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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023

  • I really don’t think it is, actually.

    I’ve spent the better part of a decade trying to trace the necessary changes to our government down to one starting point with enough impact to rally enough people to actually start the ball rolling.

    If you look at how those buildings shape the arcane, opaque, combative, regressive processes that underpin our government… There is no other option, it has to go.

    It would be nice to keep the buildings, and move the seat of government without such wanton destruction, they’d make an awesome museum, gallery, etc.

    However, UKGov will never allow that to happen. They won’t even move temporarily, to allow an update to the buildings’ fire suppression system for example.

  • I wrote three completely different replies to this, and have opted instead to go with;

    Fuck UKGov. The whole system is beyond fucked and it’s going to get worse until we burn it down and start again.

    Best single point of action I can come up with is to burn the houses of parliament to the fucking ground.

    Everything about that building perpetuates the shit show. The subsidised restaurants and bars paid for by us, the hidden away back offices where transparency is laughed at, the London-centric entitled attitude that seems to permeate the very masonry.

    Yep, the “seat of government” needs razing and rebuilding somewhere like just outside of York. Waaaay further fucking North, wherever it goes, just not in fucking London.

    The whole thing needs to be designed to be open, visible, transparent. Nowhere for our servants to hide, they need reminding of their fucking place. They serve us, not the other way around, they seem to have long forgotten that.

  • Did you know that if you’re renting, you can get that rent paid by benefit?

    That rent goes to a landlord who uses that rent to pay the mortgage on the property, maintain it (lol), and some profit.

    If, however, you “own” your home and are responsible for paying the mortgage and maintenance, the best you can get is a loan to cover the interest only. You must pay this loan back with interest if/when you sell your home.

    They’ll happily pay over the odds for “rent” costs to landlords, but they won’t pay less than that to you for your mortgage.

    They’re happy to pay a mortgage, just not to you, the benefit claimant.

    The whole system is rigged to take from the poorest and filter it all to those who have more than enough.

  • You are correct for the most part.

    However, until the “world of work” accepts those “differences” without needing laws to force them to do so, labelling of differences will remain a requirement for those that require the help.

    Taking away some the pittance they get to assist with how the world refuses to service the “different” is bad enough, to justify it with intentionally bent statistics and the medical opinions of “experts” that are actually economists is pure Tory territory.

    Starmer’s Labour is as bent as they come, and they’re handing power to Reform at the next election with their disgusting policies. Calling it now for future reference.

  • Likewise, there are experts in neurology and psychology who dismiss said assertions, pointing to our progress in understanding and ability to diagnose now what we couldn’t previously.

    Many individuals previously labelled “difficult”, “lazy”, and “unmotivated” are now understood to be afflicted with medical problems. We can’t yet do all that much about it, but we know more than we did.

    As you can see, it largely depends on how much background knowledge you already have on the subject at hand as to what conclusions can be drawn from the wording.

    Perhaps your view might not be the correct one, after all?

    Edit: It is worth drawing attention to the fact that it suits no politician to lose the oft derided “lazy do-nothings” supposedly responsible for society’s decline, or at the least a “drain on hard working families”.

    The pounds sterling cost of the entire welfare state would fit numerous times over into the unpaid taxes of the likes of Amazon et al.

    So who exactly are the politicians really looking out for?

    Edit 2: Going forward, Labour under Starmer will continue to be Tories in Red ties. The less well educated voters will, instead of “voting Labour 'cos they always have” will be taken in by “the pretty lie” and vote for Farage’s Fascists instead, you just watch.

    Edit 3: took only six days before the announcement that they’re going to give money to US corporations via a tax cut.

    Fuck Starmer, fuck the modern “Labour” party, fuck the entire first past the post, two party entitlement that got us here in the first place.

    Guy Fawkes was onto something.

  • Very carefully worded question that avoids any mention of who specifically the “experts” in question are, or what study exactly came to these conclusions.

    There are “experts” that claim the world is flat, and “experts” that claim vaccines cause all sorts of problems worse than the diseases they prevent.

    One can always dig up an expert that agrees with whatever bullshit you wish to peddle.

    I’d bet folding money that the “expert opinion” referred to is in fact, in the report by the IFS they mention above in the article rather than any medical study examining the subject.