this account is mainly for posting lgbt content not accessible thru other accs, but now it’s an alt
bi, poly
1st gf: lemmy acc coming soon
2nd gf:
mainly polish but also norwegian :)
i usually just talk to my friends and watch tv (impractical jokers and beavis and butthead mainly, also american dad). i love languages as well!
my gf does mainly the same (talk to friends and learn languages)
Oooohhh okay!
może możesz napisać przykład sposobu, w jaki mówisz po polsku
uczę się polskiego od mojej mamy
this is considered harassment. she harassed you.
i speak english from the us, brazilian portuguese, and peruvian spanish :)
you should publish the whole thing and upload it to wattpad, ao3, etc.
oh shit… i’d say give her some time, she’s upset because you like someone else, i’d assume. also, i’d be upset too if my gf was romantic to me, then said she was breaking up because she liked someone else.
i saw your post asking if she even liked you that way. well, if she’s that upset to the point she won’t talk to you, then she definitely does. if i liked someone a little bit, i’d be a bit sad. if i had no feelings, i wouldn’t mind, and if i liked someone a LOT, I’d have a breakdown
ok, and you told her to stop talking about what was on her mind. she was probably upset by that, too, she was asking a genuine question about the relationship.
thanks so much!
wydaje się niepotrzebne i czasami irytujące. czuję się jak tylko jest dla osób, które mówią po polsku i po angielsku
często widzę to w reklamach ale po angielsku i po hiszpańsku w tym samym zdaniu (spanglish)
i agree with this. also, i feel like if they do it (he never said if they wore protection), the girl might’ve been acting weird because she was pregnant and he just leaves her. that’s sick.
(i cant say for sure but it might be a possibility)
op, it’s possible that he just wants u to meet up with him, have sex, and then leave once u either dont act how he wants u too or if u get pregnant. since he doesn’t seem to take no for an answer, he could also either pressure you into sex or just pressure you into not wearing protection if you choose to do so.
he doesn’t accept dissent in other matters, why would he in sex? especially if he discusses sexual topics with you. it’s very common for gross people like him who don’t take no for an answer, especially when wanting sex, to r*pe their partners.
as a bigender person, i identified as transfem as a teen (under 18). i had similar problems online where men would deny my bisexuality because for some reason, it’s gay for me to have a close and intimate friendship with a dude now that i’m more masc, but as a transfem, dating women just means “you’re gal pals”
what language? looks like laughter to me ☠️
whoa no way i like fannybaws too
that’s so weird :( were they a gay man/straight woman?
do you remember what i said about using the name ‘cara’ with me?
i wasn’t joking
what do you mean son
i’ve been having dysphoria for a while
so i want to try to present as a girl 😅
if it’s okay with you, i think im trans
ok 👍
i think it’ll take me some time to get used to it but if you want to be a girl and it’ll make you happier then i don’t have any problem with that
good luck with everything my daughter ❤️“
I have, with 1 guy who dated me for a week. Another girl broke up with me after finding out I was autistic.
Then one who broke up due to mental health. She subsequently realized she was a lesbian.