I’ve opened Lemmy today to lots of anti Canadian sentiment on any recent comments about how messed up 'murica is and it’s constant attacks on Canadian sovereignty.

Don’t get sucked in. Let them yell into a void. The online campaign has begun in earnest on Lemmy and it’s time to point it out and recognise it for what it is.

These are not real people. They are actors trying to affect our decisions as always happens when American exceptionalism is challenged. Our government had the balls to stand up and say no. We have the balls to do the same. They do not like it and will attack you for it.

Don’t fall for the bait.

  • Find a Lemmy app that has user tagging (I use Voyager, and previously Connect) and when you see these users make a note of each one with a red tag so they stand out when you’re browsing.

    You’ll start to see the bastards turning up in all kinds of conversations as well as posting ridiculous shit. That’s what I did with the Russian/American trolls/bots during the american election. Very enlightening to see in a political thread who the repeat offender shit-disturbers are so you can down vote, argue with, or report them instead of blocking them and allowing their infection to spread.

    Tagging is handy for nice people as well; the community of people around you on Lemmy starts to look more familiar, smaller, and friendlier than you realize, and dick heads become easier to spot.

  • Unfortunately some of them are real people, I’ve had voice conversations with people who believe the bullshit line that “Canada and Mexico are taking advantage of us” that’s coming out of these figureheads they blindly follow.

    They have zero critical thinking abilities, and that means they can’t be reasoned out of their position by showing them facts or asking them to prove their logic.

      • At first I did believe that if Trump ordered an invasion of Canada, Americans would be so against it that it wouldn’t happen but now I’m not so sure. MAGAts have gone from not thinking about Canada at all to thinking we’re personally fucking over each and every one of them. It’s insane, like it’s all happened within a month.

        Democrats are better but a lot of them just wave off the idea of invasion as “a Trump distraction”. Some (CNN…) just laugh about it and say we’d make them more progressive

    • It’s true - I can remember a year ago, maybe two? Back when he was still on Fox News Tucker Carlson was constantly on about how we were under a tyrannical dictatorship and how Americans should “free” us. This “not viable as a country” thing is just another attempt at justifying their aggression and it’s just as hollow and stupid. The lies and fallacies just cycle through until something sticks, it’s the goals that remain the same.

      The truth is, they want us out of the way because our multiculturalism and socialism are threats to their siloed reality. We’re too similar to them, too successful. We’re a living repudiation of everything they believe, of all the lies they need to be true to justify their cruelty and bigotry.

      We were never going to be allowed to live in peace, for no other reason than we are a constant reminder of the truth.

    • I would like “Kills Nazis” to be a common, simple part of Canadian identity, like hockey and manners. Basically, I want this:

      “Oh Bob? Yeah he’s just a good old Canadian boy. Smooth wristshot, absolute sniper. Always helps his neighbour shovel the walk. There was a demonstration by a bunch of those “Sons of Odin” fuckers downtown last week and he stopped by to huck bricks at them and protect counterprotestors. You know, we should have him over for a beer and some steaks”

        • Sons of Odin are a Canadian white supremacist movement with Viking inspired iconography and a stated mission to “stop the spread of Shariah Law”. They were started in 2018 and started with a very media-savvy push as a “service organization” doing park clean ups and handing out water and granola bars to homeless people. Their intent was to grow to spread their Xenophobia and anti-islamic rhetoric.

          They aren’t a large group, maybe 15k members coast to coast and that’s spread pretty thinly. As for why I picked them? I dunno- memorable name and more “Canadian” than name dropping the Klan.

  • As someone who lives in America, I would like to say, please keep it up my Canadian friends! The more the rest of the world buys and builds their own, the more you undermine Lil Donnie’s Fascist Clown Show, and create better options for everyone in the long-term.

    Breaking U.S. tech dominance is one of the best ways to put some equality back in the world.

  •  Kichae   ( @Kichae@lemmy.ca ) 
    298 days ago

    Good. Let these idiots be loud. Let every Canadian see what the Fuck Yeah 'Muricans think of us, so that the sting lasts as long as possible. We don’t want to get lulled back into business as usual once Asshole Donny bits the bullet.

  •  ninthant   ( @ninthant@lemmy.ca ) 
    268 days ago

    Some of them might be real people.

    Scapegoating is an extremely successful technique. Instead of dealing with the complexities of the modern world, the supposed strong man can just give people easy and reassuring answers.

