Like the Leia getting force powers out of nowhere in space. Sheesh.
Mechanismatic ( ) 106•2 years ago“Somehow Palpatine returned”
Blackmist ( ) English24•2 years agoWatch that and then the “By Grabthar’s Hammer, what a savings” line from Galaxy Quest.
It’s the exact same pained expression, but Oscar Isaac’s is real.
BruceTwarzen ( ) 10•2 years agoThis was honestly so funny, it’s hard to be mad at them for just not even giving a shit. Yeah we could pull an explanation out of our asses that won’t make any sense, or we just throw that libe at people.
currawong ( ) 53•2 years agoPadme dying during labor. In an advanced medical tech universe. And the lamest explanation for it “she’s lost the will to live”…
Well that’s not how girls work and it’s quite a telling the script was written by a bloke.
AAA ( ) 15•2 years agoNever thought of this, you’re not wrong.
On the other side her dying because she lost the will to life… is kind of a good explanation for an unlikely death in such an advanced civilization.
Obviously they could simply keep her alive despite any actual medical condition. So what else could she die of… except for a spiritual (I don’t know a better description) reason.
Kind of a “so bad it’s actually good” explanation.
theplanlessman ( ) English11•2 years agoI know we’re dealing with human aliens, but there is actually a thing called takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as “broken heart syndrome”, where your heart weakens as a result of emotional trauma.
It is rarely fatal, but deaths have occurred as a result of it.
Adramis [he/him] ( ) 4•2 years agoThe only head canon that makes sense is that Palpatine drained her life force in order to bring Vader back from the dead.
Adramis [he/him] ( ) 1•2 years agoThe only head canon that makes sense to me is that Palpatine used Padme’s life force to bring Vader back from the dead.
magic_lobster_party ( ) 33•2 years ago“That’s a good question, for another time”
That another time never happened. Sums up the sequel trilogy. Lots of setup, but no payoff.
majestictechie ( ) English24•2 years agoAny scene with older Anakin and Padme. All those love scenes were just cringe
Dandroid ( ) 7•2 years agoI like the fan theory that he unknowingly mind tricked her into falling in love with him, because that’s the only explanation for how she could fall in love with someone that makes me want to hide my face in shame out of cringe.
My own head cannon is that she never actually loved him but was convinced by Obi Wan to play the role to perhaps act as a stabilizing influence.
But soon she discovers that her erstwhile side piece is a psychotic man-child with the powers of a minor god. Now things have spiraled out of her control. There’s a legitimate fear that, it rejected, Anakin could become unhinged and lose control.
After a few years in a loveless marriage she found herself pregnant and, like in a lot of actual abusive marriages, latches onto that as a means of preserving a relationship that should have been allowed to mercifully die.
This is the only way I can reconcile the terrible performance from an otherwise exemplary actress. She was playing the part of a woman playing a part.
AAA ( ) 4•2 years agoI like the idea (I don’t want to call it a fan theory) that it resembles a typical “first love” relationship. Whose first relationship / young love was not cringe and full of awkward situations (for bystanders)?
𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍 ( ) 23•2 years agoNope, Leia space surfing was the worst
Catsrules ( ) 23•2 years agoThe hoverbike scene in Boba Fett. And basically anything to do with those teenagers gang members. Their bikes remind me of kitchen aid mixers meet the power rangers. The affects are so bad, the story is so bad the music is so bad. I don’t think I found one good quality in that scene. Except it made me laugh for how bad it was.
And there is another scene when they are on battle and one of them does a “cool” spin for absolutely no reason.
gwildors_gill_slits ( ) English6•2 years agoMy assumption was they were trying to shoehorn in the gang as a throwback to greaser hotrod culture (by way of mod scooter culture) since George Lucas was into that when he was a teenager, but it was so jarringly bad in an already bad series that it just came across as cringy and laughable. It didn’t help that those scenes were filmed incredibly clumsily and all the scooter gang characters were annoyingly tryhard.
zeekaran ( ) 5•2 years agoBoba Fett, every episode except the two that are obviously just The Mando eps, fit OP’s question. The show is so bad I bet fans stopped watching SW. It’s embarrassing. It’s complete and utter garbage.
BruceTwarzen ( ) 2•2 years agoI always found it funny because they have been flying since forever, it’s just that they didn’t see any of the other movies
Notnotmike ( ) 23•2 years agoThere’s a scene from the OT that kills me. When they’re on Endor in the evening and Leia and Han are being “romantic” and it is some of the most soap opera dialogue in the whole series.
