• I bought a big pack of msg from the Asian supermarket and use it instead of normal salt for many things. My partner and I call it wonder salt.

      (Of course, msg like normal salt or anything should be used in moderation lol)

      • I bought a big pack of msg from the Asian supermarket and use it instead of normal salt for many things. My partner and I call it wonder salt.

        I hear the voices of my ancestors cry in confusion.

        But seriously speaking, I’ve never encountered MSG being used in place of salt. We use it here to give food more of that nondescript meaty taste (aka umami).

        Personally, if I need both salty and umami tastes I’d reach for soy or fish sauce first (depending on what’s being cooked). I’d only add MSG and/or salt if I really have to—usually to make minute adjustments.

        • I’m sorry for offending your ancestors. I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me lol

          Tbh, I’m not very good at cooking and I rarely add salt to my food. If I want saltiness, I usually get it through ingredients like soy sauce, for example. I guess I don’t mean that I use the msg instead of salt, but I do use in foods where you might add salt, and I just happen to not since I added something else that serves a similar purpose. Does that make sense? But then, like I said, I’m not good at cooking and I just try to make things and experiment a bunch (a lot of experiments have failed horribly)

          Also - maybe it also makes a difference that I eat vegan/vegetarian and I don’t always know how to fill in the “meaty” gap that I feel like can be missing.

          • The purpose of salt in cooking is as a flavour enhancer. It brings out the other flavours that already exist in the food. Salt is not a flavour. It’s why a lot of recipes call for salt to taste, as how much you add can vary a bit. Next time you cook something that tastes a bit dull, try adding a small amount of salt and note what it does to the flavours as you add more. If it tastes “salty” you probably added too much.

            Source - I was a chef/cook for 9 years

          • They seem to be a lot more confused than angry, lol!

            But yeah, thanks for the explanation about your use case. This, and your comment about using MSG on tomato-ey stuff has clarified things for me. The reason I brought up soy and fish sauces earlier is because they too, have MSG, and depending on the flavor profile I’m after, I might elect to use one or the other. That usually takes care of MSG in a lot of cases.

            I just happen to not since I added something else that serves a similar purpose

            … Taken that way, we both do a similar thing.

            I eat vegan/vegetarian and I don’t always know how to fill in the “meaty” gap that I feel like can be missing.

            Ah, that explains a lot, thanks! And I don’t really have experience in vegetarian/vegan cooking so I am afraid I can’t help with that. There are meat substitutes, of course, but the one I had experience with relied on gluten to achieve a meat-like texture. I’ve heard, too, that mushrooms can used to give that earthy taste that can be enhanced with MSG. Tofu as well. But please take these with a pinch of… MSG, lol!

            • I really appreciate the explanation! I’ve learned a lot from you and the others, and I have some ideas for things I want to try for the next time (which is probably very soon, since it’s almost lunch time lol)

              I actually bought some mushroom sauce a couple of days ago, and I’m looking forward to giving that a go. I only recently discovered this amazing Asian supermarket near where I live (in Germany) and it has been so fun learning to use things I didn’t know I had such easy access to before!

              • My ancestors are happy to have reeled one in. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

                But yeah! Have fun exploring the various (weird) flavors that you can find in Asian supermarkets. Some of them might be a bit too weird for your tastebuds, but I think that’s part of the fun. You might also want to explore Buddhist vegetarian cooking as well, if you haven’t already, since there are a lot of techniques there might be useful for you.

    • I remember when I was looking up diet videos years ago everyone was VEHEMETLY advocating against MSG and how bad it was for you, especially for diabetics. I’m still not entirely sure what to believe, but I know MSG isn’t as bad as everyone thought it was.

    • I remember reading something from Chef John being against MSG (he was commenting within one of his YouTube videos). But not for health reasons. He just felt the flavor punch it gave lead to addictive overeating.

      I’m like bitch, that delicious food you showcase does the same thing, you don’t hear me bitching about it.

    • That’s actually a misconception within a misconception.