    Americans problems are not because of unchecked capitalism and the wilful dismantling of the scientific, legal, economic, and political systems designed to help them. It’s because Canada, led by its Mexican Drug Cartels, are taking advantage of them.

    Never mind that it’s patently stupid. Never mind that the system of getting access to our raw materials for cheap so they could process them in their countries and their industries was overwhelming as good for them as it was bad for us.

    Never mind reality — what matters is that an easy answer was given. It’s not them, they don’t have to confront any harsh truths, or take any painful looks in the mirror, or have to step out of their comfort zone. The Americans were given the answer to their problems by their King, and that answer is Canada.

    So the “strong man” strikes at Canada to show how tough they are. And to no one’s surprise, Canada doesn’t take it lying down. We stand up for ourselves and hit back — saying that surely when they see pain they will stop and reflect.

    But no, they don’t. Because our hitting back justifies our already-established status as villain. How dare Canada threaten to levy energy exports, says the King. The Canadians have no decency.

    And so, feeling the pain we caused, the Americans listen to their King, and they blame us because that is the easy answer. They don’t have to think, they don’t have to pause the sportsball game or the reality tv marathon. It was Canada all along.

    So yes — there may be bots and such, but make no mistake that the vocal opposition to Canada will only grow inside America as the trade war escalates.

    • I agree with you completely. It will become real people if it is not already. It is about controlling the narrative. I just wanted people to be aware mostly that it’s ramped up significantly today. An obvious escalation over what has been happening the past several months. Lots of new (up to a month old) accounts and such that hadn’t posted until yesterday or today.

    • People don’t have to believe the misinformation they repeat, as long as they believe it justifies some action that will benefit them. For example, the more depleted the Colorado river basin gets, the more British Columbia will turn out to be full of terrorists and cartels, or its leaders plotting to disrupt the Frasier River, or whatever else… It’s not like the details matter.

      What matters is that the people in the place with the thing you want are evil now.

      I don’t rule out hostilities directed at Canadians on lemmy being something directly fomented by bots or including bot participation. But that’s a rather low-value influence operation. I’d wager at least some is just a side effect of the vector that concerns me more: the faithful spreading a gospel aimed at Americans to manufacture American consent for something.

  • This is even more rampant and unchecked on Reddit - the Buy Canadian subreddit is infested with either outright “MURRICA FUKKKIN A BRO” types or the more subtle “concern trolls” — “Won’t you miss this product? What will you do when you can’t afford things anymore? Don’t you realize these companies employ Canadians - why do you want to hurt your neighbours?” Yeah - not here for that noise.

  • I am convinced our elections were somehow rigged here in the states. At the very least, the bots changed the outcome. But now that the shit-heels are in power, there’s fuck-all that can be done about it. I’ve resigned myself to leave. I’ve been wanting to at least a decade or more, but I can’t rest on my comfort anymore. It’s time.

    I do hope Canada can overcome this. I fear for the entire world. I am rooting for you, the EU, and general sanity worldwide.

    • For sure. For what it’s worth I’m pretty new too. If this place continues to grow it will be a bigger target for misinformation campaigns so it’s wise to be vigilant

      • I agree 100%. There’s a whole lot of room for improvement. But I will tell you this: I dislocated and broke my arm because of a bad fall last year. I DID have a long wait in the emergency. But once the x-rays were done and I was seen by a surgeon, surgery was scheduled and performed very quickly. I’m retired and on a fixed income. If I had lived in the USA, I’m sure I would have lost my comfortable little bungalow townhouse.

  • As someone from the US, if you don’t like Canada, there’s something broken in your soul.

    I wish I could apologize personally to every Canadian on behalf of the fucking dipshits in my country who have enabled this, and also have a big BBQ to apologize for Trump, the tech-bro fascists, and the weird Handmaid’s Tale motherfuckers who seem to think it’s cool to threaten the USA’s best-friend. Former best-friend now I guess :/

    Canada is awesome. Canadians are awesome. Fuck those assholes. Poutine is also awesome. Fuck Trump. Fuck this nonsense.

  • Luckily, Lemmy has a fairly effective way to deal with those. Don’t block them, instead use the down arrow ⬇️ so the next buddy either doesn’t see it, or sees the negative score as a warning. Unlike corporate for-profit social networks, Lemmy won’t push those comments to the people that would get triggered most. Instead they’ll fade into oblivion as quickly as the downvotes roll in.