The same thing except you then have to pay for the disk, distribution and worry about stock and so on.
The same thing except you then have to pay for the disk, distribution and worry about stock and so on.
until you have a library that you can rent games for free close to you.
It’s called a torrenting client
I had a similar experience. Loved it then, like it even more now.
It’s a long time ago, in a galaxy far away. Geneva conventions and the laws of war didn’t exist at the time.
I’m not sure that using the entire QA staff of the world’s largest agglomeration of Dev studios on a single game only qualifies as “not cutting corners”. That’s surely going above and beyond.
There will of course be different sources of information, but that does not mean that they will present a fair and balanced spread of ideas. The capitalist class will push their own interests. A single owner is not required for that to occur
Under capitalism, the capitalist class controls the media, and can use their wealth to control the political class.
A democracy can only make choices so far as it’s voters are informed, and when a group controls most sources of information, it can control the democracy as a whole.
That’s a misrepresentation of old English. Man used to be neutral, and was modified by were and wif respectively for man and woman. Wife comes from woman, not the other way around.
The ol’ head in the sand approach
It’s obviously Wendy though
Well, you’ve got to get rid of it some way, and while charity might systematically be a problem there are plenty that do genuine good.
If you have any decency, get rid of most of it, preferably to charities or political causes.
That sort of wealth in the hands of a single person is obscene, and spending it on luxury when there are people starving and homeless in the world is the height of immorality.
Foolish if the goal is to hold on to more money than you could ever need in ten lifetimes to pursue the goal of accumulating more from the work of others.
The cost is just money in this case. It doesn’t use rare or unethically sourced materials (at least if you’re not a vegan), it advances the biological sciences as a whole and it’s something to do for bio grads that might generate a lot of value for society in the future.
While this reads like a Sony advert, I have to agree.
You have trillions of dollars worth of military equipment from the cold war mothballed or in storage.
Most of it will never see use because it’s outdated technology.
There are thousands of planes, tanks and miscellaneous vehicles just sitting out in the desert waiting to be scrapped or reactivated.
The security council veto power isn’t something handed out for being nice, it’s largely “we have an arsenal of hundreds of nuclear weapons and are theoretically willing to use them”
Generations are generally ~20 years. It’s been 3-4 generations since the first nuclear power plant, and less since the first commercial one. It’ll certainly be at least one more before commercial fusion even being optimistic
Climate change is not going to be literally the end of the world, or even human civilization. At the worst we’ll see mass immigration to the global north and the centre equatorial band become more difficult to inhabit.
Farm yields will probably drop to some extent, and we might see a few wars, but we are fairly well equipped to survive.