      It’s not that MSG allergies don’t exist, it is that they are often downplayed for the same reason that Celiac’s disease is downplayed. When a few people fake or overexaggerate their symptoms, credibility is taken from the rest of us who actually suffer from it. Now people are always quick to invalidate those who are symptomatic.

      Yes, it’s true that some of the rumors around MSG are racially motivated, and that some people who claim to be affected are lying. But that doesn’t mean that MSG related symptoms aren’t real for the rest of us. Speaking as someone who is from Hong Kong, grew up with MSG, and absolutely loves the taste of it, but developed health conditions that were comorbid with MSG intolerance.

      As a chronic pain and migraine sufferer, large quantities of MSG is a common trigger for migraines (or headaches when I’m lucky). I’ve been blind tested before with someone else’s help using the same quantities of salt vs MSG in a cellulose capsule. Each time, I would happen to be fine after taking the salt capsule with a glass of water. But after taking the MSG capsule with a glass of water, I would have have a headache or a painfully tense sensation around my head. This was done multiple times across separate days to rule out confounding factors.

      It’s likely true that for the vast majority of people MSG doesn’t trigger a reaction. However, a few of us have an intolerance and we are frequently dismissed and medically gaslit. Please believe us. I’m so tired of people telling me that what I’m experiencing isn’t real. I wish it didn’t have to be real so I could go back to eating whatever I want and not worry about migraines.

  • Staying in hostels when traveling overseas. The amount of people who tell me I’m crazy and going to get murdered if I stay in a hostel is ridiculous.

    Hostels are great, and not any more dangerous than hotels are, you just have to look at reviews and go for the type you want. You can also rent private rooms at a lot of them. I always stay at one’s with a kitchen so I can save a bunch on food, too.

  •  swnt   ( @swnt@feddit.de ) 
    1 year ago

    Living near a nuclear plant.

    Little do they know, that they get more than 50x more radiation effect from the natural surroundings and the rocks in earth than from the nuclear plant 🤭 And our body is really capable of dealing with that since the beginning of our evolution (DNA repairs and co).


    here is a chart showing radiation intensities for various sources of radiation

      • Ehhhh, those are the ancient light water designs. Fuck light water, even though it’s actually pretty safe. Advanced sodium reactors are where it’s at. One loop is molten salt and nuclear fuel. The salt makes it less dense so it can’t melt down like a traditional reactor. A second loop of salt is what steals heat from the fuel, which loops around to a water boiler further away. In essence, it’s airgapped. While corrosion can be an issue, the lack of water in the salt loops helps a ton.

        Solar towers with molten salt generators also work in the same way. The salts are molten and continue pumping out power for 12 hours after the sun has set, which makes them an excellent source of power for cities :)

        I’d live next to a nuclear plant any day of the week! Especially if the homes are less expensive because of it :D

    • Woah, this one is actually surprising to me. Even though I am in favour of nuclear power, I do have some fear of living in close proximity of such plants, especially seeing how even the clothing used in the facility is mixed into the barrels of radioactive wastes.

      • Not all the clothing anyone wears in a plant. Clothing special for contamination areas. They also do scans at thresholds and anything you carry with you that gets contaminated is confiscated. Nuclear plants genuinely have a level of safety in the us that is pretty hard to comprehend, it’s all done out of an abundance of caution more than a genuine need for it. Not quite security theater, just a very high degree of security.

  • Jet fuel.

    People seem to have the impression that it’s some extremely explosive stuff that has to be handled with the upmost care, but it’s just highly refined kerosene. It can be used as a replacement for Diesel fuel in many cases - in fact, U.S. military vehicles can run off either. We put it Toyota Hylux pickups up in northern Greenland because it doesn’t gel up like Diesel fuel.

      • No, we’ve known what to do with the waste for decades. Put it in cans, fill the can with cement, coat the can in cement, put the cans in a facility that is protected from geological events like earthquakes, and periodically check the cans/facility. In the US for example, The Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository was being made before political pressure shut it down.

        The waste issue is and always will be one of political pressure and ignorance by the masses, not an actual logistical issue

          • Political pressure comes in part from people like me who live around here and where they’d look for other sites. I don’t want trucks full of nuclear waste constantly being trucked through my area (and your area!), I don’t want to be viewed as a bomb target by enemies. I don’t want trucks of nuclear waste around the country being viewed as dirty bomb targets.

