Like the Leia getting force powers out of nowhere in space. Sheesh.

  •  Catsrules   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    The hoverbike scene in Boba Fett. And basically anything to do with those teenagers gang members. Their bikes remind me of kitchen aid mixers meet the power rangers. The affects are so bad, the story is so bad the music is so bad. I don’t think I found one good quality in that scene. Except it made me laugh for how bad it was.

    And there is another scene when they are on battle and one of them does a “cool” spin for absolutely no reason.

    • My assumption was they were trying to shoehorn in the gang as a throwback to greaser hotrod culture (by way of mod scooter culture) since George Lucas was into that when he was a teenager, but it was so jarringly bad in an already bad series that it just came across as cringy and laughable. It didn’t help that those scenes were filmed incredibly clumsily and all the scooter gang characters were annoyingly tryhard.

    • Boba Fett, every episode except the two that are obviously just The Mando eps, fit OP’s question. The show is so bad I bet fans stopped watching SW. It’s embarrassing. It’s complete and utter garbage.