Former Reddit power-lurker who decided to be an active participant instead.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I thoroughly enjoyed Shellabarger’s “Prince of Foxes”, set in Italy during the Renaissance. I think it was fairly lighthearted, but maybe someone who read it more recently can correct me if my memory is off. A friend of mine reviewed it as “a register of Italian names”, so you know its got to be good. Must be 30 years since I read it and it was the first book that came to mind so it did have an impact on me even if it failed to catch the fancy of my friend. My suspicion is that he failed to read past the first chapter as the rest of the book has adventures and excitement aplenty.

  • I’m more into metalworking and I’m not that good with wood, but I’ve made quite a few handles for files and other tools. I’ve used boiled linseed oil for finishing mostly because that was what I had but the handles get dirty and ugly almost instantly. Is Danish oil better in that regard or would you recommend something else for oily/greasy use? Oh, and your handle looks way better than mine, I need to step up my wood game. 😀

  • I have absolutely no problems with non-gendered bathrooms and they are getting more and more common. The one exception in my opinion is the troth-style arrangement that are common at larger venues, because of superior throughput. Especially sport venues where everyone rushes to the bathroom at halftime. If all toilets were individual, the queues would get enormous or the number of toilets would have to be at least tripled.

    And admit it guys, you’d miss having the opportunity to compliment someone’s dick without it being weird.

    Otherwise I see no point in gendering bathrooms.

  • I agree. Can’t really see how it would work in practice in international waters though. Who should enforce it for example? UN, maybe? Some new international coast guard type organization operating only on international waters? Should the local marine or coast guard be responsible for the vessels under the same flag even on international waters? Kind of a big job, that. I’m no maritime expert by any stretch and international law and treaties aren’t in my book of tricks either. It can’t be entirely impossible, but I’m not your man on this. There’s quite possibly some simpler solution that would at least improve the situation, but… Maybe if local companies was bound to local regulations even on international waters and their actions could be prosecuted according to that, things might at least improve. At least for a case like this, provided his company was US based in the first place and/or the boat they used. I dunno.

  • You are probably right about game theory working for zero sum games, but in this game, there is only one player. Us. Humanity as a whole. The two outcomes in that game are so trivial that we don’t need game theory to figure out which outcome is most beneficial.

    We pretty much already know what needs to be done to win this game, or at least give it our best shot. Game theory is what holds us back from doing that, because we are wrongly applying it to try and find local best outcomes. Unfortunately, there is no point in looking for local best outcomes in this game, because they won’t matter if the whole game is lost.

  • It’s not easy keeping it on the wagon, that’s for sure. You think you’re doing well, but a moment of weakness is all it takes sometimes. It gets easier and easier in time but you still need to be vigilant for ever. I fell of the wagon after being clean for three years. That sucked. I was so fucking disappointed with myself. Can’t ever let your guard down. Thinking you’re safe is often the one that gets you. Don’t mean to preach, you know all this already of course. As I said before, you need to find your own way that works for you. Stay strong, I believe in you. If you need to talk, pm me. Now I need to get my beauty sleep. Hasn’t improved my looks much so far, but I keep the hope alive. Cheers.

  • Some suggestions that might actually help, huh? Novel idea, that. Not trying to put you down, It was more of a comment about what the rest of this conversion’s been about.

    I think you are pretty much right on in your reasoning and we need more people to realize this and get angry enough to demand action. Even the most stubborn denialists will start to figure out that there is something not quite right about the weather phenomena we are seeing more and more frequently and with larger amplitudes than ever before. Question is if they realize soon enough. Because some serious action needs to happen like yesterday if we want to stop this. As much as I would like to implement space communism, it is a tough sell and it it needs to happen slowly. Otherwise we’ll just be making another Stalin/Mao-type society and that’s not really ideal to say the least. Regardless of what the tankies in lemmygrad would have us believe. I don’t really have an easy solution on hand, I’m pretty much winging it as I go. Easy solutions to complex problems rub me the wrong way as well, even if they are an easier sell. This is why it is so important to have discussions like this. Crowd-source a solution, if you will. But mainly to raise awareness and gain buy-in from as many people as possible. Corporations been pretty successful in dumping all the responsibility on us and therefore avoiding a lot of costs in cleaning up. Take bottles for example. In the later Cambrian period when I was young, soda came in glass bottles and soda companies were responsible for the whole life cycle of the bottle. This is a lot more expensive than letting the customers take the responsibility for the trash, but more importantly, they’re off the hook for all the plastic bottles that’s dumped everywhere. They can even have campaigns telling us to be responsible with the trash they produce and not having to deal with it themselves. Win-win. We need to shift the responsibility back to the corporations again. Don’t fall for the old “we just give customers what they want”-routine. It is just trying to shift the blame for their lack of responsibility while producing the goods we buy. I’d they can’t make their products without fucking the world up, they shouldn’t make them at all. I’m quoting from memory here, so correct me when I’m wrong. Just one hundred companies are responsible for over 30%(?) of the world’s CO2 emissions and they tell us we need to save the world by recycling? Give me a break. And ducking (autocorrect, but I’m keeping it) abolish Citizens United already. The US isn’t a democracy even on paper anymore.

    Slightly off topic - I saw a pretty interesting video by Abagail of Philosophy tube about the morality and legality of protests and the examples that were used was based on a protest on a coal mine in Germany some years ago. This is likely preaching to the quire in this community, but if you’ve not seen Philosophy tube before, you really should check it out. I’m a proud patron there, myself. 😊 Sorry to make you use google to find it, but that’s how lazy I am. To come clean, some of the butchered points above may originally be from her. I think. I have a terrible memory for who said what.

  • I’m sorry to not have answered earlier, but I got tied up a bit and also lost a comment to this by being clumsy. Not that used to typing on the phone this much.

    I feel you, I really do. It is not easy fending of the existential dread and you do almost anything to not feel it so much, just for a while. The society we live in do not help much and not playing by their rules anymore feels good. Not letting it turn destructive for yourself is the real trick though. Questioning what you’ve been fed your whole life is not an easy process. You’ve built your entire existence on one set of beliefs and realizing that you may have been wrong to do that, is not a small thing. It is very easy to reject everything and if you push it too far it is easy to succumb to some sort of nihilism. That’s rarely helpful for yourself or the people around you. You need to find something else to replace those lies that you’ve been fed. What that is, you need to find out for yourself. Take your time, the world can take care of itself for a while. You seem to be the kind of person that likes to figure things out for yourself and that is a good thing. Don’t lose that, and keep an eye out for all the other lies people are trying to sell. But be especially wary of what some dusty old know-it-all on the internet says. Find your own way and try not to lose hope.