Because we all need some more trans joy in our life.

Trans and non-binary people share how getting top surgery helped them enjoy life, “feel happy” and affirm their identity.

  • Man, I got to say that as a cis gay guy, it absolutely warms my heart to see our trans siblings in the community have support and understanding as they grow up. I never had that, and even though there’s a lot of transphobia and shit in my country that needs to be fixed ASAP, the fact that things are even just a little bit better for the next generation truly gives me hope for the future.

    The part about them going to the beach and just having fun without having to give a shit had been grinning like an idiot. I know that was made possible by the top surgery, but still. It was such a sweet moment in the article.

  • There aren’t words to fully articulate the improvement to quality of life following top surgery. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity.

    This article reminded me of a concern I have amidst a social climate increasingly hostile toward trans folks. A lot of trans* positive posts about medical intervention sugar-coat things and lack critical nuance. I could almost make the case for overcompensating for the fear-mongering around detransition.

    However, I do think it’s worse to leave people in the dark about real difficulties the folks can experience after top surgery like poor results, post-op depression, increased lower dysphoria, the weird adjustment to less dysphoria, etc.

    I wouldn’t want anyone setting unrealistic expectations or thinking something’s wrong with them if it’s not all puppies and rainbows.

  • im a trans guy who got top surgery 2 years ago, and i can agree with everyone in this article that it was the best thing i have ever done for myself! since i got top surgery, i have felt so much more comfortable and free in my body. i have felt like i could explore myself, my identity, and my gender expression more than ever. i don’t think about how im trans that much anymore. or at least, i don’t think about it in a way that makes me upset about myself. top surgery has really given me the chance to embrace myself and my identity :) i could go on forever about how much this surgery means to me but i think yall get the point by now lol