I’ve noticed YouTube specifically has become more addictive, I never used to be one to sit and scroll for long durations before but I often catch myself spending way too long on shorts now

Even people or older generations seem to be getting sucked in nowadays

  • I find YouTube is less attractive than a year ago. Ads are more invasive and more difficult to remove. Recommendations skew heavily to the rage-inducing, e.g., I watched one late night comedy sketch making fun of Jordan Peterson and then my feed was full of clips of him spewing his hot trash for weeks.

    I gave up on reddit earlier in the year when all the API / sub blackout / forced mod removal stuff was going on.

    Freemium apps seem to be pushing ads more and more, which makes me more resistant to using them.

    If what I read online is true, the days of investors throwing money at anything tech related are slowing down. Which means some companies that have never had to be profitable before now must find a way to do so. Which means tightening up subscriptions and/or more ads.

    •  Vivi   ( @vivi@slrpnk.net ) 
      1510 months ago

      I try to spread this tip everywhere i can: If you ever find that you’ve watched one of those videos that fucks up the recommendations, go to your watch history and delete the video. It really works.

  • I’m feeling the opposite lately. YouTube recommendations suck. I often open the app/page for the quick dopamine rush, but few of the recommendations interests me, so I just bounce off. For me, YouTube is mostly for long form content nowadays. Something I can put in the background while cooking/doing dishes.

    Instagram is turning more and more like TikTok. Sometimes it recommends me something fun (like cat videos), but often it’s just nonsense. So I bounce off quite quickly there as well.

    I feel happy about it.

  • Recently? No, but maybe I’m in my own bubble. I’ve made my phone more boring intentionally. Getting rid of Reddit made me get off my phone a lot more. I really just mindlessly browse Lemmy and Mastodon now, and I run out of content on those.

    • I honestly think that content on YouTube has gotten better and better. Not the systems of YouTube, mind you, just the stuff that people create. But maybe that’s because in the last year or so I’ve been watching and discovering a lot more educational YouTubers (think Tom Scott, Münecat, Real Engineering, etc). among the exclusively funny stuff.

  • Their algorithm is specifically designed to keep you entertained. Kind of a curse or a gift depending on who you ask. Think the worst cases are children tbh it was insane my first time seeing a tablet kid out in the wild. Faced glued to the screen being walked by their mom

    • If I were going to use anything I’d probably use piped as a PWA, but the problem is none of them seem to do recommendations and I just get generic content on the front page which doesn’t really interest me

  • If you find yourself suddenly grasping for more and more time escaping reality consider seeing a psychiatrist.

    You could have major depression: it was one of my symptoms.

  • The problem is that most people aren’t aware that shorts / stories are made to be addictive.

    If you keep pointing out to your friends and family how much time / battery they waste watching them they may start to take action though.

    •  flashgnash   ( @flashgnash@lemm.ee ) OP
      10 months ago

      I’m well aware how much time I’m wasting, I’ve got a screen time monitor setup and have even gone so far as writing my own script that takes me to youareanidiot.org if I try to open YouTube before 10am but it still didn’t stop me for a good amount of time

      I think I might’ve just about kicked it at this point but now I’m spending loads of time scrolling Lemmy and talking to strangers instead which I suppose is marginally better

      • I have the same problem with YouTube! Between work + school I don’t have free time until 930/10, so I unwind watching documentaries on YouTube and it’s 2-3am before I know it :(

        I recently ordered an EReader and if books can’t replace that YouTube urge I might have to go the same route as you and redirect myself after midnight.

        I give myself a pass for Lemmy though. It’s not sucking me in, rather I open the site specifically for news for sites that don’t offer RSS feeds. (RSS helps a lot with eliminating the news -> distraction scenario)

  • Shorts (tiktoks, reels) are designed to do just that, hook you in and keep you scrolling.
    It’s like a constant rolling cliffhanger.

    Has its good sides - not everything can or should be a long format video. However, I think the scale is tipped too much towards shorts recently. There is not enough time in shorts to formulate a proper statement, so they need to stretch over multiple parts.

    My biggest dislike is the separation of context - shorts and longs are completely separate in Youtube even by the same creator, and the most popular platform TikTok, doesn’t even support longer videos.

    • Personally I think the problem is that YouTube promotes them so much harder than normal videos

      If you look at the homepage of YouTube on mobile you get one normal video, then a row of ~6 shorts, then another normal video and so on

      Much more likely to pique your interest showing you so many more shorts vs videos and once you’re in it’s difficult to break free