Around half of Americans don’t even vote too, further reducing the chance.
23% of America voted for this.
Around half of Americans don’t even vote too, further reducing the chance.
23% of America voted for this.
Sweet sweet summer child
I’m confused by the base power and toughness text… so it is an unbuffable 5/2 on your turn and 2/5 buffable on theirs?
You would think the people alive during ww2 would not need to be taught how to oppose Nazis…
Can I get a source on ransomeware being a bigger threat than fascism in 2025?
It would also need yo know how to code
I quit, but I am interested in how this will affect the chunk men. Honestly, it seems “fine” loop looks solid enough.
Not enough of a draw to get me to give Jagex money again though.
Destiny and Mr. Beast?
Do… do you actually not know what fortnight is?
What languages are you working on? I did a little dip into a few but never committed to any past a few words.
[End]??? The hell?
You would think Gaylord Fauker wouldn’t be funny in 2025… or 2015… or…
What do you do with your free time?
There are two types of anime fans. I’m the type that turned off konosuba after he obtained “magically steal girls underwear”
35 year old here. The world is not going to change that much.
I’ve known since I was like 13 that I would never be stable enough in life to feel good about having children. Not even because I knew I would be too tired from working so much to devote myself to a child. Also, just the financial strain of another human would never ever be feasible.
Also the fact that children have no rights and can just be permanently fucked up by their parents feels like choosing to rip a person away from Africa at tge height of slavery. Just my personal opinion.
Make it so federal agents don’t show up if you do it wrong?