• This is how they make money. Collecting and aggregating data and making these kinds of connections so that advertisements can be targeted and sold is the exchange. The more you can collect and correlate, the more you can charge for targeting demographics of people. Folks continue to be willing to give up this information, so companies like Meta will absolutely take advantage of it for profit.

      They’re not interested in ethical choices, moral decisions, doing better for people or saving the world. This is purely a profitable venture, so whatever generates those dollars will keep them going.

  • Sure, for people who pay attention and / or care. But sadly I think the real comparison with be:

    Ease to get started:

    Mastodon - Learn what a server is, find a server, create an account.

    Threads - Just download it. You probably already have an account without realising.

    It’s going to do well.

    Sure, it’s mostly going to be celebs, brands and ‘content creators’ but that’ll still mean a lot of people. And folks will go where the people are.

    Personally, I’m hoping BlueSky just dish out 10 invites per user and bring in people to that infrastructure. It looks like a good middle ground between fediverse and simple Twitter experience.

  • yeah but threads has advertising and corporate money backing it up checkmate library

    for real though my greatest fear is that threads devouring the fediverse regardless of how much of a dumpster fire it is

    • As long as instances defederate from them we should be just fine. I already know Beehaw is defederating from them so we’re good here, and the instance of mastodon I’m on isn’t federating with them. So just look up your instance’s stance on the subject and join one that’s making the right call. Then you know the communities you’re building won’t get Zucked

      • yeah thats what I plan on doing! I hope you’re right and I’m just being paranoid. thankfully a lot of other instances are defederating from threads too… hopefully it’ll be enough at least to keep a small part of the community safe

        optimistically, the fact that zuck is even trying to take over the fediverse means he sees it as a threat. we’ve been already doing well enough without their “help” and it scares him

        • hopefully it’ll be enough at least to keep a small part of the community safe

          Even if there’s only one instance that’s not federated with them it would be enough for a community, not as active sure, but it would be enough. We already have hundreds not federating with them! We won’t have their user count but that’s okay, we don’t need billions of users like the centralized platforms to survive. We’ll be alright, take a breather and enjoy your stay in the fediverse free of corpos 😄

          On that note, because there’s no ads/monetization we have to donate to support the server so make sure you’re helping to support the instances you use (if you’re able.)

          • yeah! You’re right 😭🙂! and I’m so happy to see it.

            donations are important too! id like to donate more when I can eventually when I am more stable (in the most general term). one day

            • I’m in a similar boat, past couple months have been rough on the finances with some unexpected expenses so I haven’t been able to donate yet but plan to after my situation settles down again. Such is life.

              Good luck, see you around the fediverse 😄

  • I lasted about 3 minutes on Threads

    First post - someone throws a phone at drake

    Second post- “I’m going to the shops anyone want anything?”

    Third post - Netflix Uk memeing on insta friends seeing your Twitter persona.

    And deactivated

  • Does anyone know which of the permissions are actually enforced to be able to use the app?

    It is asking for everything, but you need to give explicit permission for most of those.

    Can’t you just decline and still use the app, essentially giving the same data as any other social media app?

    • I personally think that what you allow or disallow in your app settings has nothing to do with what they do on their server. They collect the data anyway. But this just my opinion.

      • Sorry, but you are wrong. They will still collect all they can collect, but when you reject a permission the OS literally blocks the API access from the app.

        For example, a common evil behavior for apps like this is to do passive listening through your device’s microphones so that they can target you for ads based on your day-to-day conversations. However, if you reject microphone access, the app will not be able to do this. The OS will literally block it from accessing the APIs for the microphone.

        iOS has done this for quite some time. I assume Android is recently doing something similar, although not up to par.

      • Instagram is ok with rejecting many permissions.

        I highly highly doubt Threads would do it differently.

        Note that you may be confusing T&C with device-level permissions. The latter is handled by iOS (or Android where it has support). The OS will literally block APIs from the app if you reject.

        An app can choose to not function without the permissions, but I’ve only seen that from obscure Chinese apps.