Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica
Mar. 23, 2025
T I G H T R O P E ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 🎉
My Score: 2110 https://www.britannica.com/quiz/tightrope
Just a simple tailor
Tightrope, a daily trivia game | Britannica
Mar. 23, 2025
T I G H T R O P E ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 🎉
My Score: 2110 https://www.britannica.com/quiz/tightrope
I may have just made this my phone’s new wallpaper. Thanks!
I was at a professional development conference offered by my union yesterday. 3/4 of the presenters I went to were using their management-owned accounts (and in one case, a management-owned device!). Now, none of the topics were about unionism–it was all how to be better at our jobs, but I couldn’t wrap my head around it… and they put up QR codes for us to access on our phones, and guess what? The links wouldn’t work for me because I refuse to put any work shit on my personal phone, so I wasn’t logged into my work account, and therefore didn’t have permission to view the document. I just could not believe that people were surprised…
Coca-Cola has entered the chat
I went to an Indian place once and asked the waiter to make my food spicy. It was kinda medium-spicy, and when the waiter asked if it was spicy enough, I–stupid white boy I am–said no. He took the dish back to the kitchen. He returned a little later with the chef. They both watched me take a bite and regret my decision. Through the tears, I told them the Spice was just right. They laughed.
I am NOT a Sneezy man!
Except for that sex-change episode. Say what you will about Move Along Home, Profit and Lace is the worst episode of DS9, imo
Censors in the 90s were obviously MUCH more concerned about portraying the love between two consenting adults who had been married in a previous life than they were about a sentient puddle of goo that can make himself look like he’s dressed.
Staying with her even though she was abusive. Having kids with her. Then finally getting up the courage to get myself out but not being able to take the kids with me.
Everyone in this thread is talking about Beverly or Jean-Luc, but I’m all about the less-imposing Worf.
It has a 49% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, so about half of people seem to agree with you.
As a stand-alone film, it is probably fine. As an entry in the Ghostbusters franchise, I did not enjoy the film.
That’s gold, Jerry! GOLD!
Independence Day. Just run away, alien dudes! The xenophobia isn’t worth it!
I don’t really know what you’re referring to or if you’re being serious, but if you are being serious, then I’ll just say it relates to Lower Decks episode 4x02.
I’m pretty sure that T’Ana would be all over this. But I don’t think she’d make it a rap battle…
Disney did it right with the freaking porgs when Episode VIII dropped. Those things were everywhere
I just want to know what Paramount executive OK’d this episode but didn’t then immediately begin production on moopsy-related items to purchase. I need a moopsy plush!
Didn’t want to spoil the episode for people who haven’t seen it yet
Where can I sign up for this? Asking for a friend.
That was literally my first thought, too. This is not some random African country that threw off its oppressors after WWII. This is *South Africa, where the oppressors held on until the 1990s. Here’s a leader from a country whose racial reconciliation we still haven’t come close to replicating, and President
MuskTrump thinks the country is too unfair to white people.