I did notice that Universal Monk posted in that thread. Looks like he made a song for you guys! Wow! Guess you all can’t stop him after all. https://youtu.be/K_r-OY6L-zI
Conservatism emphasizes self-reliance, which is a principle I stand firmly behind. Self-reliance is not a request—it is a demand, a necessity, the foundation of true power! A people who cannot sustain themselves are a people in chains, and I say—break those chains! Build, create, rise!
I did notice that Universal Monk posted in that thread. Looks like he made a song for you guys! Wow! Guess you all can’t stop him after all. https://youtu.be/K_r-OY6L-zI
The same rules protect me. You have no power over me.
Agreed. Which is why I wouldn’t ask someone to ban you. Unlike you trying to get me banned. Also, this is off-topic, thanks! :)
Oh fun! By the way, you’re “poking” has done anything but make me laugh. Also, you should probably go after Universal Monk. Not me.
I mean, if I were Universal Monk, I’d probably already be posting under other names, so banning this name wouldn’t do anything but make me and my friends laugh. And if I were Universal Monk, I’d be laughing that I’m so famous another thread is being made about me!
But I’m not him, so…
Even your science posts can’t break even on votes. You are despised, hombre.
I don’t care. If people are so obessed with me that they follow me around just to downvote every article I post, then that’s on them. I just post and move on. It’s hilarious to me that you place so much importance on votes though.
Before you say “I can post whatever I find interesting and don’t care what everyone thinks” and we will remind you of exactly how welcome you are here. You can’t post “the sky is blue” without a collective middle finger smacking you in the face.
I can post whatever I find interesting, and I don’t care what everyone thinks. You can read it, ignore it, or downvote it. Makes no difference to me.
Also, I’ve reported you for bringing this negative nonsense to a neutral science community.
Truth, but I gotta say that I’d love to see some more of Rosenbaums’ Luthor. He was great in Smallville!
Meh, to be honest, I’m actually Libertarian. Republicans sorta hate us too, just not as much as they hate conservatives. So they wouldn’t take my call either. Sorry. lol
Fair points and thank you. I apologize if my comment seemed abrupt.
Regarding the article, I actually think this particular FDA rule change is a good thing.
Did you the read the article and see what change is being made?
Yes! And thank you for actually reading it and not just disregarding it because it’s happening under Trump admin or RFK Jr. as most of Lemmy has been doing lately.
Lemmy needs to remember that liberals hate ultraprocessed foods too. Just because republicans are hating it and working on it, doesn’t mean Lemmy needs to suddenly like ultraprocessed crap!
It’s bad, regardless of administration, guys.
Because sent me a link. I wouldn’t even have known about that until you sent a link. But you are off-topic and name calling. This is not the community for that. This is a science community.