So, I had to reinstall windows as a dualboot, because I need some CAD tools for work. It was painful but it’s not thebaubject

I’m running nixos with systemd-boot and I installed windows on another drive. I started to research how to add the entry on the boot list so I don’t need to go in bios to switch the boot order each time I want to change OS.

Most of the information I find is about grub on nixos but I finally find information on how to add a manual entry. On the Arch wiki I find some information but now I have to blend all that to make it work on my laptop.

It’s late and I’m scared to mess up my boot partition so I go to sleep to work instructions on it the next day.

The next day I’m ready to do all that only to realized that there is already the entry for windows is already in the boot menu, it has been added automatically.

So I spent all this time to think about how I while have to adjust my system manually only to realize that nixos already did it automatically for me.

  • Assuming that you are dualbooting from a single storage device - If you have some money to spare go and buy a second ssd. Keeping both OSes in separate storage devices will result in far lesser chances of screwing up.

      •  BCsven   ( ) 
        10 months ago

        install linux After Windows and with its own boot partition. if it has foreign OS probe it finds windows and adds a chainloader grub entry. Set linux as default in bios. Windows never knows it is chainloaded and leaves your linux boot alone

    • This is what I did, I prepared a partition for windows on the second ssd and it went OK.

      The only issue was that I needed to manually add drivers on the windows usb for it to be able to recognized my ssd. It was a bit of a pain to find this information online

      • I had a very similar situation.

        I have to use Rhino 3D for work but refuse to give up my Arch daily driver.

        I’ve been a sysadmin since Red Hat came on floppies.

        And getting PCIe passthrough, accelerated network and disk drivers, and a whole plethora of other odds and ends working to the point where I could even boot Win11 took two solid days of work.

        I’m still not even sure how I did it. I wouldn’t expect anybody else to figure it out.

        Next time I plan on experimenting with the Photon libraries.

        I’ve been using Linux as my (mostly) sole desktop since 2005. We’ve come such a long way! But CAD/CAM software has always been anemic.

      • I’m curious about this as well, have had trouble getting it to work well and wondering if I need a second gpu to pass through… But if that’s the case, what does it do for cpu? Pass through some of the cores? Same with ram?

        Honestly I’ve just been having better luck running things via proton… Got fusion 360 running fine in bottles with proton ge.

      • SR-IOV is the keyword you can start with. I know Nvidia only supports it with pro cards. Didn’t used to be the case, but I think AMD followed suit. I’m not sure on that point. I read recently that Intel is working on it for their Arc cards in the new driver, or something, but I’m really not familiar with anything regarding Intel’s discrete cards.

  • Yeah, I was about to say when I read the first part. Adding windows manually is quite an old thing. Modern linux setups with grub2 will “find” the EFI loader for windows and add it automatically.

    I lost my grub loader when I upgraded hardware recently. But, I just booted into a linux USB, chroot (remembering to mount /boot/efi) and re-run grub install/grub update. That didn’t find windows. But, it was fine because I just properly booted into linux and ran grub-update again there, and it found it fine.

    • It kind of is, but also kind of isn’t. Don’t get me wrong I love FreeCAD to bits and it’s basically the only CAD program I use these days, but also the recommended workflow is not how any other CAD program works and is a crutch for the topo naming problem. Hopefully it’s a whole other world once topo naming is sorted.

    • I really want FreeCAD to work so I can get away from paying Autodesk for Fusion360.

      My impression on FreeCAD is that I could probably get the result I want but I would spend most of my time fighting the software. I can’t justify to spend 3 time longer on FreeCAD than Fusion360

  • Man, I want to dual boot, but I’m scared shitless. I don’t want windows to fuck my 1.5 years work on my current set up. VM for now until I find a solid and “complete moron” proof tutorial to go forward.

    • keep doing what you’re doing; if you need to get whatever runs in windows out of a vm and on ‘bare metal’–get a separate system for that and network the two to share files, if needed.

      • I actually do have a laptop that runs windows. It has that shit hybrid Intel/Nvidia graphics that never worked out on linux so I had to put windows back on it. But I don’t/can’t play games on the laptop, it’s very weak and nothing works on it. My PC is pretty decent and I was thinking I can get a separate drive for windows in case I needed it for a game or something. I don’t know. It’s just an idea for now, nothing really major. I hate changing set ups/distro-hopping. Been working on this same endeavour OS install for over a year and it fits my needs perfectly except for the occasional games that just don’t run on Linux. Or a program like yesterday when I bought a new mechanical keyboard (red dragon) and there is no software for it on Linux. It didn’t even work through wine and other means. Ya know, shit like that.

      • Nothing really major. Mostly curiosity and some times I’d run into a game that I like, but it doesn’t run on Linux. Eventually, I’d either figure out how to make it work, or just say fuck it and let it go.

        • I have no great solution to games that don’t work. Thankfully it’s increasingly rare. And I get wanting to do something just for curiosity’s sake.

          There’s PCI-E pass through to hand direct control of your GPU to the VM if you aren’t already familiar, but my two cents is dual boot is less of a pain.

          • Thank you. It’s going to be a process. I want to dual but I want Windows to be on its own drive so it doesn’t touch anything else. I honestly don’t even want it near grub. I’m ok with going to it from the boot menu every time, instead of using OS prober and grub. I’ve heard some horror stories of windows just nuking grub and that would hurt badly.