it’s been that way for more than a year.

      About a month ago I picked it up to use it and it’s fixed itself. The gap is totally gone, with the seam perfectly tight, like it had never broken in the first place. I stood looking at it saying ‘what the fuck?’ for several minutes. It makes no sense at all.

      e: it’s been in that same environment next to my shower this whole time, with no changes, so it’s not likely to be an environmental reason. So weird.

  • I can sometimes sense cops or deer when I’m driving.

    I’ll be sitting at a red light for a while with nobody coming, I think to myself “yeah I can probably just run this, nobody’s around. I won’t in case a cop…” and then one will pass the light. It’s happened multiple times to me.

    When I hit a deer with my car I was coming home from work at like 2am, I suddenly got a really strange urge that there was something up ahead and I dismissed it right before I plowed into it. I’ve gotten the same feeling a few times after that, and I’ll always look to the sides of the road and see deer somewhere in the distance. Terrifies the shit outta me