@HikingVet Was that a typo, autocorrect or a purposefull turn of phrase? Fraud instead of Ford.
@HikingVet Was that a typo, autocorrect or a purposefull turn of phrase? Fraud instead of Ford.
@Greg Well teh fundamental question is, is there data? Also even if it approachs the limit of 0 that would mean there is no data. Just like there is no spoon.
@TheMcG Non canadian here. How noteworthy is that
@Yoga @ValueSubtracted It was more about Buy America Weapons and provide auxillary troops to our awesome democratization campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan. I mean the US had a pretty sweet deal. It wanted more. That didnt go as the Chief deal maker expected.
@Greg @otters_raft Technically no. There has to be something for it to have any velocity. If there is nothing it cant be slower as its velocity equates to a Null error. Then you get a segmentation fault and the world ends.
@cheeseburger @Perhapsjustsniffit Oh thats a good one. Thanks for the tip
@SCmSTR Oke damn man, you poured your soul into that one. Fuck. Dont really know what to say right now. Afraid it will be all thoughts and prayers in another jacket.
I’m going to hug my daughter some more.
@SCmSTR @CobraChicken3000 Is civil war really that likely?
Yeah works for me.
Membership of the #EU is a long term project with many intermediate steps. Some decided they are fine with a certain step and stay on it(Norway) some decided to get off completley(Iceland) and some decided to get out after they were in(UK). Though I admit brexit was, unnecessarily, bitter the rift is healing and we enjoy good relations with all.
Tough I’d welcome Canada into the union I dont think either side fully grasp how deep and wideranging ascension would be. Regardless I’m perfectly fine with a customs union if thats what #Canada wants.
@SrMono https://archive.ph/uubyQ
Here is the unpaywalled link
@TheFeatureCreature @noxypaws I think Finland is a good model, also for other European countries. Western European countries especially could do with some societal resiliance and militancy.
@albert180 Thanks for the info, I will give it a try.
@alfredon996 @SrMono Any features you miss or, even better, gained?
@cupcakezealot @CircaV Except for impending terrorist attacks. Otherwise I agree.
There is more to it. They needed something to hit him with. With Obama it was a tan suit and with Zelensky it was his unofficial military uniform.
Had he been wearing a suit they would have gone after him for wearing a fancy suit while his people were dying. A tan one at that.
The top image puts that into perspective. Because the answer to her question is off course no, they would not suddenly care and take action. The suit, or lack, thereof is inconsequential.
Well I hope you liked this Zelensky salad of mine.
@HonoredMule @rylock
“Hey I said ‘dont tread on ME’. I have no problem stepping on you!”
And I also think the AI bot problem on social media is more serious and insidious than we give it credit for. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are all on the wrong side. I think they are actively dividing the opposition and keeping potential opposition away all the while turning as many MAGA as they can get their algoritmes in.