UK- postman pat, rupert bear, family ness, bananaman, bob the builder, the hurricanes, thomas the tank engine, captain pugwash
Is that guy playing with what I think he’s playing with?
Why is the chili wearing a cape? Or is that… hair?
Tobacco clearly has the last laugh in this story.
One or two particular strains out of the entire vast diversity of tobacco plants is having the last laugh.
Oh, fair game then. *unzips*
Isn’t the Doctor going to get annoyed by the drunk teens pissing in his house on a Friday night, and the homeless people constantly invading his privacy?
I thought he was alright. “Rock Me Amadeus” is a pretty decent song.
You fool! Its Club Mate in the office, Dudler (or warm piss, whatever you prefer) on the slopes
That would explain the one year absence in 1973. And also the general funk of the users these days, post christmas
So I wore flatter shoes today and did see a mild improvement, gotta say
Goddamit I was hoping to submit a Pigsx7 track, but their last album was from 2023.
On an unrelated note, I just found out that Hawkwind have been releasing an album every year since the 70s.
No joke, chocolate has gotten expensive and more styrofoamey in taste as of late.
I no longer derive pleasure from eating it, I just enjoy the intense sugar high.
Recommend some good songs?
What paper, that’s gotta be deliberate
Their website is really light on details about mAh[0], but Duracell are even worse[1]. I’ve found a comparison website, but no idea where its getting its sources[2].
Looks like VARTA is around 2400mAh and will last around 5-7 years, whereas Duracell is around 2700mAh and will last around 7-10 years. But let’s be realistic here, no battery in the world lasts more 2 years without needing to be switched out. Definitely not worth staying with Duracell.
Weird headline compared to the rest of the article
Oh you poor innocent creature, those are rookie amounts. If isn’t a quarter inch thick it’s not worth eating.
I mix it with butter and then snort it
Embrace nihilism and become the real change in the world? Inspiring!
I hope you’ve got your Will in order!