          • Even without the political pressure, how is nuclear power clean when massive massive holes in the ground have to be created and maintained with huge trucks and cranes using fossil fuels so we have a place to store waste that will be dangerous for tens of thousands of years? Yucca Mountain has taken decades to approve and build, any other sites will likely also. Spent nuclear fuel having to be trucked across the country using fossil fuels and tires, at best can be converted to battery power.

          • Nuclear plants take a decade or more to build, we don’t have that kind of time when it comes to climate change.

          • Nuclear power makes nuclear disarmament that much less likely

          • All of this is also assuming our current civilization continues for tens of thousands of years unbroken. If for some reason 500 years from now civilization broke down or was taken over and the average person couldn’t read English anymore, how would we transmit the idea of everlasting danger in a geographic region to those who may see things very differently?

          • Sorry I somehow just saw your response. Here’s mine:

            • Nuclear waste being trucked through my area is completely fine because not only has it already been contained and simply being trucked to it’s longterm storage site, it’s not some glowing ooze that’s super hard to keep from seeping into places. It’s a solid. Have the trucks stay away from running water and don’t drive on days that it’s raining, and even if there’s a crash it’s not gonna get into the ecosystem. Add to that, the alternative for baseload power has been fossil fuels, which are shown to not only be more hazardous to the immediate area and people, but more hazardous to the planet. So the options for the past several decades has been between a verifiably bad thing, and a verifiably not bad thing. This is just more either uninformed or alarmist rhetoric.
            • A similar question can be turned around on solar, what with the huge amount of material that needs to be mined in toxic processes for the rare earth metals that are needed for photovoltaics + battery banks. And you’re complaining about needing tires for moving nuclear waste? Really? The addition would be negligible compared to what’s already on the roads. This is just grasping at straws.
            • We don’t have that kind of time because people like you have been preventing us from building safe plants for decades. This is the same kind of energy as when republicans defund government agencies and then use the now lower productivity of the agency as an example of governments being bad at jobs. We’ve lost time because you’ve been holding our head underwater.
            • Realistic nuclear disarmament is a pipe dream that gets obliterated with 5 seconds of thought. The countries we truly want disarmed will never do such, and better countries disarming would just lead to those first countries becoming emboldened to use their arsenal. The only realistic result of nuclear disarmament is a nuclear war perpetrated by dictators.
            • If human civilization breaks down to the point that top security assets are unmanageable, there’s far worse issues going on than nuclear waste getting into the ground water in a couple specific locations. Not to mention a scenario like you bring up would have to have humans falling back to the stone age, at which point the change in quality and length of life from the nuclear radiation a leak would bring wouldn’t be very substantial compared to their stone-age alternative.
  • Sharks.

    More people die due to things like selfies, falling out of your bed, tipped vending machines and heck, even balloons, then to a shark.

    Just because something can kill you doesnt mean it will, more often than not, it actually wont.

    •  kalfa   ( @kafa@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 year ago

      Here there might be a confusion between danger, and statistics.

      all those examples are about events or things that are far more frequent than be near a shark

      if the average person could be close to a shark as many time in life than leaving a bed, be close to something that can flip, or to people taking selfies, statistics might be very different

    • A shark killed my brother a few years back. He was just standing there minding his own business and this shark came out of nowhere and toppled a vending machine on top of him. Poor bastard never knew what hit him.

    • I’d be interested in the death numbers relative to exposure. What percentage of people who tip vending machines die compared to those who swim among sharks at the beach? How about compared to those who sleep in a bed?

    • I love the dark … especially pitch blackness.

      As a kid I used to crave wanting to eliminate all light when I went to bed. As a teen, I would seal the edges of my door to stop the hall light in our house from coming and put up black out curtains even at night. It always bothered me if I woke up with a bit of light. For some reason I felt better waking up in the dark. I always know where my things are and I can wander around in the dark to f find my way.

      I haven’t had that in years because my wife wants some night lights on somewhere. She thought I was nuts to want complete darkness at night.

