I think instawin? I can’t remember either lol
I think instawin? I can’t remember either lol
Starcraft (original): black sheep wall
Reveals the whole map by removing fog of war.
Thanks for links to 2028 info! I only posted this here because it felt like a tiny cathartic thing to do in the moment. I appreciate your thoughtful response.
Not necessarily about herbs, per se, but if you want to try creating as much food from your land, these are good places to start. Ecology is important!
Because “Git” is the technology. GitHub is just one site that works with it.
Sounds like the other commenter got it. I’m commenting because the only time I’ve ever posted about a book o couldn’t remember was “The Dark Lord of Derkholm” also by Diana Wynn Jones! Great book of you haven’t read it. She wrote Howell’s Moving Castle too.
Until people stop and realize that the birds and the bees includes bugs. It’s not like we can tell them where to be, but we sure as shit need them to exist.
an estimated 476 million Indigenous peoples dwell on lands that are home to 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity.
This seems important. This is a number not often talked about in aggregate, at least that I’ve seen. Recognizing my own dis-ease at feeling like I would have way underestimated that figure before reading.
Drink more water! Whenever I find myself grumpy, the culprit is usually dehydration… It makes everything harder IMO. Ymmv etc etc anecdata
I second this. I have one small cup of strong black coffee in the morning since that’s all I can take, and then I switch to a thermos of hot loose leaf mint tea – probably 4 cups a day or more. It’s just so much more interesting than water, and helps keep things settled
I agree – I particularly liked that they call out corporate governance structure in the FAQ.
Payment processing for a service that helps renters by paying their full rent upfront and then letting the resident pay back in smaller payments. There’s a lot of similar infra (aws, plaid/mx, soft credit checks) and processes (payment aggregation & sending outgoing funds)
I just read the FAQ, seems well designed. I work in the same space and their descriptions of how it will work makes a lot of sense. The system balances itself and can be super transparent, we’ll see how it goes
Used to be the ACLU but it looks like that got shut down about a month ago: https://www.aclu.org/mobilejustice