Not a remake or remaster or rerelease of something old, but something inspired or influenced by something either popular or a cult classic. Also this could extend to hardware/tech too, not only media.

  • I am a big big big Linux fan, but I feel that after 30 years, it is time for a non-monolithic kernel. I know Linus hates the idea of microkernels but the era of Rust is finally here and it shows that safe microkernels are fully possible now, and I believe the advantages and modularity can be amazing for a new era of open source computing.

    •  0x4E4F   ( ) 
      7 months ago

      Some of the devs around Linus are getting warmed up to the idea of a microkernel. Statistics have shown better boot times and better overall performance. As they put it “guess Tannenbaum was right all along” 😂.

      Anyway, it should just be a matter of time now. Linus doesn’t like the microkernel idea because it risks stability for the sake of modularity. You maintain the entire code base with a monolithic kernel (drivers, FS, everything), while with a microkernel, you just maintain the kernel, everything else is modular, maintained by someone else, thus, things can go bump in the night. The former is better for stability.

    •  tetris11   ( ) 
      7 months ago

      I’m ready for it, but it needs to be GPL3. I’m sick of vendors like Amazon and Nvidia using the Linux kernel but not publishing their drivers. Open your drivers, or dont use the kernel, that simple.

        • Yeah, building an OS is a lot of work. It may be a while (if ever) before Redox is a daily driver; it took Linux 10 years before it was a viable option, and another 10 before it was common… and that was back when there was far less hardware to support. Uphill battle, like I said. However, it’s actively developed, has more than one contributor, and ticks the requested boxes: Rust, micro, modern.

    •  Kissaki   ( ) 
      27 months ago

      What does that mean for modularity and support?

      Microkernel only refers to the core, right? Is the idea that it can make inbound guarantees on drivers and firmware? Does it not still depend on the extensions being secure even if your micro kernel is?

          •  0x4E4F   ( ) 
            7 months ago

            No, I meant it as a question, does it take Winamp plugins 😂.

            Cuz I have this oddball mp3RPO plugin… sadly, I converted most of my media back in the day to mp3PRO (storage was expensive back then, I was a student, low on funds… 🤷). It’s a discontinued codec now from Fraunhoffer (the idea was the same as with HE-AAC, spectral band replication, but do it with mp3) and… I just can’t be bothered to redownload all of my collection to mp3/aac. There’s just too many titles and that’s the main reason why I still use Winamp on Linux, the mp3PRO plugin for Winamp 😔. If I could load that dll in any other player out there, I would gladly switch, but I can’t 😔.

              •  0x4E4F   ( ) 
                7 months ago

                OK, I tried loading the library on Audacious x86, no dice 😔…

                ERROR ../src/libaudcore/ [plugin_load]: /usr/lib32/audacious/Input/ could not be loaded: /usr/lib32/audacious/Input/ undefined symbol: xmms_cfg_open_file

                It’s just way too old, support for XMMS and everything GTK+ related was dropped a loooong time ago 😔. Maybe with some sort of a wrapper… IDK… maybe it could work… have no idea where to start though…

                Oh well, back to using Winamp 5.24 with Wine I guess 🤷‍♀️.

              •  0x4E4F   ( ) 
                7 months ago

                Shit, I had no idea 😱… I have to find this library, it must be burried somewhere in

                And isn’t XMMS dead? Though Audicious is a decendant, I’d have to check if the library is compatible. Still, it’s a starting point!

                Thank you a million times kind stranger 🤗🤗🤗!

                EDIT: OK, requires a bit more work than what I was hoping for… the library is probably x86 only, so I’d probably have to use the x86 version of Audacious or any other XMMS compatible player, but still, as I said, it’s a starting point 🤗.

                I would just like to play them, I wouldn’t recode them, will loose audio quality cuz this will be their second recode.

    • What specifically do you like about Winamp? I miss the whacky skins and even more so the Milkdrop 2 visualization system. There are some hacky ways to get it to work for Foobar or AIMP. I haven’t checked what’s the case for Linux media players though.

      •  0x4E4F   ( ) 
        7 months ago

        Nothing too fancy, I like that it can load Fraunhoffer’s mp3PRO plugin 😂. Sadly, I converted most of my collection to mp3PRO back in the day and there’s just too many titles in there to redownload everything. So basically, I just need a player that runs natively on Linux and can load Winamp dll plugins, that’s it. Well… it would be nice if it replicated the classical Winamp look as well 😁.

        Though I do agree, Milkdrop 2 was awesome 👍. It runs with Winamp in Wine though, so that’s not such a big deal.

          •  0x4E4F   ( ) 
            27 months ago

            That’ll just make them sound awfull. I know I can, I even have an old copy of Adobe Audition 1.5 that runs perfectly in Wine and supports conversion to mp3PRO and back (Adobe Audition was Cool Edit before it got bought by Adobe), but… that will be the second time these files have been converted 😔.

  • Myth: The Fallen Lords could use a good successor using modern tech. But keep the mechanics and storyline essentials the same, it was amazing.

    EDIT: And Thief: The Dark Project too. (Styx: Master of Shadows felt a bit like a spiritual successor, but not quite…)

  • The game series Thief is the defining experience of satisfying gameplay for me, and there are not enough games like that. Stealth as a core mechanic, with the expectation and ability to entirely avoid combat and detection, a first person perspective for immersion, and a fascinating fantasy setting and story.

    The closest to a spiritual successor is the Styx series, but it’s been a while since the last one was released, so I wish for another game like that.

  •  Kissaki   ( ) 
    27 months ago

    Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Dirty Bomb.

    Great multi-player class- and objective-focused team shooters with great movement, respawn wave timer and reviving and healing. ET was very popular and has always been free. ( Dirty Bomb is free to play and found only moderate success, had IMO bad monetization attempts, and was ultimately put into passive mode not being developed or maintained further, with monetization removed.

    W:ET as a moddable quake game had a vibrant modding, server hosting, esport, and community scene.

  • There was a 1999 PC game called Drakan: Order of the Flame which was a pretty good time. Third-person action-adventure sword and sorcery that had some fun hidden secrets, a variety of weapons with different strengths, dragon riding… To expand on that, and probably make the protagonist a bit more realistically dressed, would be enjoyable