see, I would argue that killing them isn’t the best thing to do. death makes bodies easy to cover with a coffin, easy to valorize, easy to homogenize and erase. death makes it easy to tell glorious lies. you ever seen a military cemetary? they don’t list birth/death dates, don’t let you know that this is a field of dead kids. they’re soldiers now. everything else that was lost is erased.
living broken bodies are a lot less politically convenient. they don’t put VA hospitals in propaganda war films.
that said, killing nazis will never not be cool, even if I am right, which I may not be, and it is not an optimal strategy.
the RDR’s, because, yeah, fuck launchers.
‘deathloop’ love arkane, looks like kinda my shit, but will not tolerate denuvo on my fucking machine, especially because I don’t have particularly high end hardware. I’d love to give them my money, but they don’t seem to want it.