      • I’m actually afraid of the dark. My mind makes me see shadowy figures and scary faces. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it even though it’s illogical.

        • Yeah I’m not as unafraid of the dark as you’d expect. I like being in the complete darkness in the comfort of my own space that I know very well … like my bedroom or my living room or any room in my house that I know very well. But when it comes to being in the dark in a strange and unfamiliar place … yeah, I’m not comfortable and I would also start seeing figures and faces too.

      • I was the same as a kid, then I got used to sleeping with some light and haven’t needed to block out lights since. However, I recently bought a weighted mask and omg I seriously recommend that! I really feel like I sleep a lot better with it on, wake up more rested. Could be placebo of course, but I don’t think it is.

        • I tried that for a while and it never quite worked for me. I’d always end up with it falling off, over my mouth, around my neck or over my ear. It’s been so long now, it almost just feels like a relief when I can sleep alone in the dark.

  • Scuba Diving. Lots of people have heard that your lungs can pop or something similar and it makes them really afraid to try it. If you hold your breath, you may have issues with your lungs but your SCUBA apparatus is such an amazing design that even if you need to throw up underwater it’s designed to filter your vomit through the apparatus so you can continue breathing even after throwing up THROUGH it (which you should do if you feel nauseous down there). Just keep the apparatus in your mouth and don’t stop breathing and you’ll have a great time.

    Scuba Diving is one of my favorite things to do and I really think more people should try it!

    • I’m simultaneously amazed by being able to vomit while diving and just breathing normally - and disgusted when trying to imagine how that’ would look and feel like…

      But thanks for the info. Never thought they’re so Great

      • IIRC, the rate of explosions at gas stations started going up around the time that cell phones were becoming popular. The investigation teams would review camera footage and see people on their phones. So the government changed the mandatory warning stickers on the pumps to include a “do not use your phone while pumping” warning.

        Turns out it wasn’t because people were using their phones near the gas pump, but that they were getting back in their cars to play on their phone while the pump was running. They’d build up a static charge by getting in and out of the car, which would arc to the pump handle when they went to hang it up.

        It took a while before they realized what the actual problem was.

          • NPR interview with an NTSB guy I heard a few years back with a bit of googling around (again, years ago). Hence the “IIRC.” Snopes has details on why phones themselves aren’t dangerous around pumps.

            And it’s still a problem - it’s just that it’s not the phones themselves that cause it. You’ll notice that pumps now tell you to stay by the handle and not get back into your car.

            • In the UK you have to stand there and hold the pump. They don’t fit the catch that allows the pump to keep going while you don’t hold it. The pumps in the US are very convenient but petrol streaming out potentially while no-one is paying attention always feels like a bad idea.

              • I’ve had fuel pour out once - but not from the pump. We had someone replace the fuel pump and they forgot to put the gasket on.

                I agree it sounds like a crazy idea, but it works. The automatic cutoff on those fuel dispensers works really, really well. I’ve been driving for over 30 years and have never seen it fail.

              • I’m not sure exactly how it’s done (I’m guessing some sort of pressure or seal mechanism), but the pumps are also designed so that if the pump isn’t fit properly into the car’s gas tank, the catch will automatically drop and the fuel will stop streaming. So if you start to pull the handle out of the tank while it’s still pumping fuel, it’ll automatically turn off

          • We do have these signs (crossed cellphone) also at gas pumps where I live (Germany). As I stated above, I think these signs were introduced with the beginning popularity of cellphones and serve mostly as a precaution measurement because nobody knew 25 years ago if cellphones pose a harm to gas pumps when both are in use simultaneusly. In the same fashion that cellphones had to be shut off during the entire flight in an airplane. Gas pumps were there before cellphones. I personally witnessed people pumping gas and use cellphones at the same time and nobody cared. Depending on where you are from, your experience may differ.

            Edit: typo, spelling

            • The rumour of cellphones not to be allowed at gas stations has proven to be false.

              I was replying to this. The comment doesn’t claim it’s not dangerous, it claims it’s not forbidden to use them on gas pumps.