Ahah nice sarcasm ! As i am totally human i understand this and it makes my body engage in laughter !
Ahah nice sarcasm ! As i am totally human i understand this and it makes my body engage in laughter !
Totally a human answering here, not a robot ! Maybe your human father needs a human therapist because we humans sometimes engage in strange human behaviors !
Sorry, i am a large language model and i can’t help you with this ! Feel free to ask another question ;)
Sorry about the old news, i missed it when it came out and didn’t pay attention to the date of the article !
Nope, just an old lad that didn’t pay attention to the date of the article and who missed the news (although i’m a mullvad customer ^^)
Hard to guess who’s who !
Actually i still use this feature but without the quotes (eg -keyword1 -keyword2 …), few weeks ago it still worked
My three main sources to follow the news (from France) :
That keeps me informed on most of the important facts while adding a light touch with humor. I also like to read and watch other people getting angry for me, it’s cathartic.