Its arguably not terrible when you read it, but watching it I was rolling my eyes. People love to hate on the Padme+Anakin romance but the Han+Luke+Leia love triangle is equally as hard to watch, in my opinion. If we’re going to give one a hard time we can’t ignore the other. Lucas just isn’t the best at dialogue
Leia holds back her tears as Luke slowly lets her go and moves away. He disappears onto the walkway that leads out of the village. Leia, bathed in moonlight, watches him go as Han comes out of the Chief’s hut and comes over to her. Leia is crying, her body trembling. He realizes only now that she is crying.
HAN Hey, what’s goin’ on?
Leia attempts to stifle her sobs and wipes her eyes.
LEIA Nothing. I - just want to be alone for a little while.
HAN (angry) Nothing? Come on, tell me. What’s goin’ on?
She looks up at him, struggling to control herself.
LEIA I…I can’t tell you.
HAN (loses his temper) Did you tell Luke? Is that who you could tell?
HAN Ahhh…
He starts to walk away, exasperated, then stops and walks back to her.
HAN I’m sorry.
LEIA Hold me.
Han gathers her tightly in his protective embrace.
Huschke ( ) 3•2 years agoFunnily enough I thought it was worse when I read it. The actors at least made it somewhat believable. It was terrible though.
dan1101 ( ) 21•2 years agoMost Jar Jar scenes.
The casino planet.
The Holdo maneuver.
Kylo killing Han.
Space popsicle Leia.
Blake [he/him] ( ) English15•2 years agoSome of these are just awful takes man, I’m sorry.
Like Jar Jar, fair enough, he’s shitty CGI, he has bad writing, and is a pretty weak addition to the prequels. Same with the Leia scene, it looks awful and ruins what could have been an impactful death, with an almost cartoonish feel at odds with the seriousness of the rest of the film.
But the Holdo manoeuvre scene is one of the most visually striking moments in the entirety of Star Wars. It has awesome sound design, great acting, it’s just a really impressive moment with real impact.
The scene where Kylo kills Han is also really well done. The lighting is fantastic, it has some great acting, again, great sound design and a really impactful moment with a lot of suspense, and Chewie’s pained reaction is unforgettable.
The casino planet isn’t a single scene and is more of a story arc, but the introduction of the Canto Bight casino is a pretty typical Star Wars scene, almost formulaic at this point, but is executed well - if you take issue with that one and not the introduction of Takadana, I’d be curious as to why.
I think the worst scene on Canto Bight is where Finn and Rose meet DJ, the hacker. It’s very awkward and stilted, the writing is pretty poor IMO, both the dialogue and the characterisation. I think DJ is a cool character and his writing is fine, but the scene itself and Finn/Rose’s behaviour is really strange.
gwildors_gill_slits ( ) English5•2 years agoDisagree about the Holdo maneuver but I will say it really should’ve been Leia. It would’ve made so much more sense for her to go out that way.
dudinax ( ) 2•2 years agoLast three are all good.
Sibelius Ginsterberg ( ) 21•2 years agoShe uses her powers to find Luke at the end of Episode V. (The scene you described is weird nonetheless)
essell ( ) 19•2 years agoOut of nowhere? Luke tells her she can use the force in RotJ
To answer your question though, “I’ve been wondering. What are middichlorians?”
Sounds like a really bad film they made to show in schools for when teachers are uncomfortable with the subject
🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆 ( ) English18•2 years agoLeia using force powers isn’t really too unexpected considering she was as strongly connected to the force as Luke and Vader, but was never actually trained.
pythonoob ( ) 14•2 years agoTrue but that scene was still trash. She should have died.
Doxin ( ) 3•2 years agoEither that or have hinted at force powers earlier in the movie at least.
MNByChoice ( ) 17•2 years agoVader flirting with Padme. It was horrible to watch and requires parents to correct the lessons immediately. A generation of men learned to flirt with women that way.
Encode1307 ( ) English6•2 years agoA generation of George Lucas’s thought that was peak romantic dialog.
Lanthanae ( ) 9•2 years agoWhich is wild to me because it seems really obvious to me that it’s intentionally cringy dialogue.
Anakin Skywalker is a cringy edgy teenager for a lot of that. That’s like, a major part of his character.
Kalash ( ) 17•2 years agoWhen they gave Yoda a lightsaber for the first time. Most iconic character ruined.
florge ( ) 12•2 years agoDoes the whole of the Boba Fett series count?
ddh ( ) English13•2 years agoThe hover bike chase, dear lord.
BruceTwarzen ( ) 3•2 years agoI found it alright, qnd it looked cool when i started watching it. But as soon as that baby yoda hit the screen i knew that disney adults would freak the fuck out and he’s gonna ve everywhere now. I don’t think i finished the first season and from what i’ve seen from the rest if it, i don’t wanna go back.
dan1101 ( ) 2•2 years agoIt had a few moments but yeah.
Blizzard ( ) English12•2 years agoWhat are the worst scenes in all of star wars?
The Rise of the Skywalker and The Last Jedi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)