I have partially retreated back to the message boards for my niche interests, which is nice in some respects. I do find myself craving the “mindless scroll without specific topic” experience, which lemmy is providing well enough (and I assume will only improve). My desire to discontinue reddit is 40% what is being done now and 60% what I fear/strongly suspect it will become. For me that’s enough to leave. If a search engine drops me there I might read a thread from desktop, but my days of browsing it like my father did the newspaper are over.
As a supervisor on the EMS firld side, I have always had lots of respect for dispatchers’ ability to tell what is a malicious false, an accidental false, and a person unable to talk due to threat or illness. Also, I will get called by dispatch and asked if I want EMS to standby while law enforcement investigates or have law enforcement on standby while we investigate in some cases.
Accidentally calls are not some new thing. Apple watches dial 911 all the time while people exercise.