No probs, A10aa.
Thank you
No probs, A10aa.
Thank you
6Kerala-ൽ വന്ന പോസ്റ്റ് mods മുക്കി. L_Sൽ ഉണ്ട്.
Aah. Thank you.
Offline transfer would’ve been a cool feature.
Has appeared now.
Bheem-A10aaa <3
How I make digital art:
I don’t create digital art, unless you count using Pocket paint to scribble randomly. If so, it’s similar.
Do you uBlock origin installed?
It should block ads n unnecessary stuff to save some data.
You could filter/block images and audo/video/media(from all websites or some specific websites) if you want to save even more data.
Adding that in your filter list would block all images and media, from all websites. You can adjust it for the specific websites that you want it to affect.
Food Poissoning
The O in H2O is oxygen, but it isn’t dissolved oxygen.
It’s part of water. A water molecule consists of 2 Hydrogen atoms and an Oxygen atom.
The oxygen atom has chemically bonded with the hydrogen atoms. The O there isn’t existing as a separate gas.
So, The dissolved oxygen is something different from the O in H2O.
And the dissolved oxygen is influenced by things like temperature, pressure, other things dissolved in the water n all.
ഇവിടെ അങ്ങിനെ ആൾക്കാർ വരാറില്ലേ?
More power for short hair Power
I use leap btw
meme should be the other way around.
The imgflip
reference at the bottom left is there to remind us that the image should be flipped.
Thank you.
If you haven’t tried them, I recommend giving them a try. They all have something to offer.
I have tried them on desktop and in most cases, I did not have any serious issue with them. I was thinking which one would be better optimised for laptops.
KDE handled things very well
I’m on KDE now. It’s good. Was thinking whether there are any DE’s that are specifically recommended for laptops, for efficiency or ease of use.
I think you’ll have to use the website.
There’s a Block tab in Settings.
Not a programmer, but is php bad?
In the past, I had read that logins in websites were handled using php and mysql. Is some new/better language popular nowadays?
Edit: Thank you for the responses.
best option
Ubuntu is popular and new-user friendly. And xfce is generally lighter on resources. It’s a good choice.
What can I do
Almost everything.
Some proprietary apps you’ve used from windows may not be available, but equivalent ones would be available on linux.
Stuff like browsing the web(provided that you don’t open too many tabs, because you have low ram) and watching movies n all is quite good.
What all things fo you intend to do on it? I think it’ll be easier to check that the things you want are there.
Upvoting because of Aubrey Plaza
What does this mean tho?
An idea cannot fight weapons/power without public support. And for public support it needs to be daring enough point out the opponents? And for this the idea needs to be rooted on human life?